Page 49 - YB1903
P. 49
"Pat," as he is called by the boys, a sturdy" son of the soil," came from that state which is said to be "off of the globe." After a short acquaintance, it was discovered that" Pat" was very strong, but unlike Sampson, his strength is in the farthest extremity from his hair. He has been the most active Y. M. C. A. man in the class, as is shown by the officeshe has held in the Association. He has the faculty of seeing fun in things as 110 one else possibly could, and especially when he acts like the "Jersey mosquito," and is always sticking a pin in you. The class, realizing that he had good business ability, elected him Business Manager of the Aloha. T-Ietakes great pride in (disjobeying the Faculty and ba.s received the greatest number of demerits. He has remained strikeless-because-becRllse-beeause it was rumored that he is married. 0 Pat" has been known to be very puerile at times, and, although a Senior, he was told that" if he did not behave himself he would be sent from the room.">." What Not." He has never paid any serious attention to his studies, and his room is the stable for all classical" ponies." His work in editing the Y. M. C. A. Hand Book was very commendable. Kennedyville, Md. GIWRGE MEODEI~S, W. L. S.; Pres. Webster, '02, '03; Member Glee Club, '99, '03. "j awge " hails from Kennedyville, a small town in Kent County, southeast of Tuylor and about one, half as large (? ?). "J awge" bas the distinction of being the oldest member of the class. He is aile of the special elocution students, and is an artist of no mean ability. I-Ieis a veritable" walking encyclopedia." He can tell you when any girl changes her dress or style of hair, and in fact whenever the boys want to know anything about the girls they consult him. He was on the Preliminary Contest; to decide the Inter- collegiate Orator in '02; "jawge" is very fond of baying his picture taken, and his best pose is in our Junior Class picture. "Jawge's" chief occupation during his fiveyears at college has been that or taking baths (?? 7). Never known to take but ONE bath during all this time. In his last attempt to get a strike, he proved successful when he undertook" Sheridan's Ride." He is the only modern language stu- dent among the boys; consequently he recites French with the girls, and is perfectly happy. - - 47 - -
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