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_,~ •• Jt'l'~.~I_iII~~:I:I:iI~~;f.1o~1;1~I[.]~IIJ.101IJ • Kristin Behrle KIM WILLIAMS "I'm going co miss everyrhtng abour McDaniel. [will miss Editor-in-chief seeing my friends everyday [he rnosr, as well as having the oprton to be a pan of so many dlfferenr clubs and groups, and just the choice of events tOO (like lectures, fashion Major/minor and why you chose it: show., Holi, Tye-Dye, comedians, erc.)." "I'm a Dual Art and Communication Major with a Film Studies Minor. I have always loved an, and became in- If you had the money, what's one thing you would terested in communication when I discovered [he broad do for/change about McDaniel~: range of roplce and options covered by the department, "If I had the money, I would really like to use it to partjcuJa~ly film. Luckily I was able to pursue all of rhese a 24 hour coffee shop. Or add colfee in buildings around campus, especially the Lewis, Peterson, the Theatre, and Hill. ] run life lessons you feel McDaniel has taught YOll: ~McDanieJ has raughr me so much, and it has especially enabled me ro develop inrercsrs and passions rharl already had. Film was something I was interested Inbur never re- aJJy got to experience unril ! gOt here. Also, the amount Advice for remaining/en~ering students: of clubs and the Rcxibi!iry to starr a new one has enabled "My advice fcr srudenrs is to go to as me to do many different rhlngs, including outdoors club, can here. Be involved. There's so many . international club, art club, and a bunch more! There differentrypesofact;vi(ies ...andif there nren'r are things! have participared in mar i never thought i like, start your own. That's the great thing about .o.""j"t'lfM!~ would ... 1 went (0 a lecture in Baltimore and heard the Is- small campus. The more you do, rhe more you "II love i raeli ambassador speak about the Israeli-Palestinean CO!l- here." Hicr, I studied abroad in Budapest, Hungary, and one of my friends convinced me to go skydiving!~ One of your favorite quotes: What you'll miss about McDaniel: :a~g::~(:~:~~~"p(~;~; ;;~fr~~:~~:~e~)d ideas ""1""' ......... """........ _.;; K~W~A~Voyage Bryan ya~~!"'l9'!;~!:'MCD""'db',,d Editor.jn-(;hief What you'U miss about McDaniel! scholarships." couch." "I'll miss the people me most. I've met so many wonderful people who have really changed my life Weird rituals you do! ~I~:;:rt!::: a summer camp for ~hildren with Major/minor and why you chose it: for the bener, ~ "Before most big tests, exams, or projects, 1AL- diaheres and hearing impairmems WIth one of my "Biology Major, Secondary Educadon Minor, So- WAYS pull all nighters. Even if I study or work best friends! Then I'm coming back to McDaniel ciology Minor; I've always loved Science and ! lO do my srudenr teaching and get my MD stare Hyou had the money, what's one thing you fora week beforehand,! feel like r crank out (he love working with kids. r feel like education is a would do for/change about McDaniel?: best work or retain more information immedi- reaching certificaccn." great opporruniry to be creative and work with "I would give more resources to professors and ac- ately before its due." people. while Sociology became a passion while Advice for remaining/entering students: ademic deparrmenrs to allow them to reach more J was taking classes at McDaniel. It's a discipline classes. Our faculty has the ability to starr some One of YOW' favorite quotes!.... " "Get involved! Join a dub, go oUl of your c.o~- that connects ro scciery, social interactions and amazing programs and olrer exciting opportuni- "The opposite of love is not hate, tt s indifference fort zone (0 mee,t new people, arte:;;e a::;:,~~ can beapp!iootoeverylhing." ties for students, if only they had the finances. -Elie Wiesel that you wouldn (normally go to. . you do on campu~, rhe more fulfilling your nme ;:.r:. 1essons you feel McDaniel has taught I would also inv.cs.tinto me international pro- Place on cam us that's special to you; wiJIbehere. grnlll5 office to substdlze the cost of study abroad "Academic: affui~. The ladies in [here "lways pro- u~.kDaniel has Cllught me the value of good for srudenfS. 1 was lucky enough to n"v~ d f hing conversations (and a great place fr!encb;and wonderful ooutators." clunce to study abroad in a place other than u- v:~~:esmecimes). They also have a really comfy ;; dapest, but Ifeel Ilke students should have more . Kim Moran KIMWlltiAMS Edilor-in
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