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scream From the recesses of" Maggie's " room. Hastening there, breathless with terror, she beheld this worthy lady making for her room-mate with the axe, while the victim crouched pitifully in an attitude of supplication in one corner of the room, assuring Maggie again and again that indeed she was not her rival. Maggie is the living irnngc of Princess Potocka+Ipoor ladyl}. She attained the high position of President of the V. W. C. T. U. and of the Y. W. C. A. Thus, being of a deeply religious disposition, she recen-tly created in her 1'00111 a shrine at which, strange to sa)', three deities clamor for recognition and adoration, i. e., the two whose pictures adorn the hallowed spot, and -(the genius). When visitors enter the rOOI11, they become strangely conscious of the devotional some- thing permeating the atmosphere, and seeing " Maggie >I prostrate and with uplifted hands before the shrine, they, humanlike, become prostrate, too, even if only to worship the little blind god. Marie is a bright girl and has been mentioned honorably at Commencement. She says that she is going to study art and music after she leaves school, but we doubt it. (What?) Oh, you know, "something's doing." EDWARD EUGENE T,\RR, 1. L. S.; Pres. Irving, '02, '03; Irving's Orator, '01, '02; Prcshman Elocution Medal: Class Historian; V. M. C. A. Historian, '03; Y. M. C. A. Delegate to Wash- ington, '00; Asst. Eel. Aloha, '03; Member Foot Ball Team, '99, '00, '01, '02; Member Track Team, '00, '01, '02, '03; Cap- tain, '03; Member Basket Ball Team, '01, '02, '03; Member Base Ball Team, '00; Vice- Pres. Ath. Asso., '02; Pres. Ath. Asso., '03; College \V. M. "All aboard!" cried the captain, and at this command "Bddie;" with umbrella in hand and cane and satchel over his shoulder, arose as a mist from the "marshes" of Somerset, his native county, and boarded the boat for the Western Maryland College. Eddie is the class historian, and since it does not seem appropriate for the historian to write his own history, it becomes my pleasant duty to pen only a short history of this 1903 representative. Since his union with the class in its Freshman year, he has 50 -
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