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return. Two months before her wedding clay her lover will be summoned across the ocean, on an important mission, and he will never return. The ship with all all board will he lost. When the sad news reaches her she will bear it bravely, but will vow that she will never 10\-e again. Many suitors will eagerly seek her, but to all alike she will say: "No 1" She will be true to her first love. In 1911 you will find her livingin a largemansion, neal" her childhood's home, happy in trying to make others happy. Edna Anua Hay did well at college when she selected the Scientific course, for she learned in her chemical laboratory what things would tarnish steel and what would keep it bright. It will be of great good to her, for in 1904 she will marry a well-known dentist of Washington, and now she can fill in her spare moments polishing his tools. She is ver ... happy, as a look at her face would covincc you, when she sees him coming home from his office at eveuina. Flow much 1 laughed as I read this, for so often had we teased Edna about heviug to polish dental tools. In 1903 Sarah. La Rue Herr will study elocution at the Emerson Col- lege of Oratory. Boston. After her gradu~tion she will return to her Alma Mater, where she will take up the work she loves so well, and will teach in the halls where she once toiled. She will have great success, and will be loved by all her scholars and friends, just as she was in her school days. On the night of April 27,1907, ....ou will be seated in an opera house. The central figure of the evening wiill be a famous violinist. He comes upon the stage and you will start up in your seat=surely you know the face, the manner=everything is familiar. Your seek your programme. No, you arc not deceived, it is Prof. H. C. Hull, violinist. You have not time to recover fr0111 "OUl" astonishment when he begins to play. You sit spell-bound=such celestial music you have never heard. Sweet. triumphant strains, that lift you up to the skics; and, then, soft, low, sobbing melodies, that makes the tears start and the heart beat quickly. A sigh of regret escapes v ou as the music ceases. If he would only go on forever in the same sweet melody. How proud you will be to think that yOll CHn say, "he was my classmate." 63
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