Page 81 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 81
gB~A: Dr. Thomas Falkner on McDaniel Eurone McDaniel Europe recognizes the role: that er awareness of the College's Budapest campus the Hoover iibrary and [0 benet cnaS-the use SloffReporler Hungary has played in the creation of New Eu- throughout higher education. We also expect of the Blackboard LMS." rupe-e-in the break-up of the Eastern Block in that this will support recruitment efforts for the the 1990~ and in the liberaliution and democ- Budapest campus, both internationally and in Besides the email addresses, have any other what is the reasoning behind the decision ratizatlnn of Central and Eastern Europe. Buda- the U.S .. in particular in recruiting for study changes been made 50 far? to eebrand McDaniel Budapest as McDan- pest provides a unique vantage from which to ap- abroad students." "We are considering the posstblllry of new pro- Iel Europe? preciare the ongoing European narrative. Hun- grems uc the Budapest campus, especially in in- "In order to take fulleradvanrageoflheextraor- gary continues to playa leadership role in the How will thi5 change be implemented? remarionaland global studies. dinary resource that the Budapest campus rep- emergence of the European Union: in 2010, rhe ~We expect that the change will become 'official' Feedback from students is always welcome re.>ents,and to help ihar resource become bener city of Pees was one of rhe European Capitals of at the beginningofrhe next academic year with and encouraged. Do keep in mind that the known and more competitive in rhe global envi- Culture, and on January I, 201 I, Hungary be- President Casey's address at rhe opening convo- change in branding does not have any effee! on ronment, we are reconceptualizing our Budapest came the seat of the EU Presidency. cation at the Budapesr campus." (he name of the institution that srudenrs arc at- presence as me broader erniry McDaniel Europe. McDaniel Europe provides a more effective tending: they are and will continue to be StU- The new name describes a new approach and an conceptual and organizational framework by Why and when was the decision made to dents ar McDaniel Colleg'" on the branch cam- enlarged mission. which the insrirurional potential of the campus give McDaniel Gmail accounts to the Bu- pus in Budapest. 'McDaniel Europe' will de- McDaniel Europe serves as a reminder of the can be expressed and realized. We envision the dapeststudents? scribe rbe larger enriry of which the branch cam- geographicallo,?don of the campus and of cen- campus as offering multiple sets of opponunlrtes "All Budapest students were given gmail ac- pus is a part bur which also includes McDan- rraiiry of Hungary to Europe as a whole: being and resources." counts at the beginning of spring semester. Al- iel as a national study abroad site and as a re- in 'the center of central Europe,' it is qulnressen- though these McDaniel gmail aCCOUntSwill assist search center for faculty scholars from the US dally European in irs character and culture and What effects do you anticipate will result the College in communicating with rhese stu- and abroad," is an ideal location from which to study and ac- from this change? dencs. the primary reason was to enable them ro "'w, h h h - 'lIb' -' h I IIh li hold! . . LIGHTER SIDE OF THE CAMPUS SAFETY BLOTTER McDaniel Students "burn" through the month of April CUlLEN MURRAY·KEMP burning trees over in Blanche Hall. .. literally. Hall and the fire cl(tinguishing outside Blanche, SlaFfReporter Campus crime report labeled the violation the officers would have been saved much paper Whilesifting through the "crime" log rhis week "Arson." Webster described that "a large tree work-but [hen again if rhar were rrue J'd have in the Director of Campus Safeey, Mike Wcb- was set on fire just outside of Blanch Hail." nothing to write about, so kudos to your mls- ster's, office, I couldn'the.lp but think of the Iguess there was some minor miscommuni- chiefstudencs. song Champagne Supernova by Oasis and the cation as to what type ofrrees were to be burnt Yet, thefe is a ray of hope forstudems who following lyriCS: ~Where were you when we in the month of April here at McDaniel. are against pOt here at McDaniel. Reportedly, were getting high?" The malicious mischief over ar Blanche one student found a bag of weed and turned McDaniel students answered-Rou?.er didn't SlOp there. In an al'tempt ro douse the it in {O Campus Safecy. I guess we all know Hall. burning tree, one McDaniel student was cited where (hat student was when "we were getting Innct, RouzerhollSoo a record scuingfive for Public Urinarion,bU! [hen again how else high"-srudying. separate drug violations including poss~sion, was he to put out the fire? (Editor'f Nott: 'This "o",m" by Cullm MI'rmy- paraphernalia, and distribution in me mOOlh The theme of fire then turned back to Rou- K~lIIp is dtdicaled to some of th! most inmJt callI of April. Possible reasoning-the National Poc zer once again. On threeseparnte.occasions, in /0 which GmlpM 5aftry officm respond - or shrmid Smoking Holiday on 4120 what Webster called a "continuing problem", r~pond, fncidmtJ acru/Jlly occumd, but rhe nam~ The tree on Fireoutside of While McDaniel freshman were burning fire extinguishers were.discharged in the dorm. o!theculpritsare nor inc!utkd to prf1tefl the not-so- 81anche Holl. trees over in Rouzer, m", upper dassman where If only the urination had occurred in Rouzer innocent). President Casey Delivers Inauguration S ~~~~:;;~;AMBERT ~,t~:7:~~:lf;~~h~~:~Z:ii:~:~nhca.:'~:;ep:~;~~~ 1'~e~OP'" rib,,~ ar[6 ar
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