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from her eye. She will soon become renowned as a professional hypnotist, and hundreds will flock to her to be cured through her magnetic power. In 1909 she will have to take a complete rest, as her nerves will not stand the great amount of strain to which they will be subjected. In six months she will be strong and well again, free to go about her life.saving work. "I was sure that Bess would be a doctor, for 1 knew she had a great knowledge of the various uses of enthvmo}, in fact, used it for all diseases. And 1 knew that she would become a hypnotist, for has she not made me t.he victim of her fierce looks for an hour at a time!" In the year 1910 come back to your Alma Mater. which will then be Luiversity of Western xfar down on the first floor to the cxtcn, aive laboratories Bud science rooms, and you may recognize in the Biology professor an old classmate, J. Sterling Ceat.ty. Time has changed him hut slightly; ask him how he has spent his time since the Class of 1902 graduated, and he will tell you that after leaving \V. :\1. C. he taught school for a year. Then he took a course in Biology and Botany at the Chicago University, and after a year of study and investiga. tion there appeared a small volume. entitled" The Progenitors or Vertebral Columns," with J. Sterling Oeatty on the title page. In 1909 he will come back to his old college, where amid strangely familiar and yet unfamiliar surroundings he is spending his life happily amid his bugs and dog-fishes, On tne evening of January 1. 1907. you will find your old classmate, "'ebb Griffith, in attendance at a magnificent New Year's ball in his club housein one of our large cities. Asof will lind him hover-ing around a ben- of fair damsels, admired by all and making each one believe that she is first in his afTeetic.ns. YOLl would never think that he would ever be gra ve or serious, but about three o'clock the next morning, if you follow him "to his bachelor home, you will find at the side of the door a sign- DH. FRANKLIN WEBl! GRIFFITH. No calls between S r-. 1'01. and 2 A. M. Yes, vour classmn te has become a doctor. and a popular one, but I am afraid he"is more popular as a ladies' man than as a physician. Ida C. Ha\l will pass n sad, yet sweet life. Two years niter graduation she will meet.her fate. She will 10\'(' deeply and well, and will be loved in 62
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