Page 75 - YB1902
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knew how well she, with her sweet, sensitive nature, was suited to the .glorious work she had chosen. On the lonely sands of the Fiji Islands Brother Parsons will be fuunelin the centre of a wild circle of cannibals, Aconferenceis being held, not the kind that Bro. Parsons has been ac- customed to attending, however. Thev cannot decide whether he will be most delicious baked or broiled, and theweighty matter is being turned over in the mind of the chief. The faction who think that they would prefer him boiled have prepared the huge pot, full of water, with a scorching fire beneath it. The other faction have arranged the spit in preparation f01" his roasting, with a more scorching fire underneath (if that were possible), Bro. Parsons docs not seem at all worried and calmly preaching he awaits his doom. Suddenly, at a close look at him and at a word from their chief, their attitude cbeuges, and, with faces in the sand, they kneel before hi111. Such a touching scene cannot be carried farther. 1n1904 Howard Swain Robinson will study oratory. Being naturally a fine orator, it will not take long for him TO become fully developed in the art. With the promise of a bright future before him, he will start into politics. After years of toiling. with what seems to be the unsuccessful party, he will be suddenly thrown into prominence. In 1919 you will, per- haps, not recognize your old classmate, for he will be known as Hon. H. S. Robinson, Senator from ~Iaryland. He will become one of the wittiest men as well as one of the finest statesmen of the country, The first knowledge that _vouwill, perhaps, gct of the fame and prornis. ing future of an old friend will be in looking O\'e1"the newspaper. There will be a picture and a shor-t sketch of the life of H. W. Saulsburv the win- ning lawyer in the celebrated case of -. Wilson Saulsbury, immediately after graduating from \y, :\1. C., will study law. and being endowed by nature with a quick, ready mind and H way of getting around people that makes him irresistible, he will,
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