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---, where the Professor's wife will be found at the close of the dav soothing her husband's weary head vvith the sweet melodies which he loves to hear. At a gymnastic exhibition, given by one of Lhc largest Y. :\1. C. A.'f:, in Baltimore, will be found Percival Lynch. By physical experience and training he has developed himself until he, among all the athletes, is the Cynosure of all ('yes. He excels in the most daring feats, and all is done with the case and grace which always characterized him. Afterleaving college Clam Morgan will study elocution for a year, but she will not he satisfied until she is upon the stage. In two years she will not be heard of to any great extent, but at the end of that time you might sec in the magazines a familiar face and name, Clara Morgan, starring as Rosalind with -, in" As VOt1 Like It." Take the first opportunity you have to see. the play and the superb act- ing of your friend will enchant you. You will easily recognize the same gracious charm, which always drew everyone to her, the same Iovetinesss of features and grace of carriage. With all her success she will always be the true woman she always was. How this brought to my mind the Shakespearian reci tal at \Y. :\1.. C., where Clara first starred as Rosalind, and I promised myself that I would be among the first to hear her when she carne before the world. After leaving college Helen Mullinix will study to be a trained nurse. In rbe hospital wards she will be loved by all her patients for her tenderness and care. When in deep pain the suffering ones will call for her, for the mere touch of her soft hand will bring rest to many a tossing sufferer, noel her low, sweet voice will still rnnnv an impatient child to rest. In the war of - she will be one of the first to leave her country to go to the aid of the wounded. Her Red Cross, the badge of honor and trust, can he seen gleaming through the gloom and darkness as a light, H5 she moves among the wounded and dying. Hundreds bless her for their restored healt h and strength, uud others, called into the shades beyond, bless her- with their dying words for the love and hope she gave them ill life. r rejoiced when I read of the life-saving work of pl), best friend. for I 66
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