Page 69 - YB1902
P. 69
After leaving college La wrcncc Cbaftinch will enter into business with his father, where he will wor-k faithfully and well. He will continue in the business for two vears. and will then become junior partner of his father s firm, In three V~:HS he will be considered one of the best business men of the section. 01~ June 18, 1905, ifyou should happen to be passing through Easton j-ou might ask why the church bells are ringing so joyfully, and yOll will be met with the reply: "Why, don't you know? Mr. Chaffinch, of the firm - -, is to be married at noon. A beautiful girl. they sHy. I be- lieve he met her at college." Yes, you will find it true, indeed. Lawrence will many his old sweetheart and live happy with the love of his life. When I read this I began to believe that this prophecy was really true, for had I not often thought of just such a prophecy for my class-marc. Edith De Berry will teach in a public school for two years after her- graduation. Up ill the mountains of Western Maryland in a little frame school house yOll will find her "teaching young ideas how to shoot," and standing the bad boys who will not learn to spell "cat" in the corner, But Edith will never be satisfied with such a narrow sphere of actions. and in 1905 you might find her in one of our large colleges or nnivcrsi ties for women taking a special course in Ln tin and Anglo-Saxon. After her graduation in these courses she will find it an easy matter to obtain a good position as Latin and English professor. If you should happen to be passing through the town of Laurel in Dela . ware in 1903, you might see a beautiful little vine covered cottage next door to an uudertakerts shop. It is summer time, and the roses are in full bloom. and the falling leaves are sca t cered all over the porch. The door opens and a familiar Ieee and fonn appears on the threshold. It is your old schoolrna te.Xl abcl Elliott, broom in hand appearing upon the sencc to clear- the porch of the rosy petals. She will be li\·ing happily with the choice of her hear-t, and will laughingly tell you at ally time of her bashful husband, who so timely asked her in proposing if she would not Jike to be surc of a good coffin when she died, After leaving college Bessie Gambrill will take a course in medicine. She will practice for several years, perfecting meanwhile the hypnotic power with which she is endowed, After a short period of careful study of hypnotism she will be able to dispense almost entirely with medicines. and her cures will be effected by a simple touch ofher hands and a steady glance 61
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