Page 213 - YB1903
P. 213
Micky: (aside) Marian, for heaven's sake tell me ([lIoL/d). I don't believe I can do that, Professor. 1 don't understand it leery well. Prof. Hlatts: Miss Herr, will you try it? Eva: Well, Professor, r lost my hook last night, and have not been able to study it yet. Prof. lĀ·Vatts: 'MissHerr, T would almost be willing to excuse you if you would not put up such an old gag on me. Well (deep sigh), Miss Lindsay, did you lose your hook, too? Lil.: No, sir. Professor, why-cr-a- (Eva, tell me something to say, quick /) why-a- my mother was sick, and I had to get breakfast, and did not have time this morning. (Golly, that WEiS a nnrrow escape.) Prot nfatts: well, maybe when 1 get all around the class, I might find one person who knows some- thing about this lesson. After man)' trials in vnin, it at last falls to Miss Ayres' lot to go to the bonrcl. Fannie explains everything to the best of her ability and congratulates hcrsclton her good 11'01'/;:. Prof Watts: 'Veil, Miss Ayres, I see you don't know anything about it. suppose you take your scat. Well (sighs again), r really do not know what you young ladies expect to do when examinations come. Miss Ennis, was Miss Ayres' explanation satisfactory to you? Hattie: Well, I don't quite understand it, but I think if yon went to the board and explained the figure, I would. Prof. WllttS: Well, T suppose I will have to; I see there is no one else in the room who can. Rolly turns his back, his mouth goes like a bell-clapper. while the entire class (thanks to Hattie, OUI' old suuidby 017 bl1lffing the teachers) realizes that now is their chance for having a general goocl time. At the end of the room sits Mary, making spit. balls to her heart's content and to Eva's discomfiture, far they are all aimed at poor Eva's nose. Pet Kathleen, who fears lest Prof. Watts may not bestow Up011 her her complimentary nine (?), sits with a perpetual grin all her face. All one is able to see is a head thrown back, closed eyes, a row of white teeth, a picture of one thoroughly enjoying herself. Mabel and Hattie, the next two in order, do the Highland.fling to keep company with Jessie and Micky. who are watching their chance to get i11 their famous and well-known Cock.fight. The rest of the front bench arc satisfied in watching the manoeuvres of the fools who have the floor; and the back bench is kept ali ve by Nettie and Alma who are not satisfied with playing ., rough house" with themselves and their own - - 203 -
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