Page 218 - YB1903
P. 218
H Dream of the future. ;/' ;/' ITEEN months of unceasing labor on the Exchange had about used me up, and it was a case of go off for a trip or go to bed. I went for the trip. I had been out in West Virginia hunting for about a 'Neckand carne to Cumberland to take the midnight train for Baltimore. I boarded the train and went immediately to my berth, without looking around the car to sec if there were any of my acquaintances aboard, as I was very tired from the ride of that day and the tramp of the day before. I had just gotten comfortably fixed ill my narrow bed and was about to doze. when I overheard two of my fellow-passengers discussing a game of foot ball they had seen that cia}', One of them had apparently been an official, for he understood the game well and was discussing some of the merits of one of the teams, which was, to my surprise, a team from Western Maryland, rny olcl college. The spirit that would have brought me from my bed to ask the score only a short 'time before was deadened with fatigue, so without thinking marc upon the subject I turned over and was soon asleep. I was in the Biological Laboratory at Western Maryland Col- lege; myoid Professor met me at the door and, after exchanging the usual courtesies, he excused himself and left me to myself. I did not need any invitation to examine some of the specimens, as they were all new since I had been there, and the collection was indeed a very fine one, In the far corner of tbe room there were two skele- ton's wired up and suspended from the ceiling. In COUTseof time J commenced to examine them, r-ather hastily at first, as they were nothing but human skeletons and 1 had done considerable work along that line, so that they did not offer any special inducement to mycur-icsity. 1 had turned and was walking away when I noticed two large lumps 011either s-ideof the left humerus, just above the elbow; closer observation also showed the spine to be very peculiar, - - 208 - -
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