Page 208 - YB1903
P. 208
FACUL'I'v.-AmCll,amen, amen! Scott! Scott! Scott! PlmcEPT1~ESS.-I'!1lhaving trouble with the boys and girls communicating. The boys look at the girls as if they wen' breaking no rule. 1don't smile at the boys when they look at me. The boys even say gcod-uigbt to the girls when the bell rings to close parlor. What should I do in such a case ? Ml~S.HANDY.-Isay, Jet such small matters pass by. Doc.-Fie on the woman! Fie! Be not so rash or you'll lose your position. Give such students five demerits. Wx-r-rs.c-Hee, heel I think we should watch those Seniors about making personal remarks about the faculty in their ALOHA. DILR£ESE.-Wc must not mind such small things. WAT1:'s.-Idon't think so, because some of my friends might buy an Al~OHA. Doc.-Well, I'll settle this by imposing a fineoften cents to be taken out of the Senior caution money, (01" every unpleasant referenceto the faculty. we'll have to watch that class, because they got ahead of us the time they ducked Dr. Hussey and we couldn't make anyone own up, and if we sent one we had to send the whole class. 'We'll watch them. Dtt. BONNol"rB.-Iexpect to keep several of them out oftheir caps and gowns this third term. Doc.c--Whoare you that you have so much authority? BON:-.iOT'rE.-]esuis Monsieur Bonnette de France. (Great applause.) R!CH.-Mr. President. I move you that the faculty flunk at least fifty students this term, which will mean fifty dollars, at the regular rate of one dollar for every extra exam., and this will help pay for the faculty's banquet to the Seniors (???? ?). FACUL'l'Y.-Bravo! we'll flunk them all right. Doc.c-F have to take a pleasure trip next week, so a motion is in order to raise the price of books to pay for the trip. McDANl£L.-Gooc1idea-isn't it so? (Aside to Doc.) 'We'lldivvy up. . . 198 .
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