Page 68 - YB1902
P. 68
The roof was dark and hig'h. and pillars, carved grotesquely and grimly. rose before me. Around the altar gleamed pale, dying lamps, and through the stained-glass windows the moonlight shone, faint and ghostly . .\ solitary bat circled about me. \\'~ had been here only a few moments when the monk spoke: "You are the only mortnl of this century to whom will be revealed the mysteries of the :\Iagic Book of Michael Scott." Needless to sav. I felt honorcd and slightly puzzled that I should be so honored. I started' to speak. but a low, irnperuri ve "Silence!" kept me quiet. Then he pointed to a hca.vv stone, and with great exertion we sue- ceeded in lifting it from what I knew was the grave. As the atone was raised a bright light, which J well remembered, Streamed from the tomb. Eagerly bending forward. I saw the wizard, looking as if he had just been buried, and in his left hand was firmly held the Magic Book. The monk motioned to me, ami f slipped nearer and unclasped the book from his cold fingers. A I took it the wizard seemed to frown. but, like the war-ner of old, r Ilwy have been dazzled by the sepulchral light. Then the monk said: "Plcc!' and I turned and fled, for as I passed down the dim aisles I heard strange noises find then loud sobs and laughter and" voices unlike the voice of man." as if the fiends were on my track. The nmnk led me back to Illy rOO1l1, through all the hidden ways. and then said: "Guard well the mng-ic herein con tnined, but reveal that which is far more than you," Thus speaking he disappeared, and tired and ex- cited I sank into my chair ,U1c\ opened the wonderful hook with trembling hands. 1 cannot revcn l the great wonders which were therein COntained with the exception of this. At the top of a page was wr-itten LIS Iollo ws : vProphecv of the Class or 1902 of Western .\{arylfllld College. the onts Ol1e l.'~tlsidered worthy or notice ill the spirit world." ~ To my astonishment and .unuscmcnt lhe next line was: "Prophecy of )'Iary Kerr Blandford seven years after her graduation from \\'. 11. C." Was the alphabetical class order to follow our lives even to the Magic Book of ),1 ichacl Scott. It seemed so. "The year 1909 will find Meu-y Blandford teaching Indians on a West. ern reservation. In spite of her mother's anxiety, 'vtary is ill the far West. After leaving college her interest in government and politics will not abate, and she will not be happy until she is in a veritable land of freedom, where she could vote and uphold woman's rights to her heart's content. You can now fin-l her stumping the state in the interest of the Democratic party." 60
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