Page 67 - YB1902
P. 67
propbecy of tbe Class of 1902. " " " fIl NE dark alone stormy night, during the early we should all be doing and part of spring, I was in my r-oom thinking sitting of what year next be toiling we would be fa.r away when from the members of the honored Class not of 1902 should when other; each over mutual tasks, sharing alike 0\11" pains and pleasures, as we have always done. I was lost deep in thought building air castles about me and all of my friends in our beloved class, when 1 heard. in a low voice : "Prophetess, prophetess of 19021" I star-ted up and looked around me. At the side of my chair stood a thin, gray old man, dressed in gown and cowl. which iru- mcdiatclv gave me the assurance tha t he was a monk. 1 was rather startled and asked what was wanted. In a low, deep voice he said: "Arc you the prophetess of1902?" I said: -Ycs." "Then follow me!" he answered, Almost unable to resist, I followed him down a narrow staircase which I knew I had never seen in 111\' r00111 before, We walked through several passages in silence, for I was so astonished that r could not speak and the monk did not seem inclined to ('011\'Cr5e, Finally, after many turns, he stopped before a bee \'-,"door. The door opened nnd I seemed to be in the chancel of a cathedral, and the place bad a familial' look. I r-acked Illy brain, and suddenly the thought came to 1110.:or the description of the tomb of the wizard Michael Scott, Was I to behold that wonderful sight of which I had read? 59
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