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everything in German class-including Nettie's hair. Soon after Alma came it was plain to see that" still waters run deep;" for, though apparently quiet, Alma has the very spirit of deviltry in her, and is up to her neck in all mischief that happens. One of the only two Catholics at Western Maryland. she swears that the rest of us are heathen, and don't even attempt to proselyte us, so far are we in Satan's grasp. Alma could have gotten honorable mention at commencement a few timcs-by the skin of her teeth-but she preferred not to pay the dentist's bill, and so thinks of it now as a" might have been." Her intellect is at such a high state that she even works dumb animals, inanimate objects (horses, cribs, etc.) on Deutsch and Latin. One thing which far outshines all Alma's attainments since she has been at \V. M. C. must be mentioned, and that is, she acted with e0l111110nsense (?) when she was initiated into the]. G. C. Not inconsistent with that said in lighter vein, may it be added that Alma's conception of friendship is not mere theory, and she has always paddled her own canoe. NETTIE ALlCEV'lrrI'n[ORE, Westminster, Md. B. L. S.; Pres. B. 1.. S., 1903; Asst. Ed. Aloha, 1903; Local Rd. Monthly, 1902; B. L. S. Contestant, 1902. Nettie whitmore left the public school of Westminster to C0111e to Western Marvland. She entered the Sub-Presh class, which she led that year. It is said by the would-be savants of the school that she deserved a medal for leading the Freshman class, but that she never received it. Whether or not this is true, all acknowledge that she is perfectly capable or winning any medal for wisdom. In the Sophomore year, life became too strenuous for her, and the methods of winning a medal too stringent, so she "bumped against" honorable mention as her sale honor until she was presented with the medal for lead- ing the j unor Class. She has now grown to be a tall, lovely woman of the Gibson style. Though never relinquishing any of"her dignity, she is up to all kinds of fun and may be seen any day attempting to scalp Alma. Those town girls used to flirt outrageously, they say, with one of the Profs. in the Prep. school; and, verily, they have never quite gotten over the mania for storming citadels, tho' Nettie does it quite unconsciously. For she prefers, rather than to be the beautiful, fascinating goddess conducting the siege, an inexorable vestal virgin with a heart invulnerable and intact. At the present the genius of the 53 - -
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