Page 215 - YB1903
P. 215
After they are all assigned examples, and seem to be getting along pretty well without him, Prof. Watts begins to explain the electric bells to some of the girls who seem to be very much interested. Prof wares. Tt don't work exactly right, but maybe I can get it to work in a few minutes. Arter several unsuccessful attempts to "gct it to work," he at last gives it up as a bad job. Prof Watts: This pu ts me in mind ofa joke that the ancients used to tell-" I've got the toothache, how's your mother-in, law?" (Lnughter.) Mebct (pinching Hettie ill the ribs): Say! you had better laugh at Rolly's jokes, if you know what's good for you. In the meantime Micky and Kathleen, having gotten tired of Rolly and his Physics, have hooked out the door-LVI iss Miller is just bidding her last adieu to the convulsed class, when May breaks in from the board: 'Fessel" Wtltts, Ah, 'Fessel" WaHs, 's my enmplc right '5 f..."1ras Fvc wem ? (LllUghter.) Prof Watts: Why, yes, Miss Geiman. yOLlr example is cor- rect, but your English isn't exactly right. Bell,10:20. Sighs of relief. "Thank the Lords," etc., [rom the class, as they I leave the room saying, "Prof. Watts, this certainly was a hard lesson, I don't think I ever will understand about that galvanometer." After class. Hettie: Good Lord! girls, I never saw such a bluff as we put up on that man. Don't you know, if I don't get a nine in that Physics, I will blow that man's brains out-Goad-bye, girls-we have History this period. - - 205 - -
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