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classmate, will become quite interested in editorial work after leaving col- lege, and his interest will deepen until he decides to make it his life work. Many a spicy article you will be able to enjoy by the new editor of the American. After leaving college Grace Tracey will live vevy quietly in her home, In 1904 she will take a fancy to collecting butterflies and beetles, snakes and lizards. It is a queer Fancy.but quite a profitable one, In several years she win have made a valuable collection. Her little" Museum," as she calls it, will have constantly a visitor, and soon the famous biologists will find the way to ncr home to see the peculiar species which she has collected. There will be a case labeled "water snakes;" and, behold, there will be snakes of all varieties that ever lived in the water. Then ther-e will be a special case for butterflies and queer little beetles, and then a Family of lizards. In fact, her" Museum!' will be one of interest and instruction. She will enjoy her work, and wjll spend her time happily in the ail' and sunshine hunting the little insects ancl animals which give her so rnuch pleasure. During the Easter holidays of 1905 you will find the home of Iris Tull brilliantly lighted, and gay forms will be seen moving within, surrounded by music and Rowers. It is an Easter ball, given in honor of Ir-is. Dressed in pale green, 'with white roses in her cur-ling tresses and roses in her hands, she stands receiving her guests with a grace and charm all her own. Among her friends you will find many strange faces ancl several familiar ones. You will wonder, when you see her standing there in such superb beauty, that this was the little girl who used to beguile you in your weary hours with her merry laughter, as she gave her Ethics a toss and said she didn't care if she never learned it, It is a pleasant picture and one I love to think of, for it is symbolic of just what r know she will always be, admired and sought by all. Pocomoke society will suffer an entire renovation when Marie veasy enters it. After her graduation Marie will remain at home quietly Cora year, but in 1904 she will enter Pocomoke society in all hCI'glory and reign in a place she will be well able to fill. However. she will not remain the I'eigning belle of Pocomoke for many years, for soon she will be carried off to Philadelphia to keep her heart 68
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