Page 60 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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MATT BODNAR NICK BRUNNER Co-Sports Editors With rhe football season officially over, sports fans arc s<:rambling for something to get (hem through a cold, snowy win- rer, This also leave.~ the OUl Pick Nick Ienrure scrarubltug for ropics. So instead of the same old pick a winner and see who gets it right routine you as readers have become accustomed to, we decided send me prim version of lhe Free Press offin sryle by putting you inthe driver seat. As you mayor may not have heard, the Free Press will be going exclusively online nexr Issue. In preparation, Matt and I thought what better way to get people excited abour this historic transformation than to starr up a debate and have you, our faithful followers, continue it on the new and improved Free Press website. Wirh NBA AJI-Star weekend quick- ly approaching, it gal us to rhinking: What is rhe best AJI-Srar ceiebrarion in sports? And we are nor JUSt talking about the actual game itself. While it is a major component, we. are looking for the {Oral package. From the events building up {Othe hig game, the venue, the stars thai show, and the intensity of rhc game, what is me ultimate cxperi- cncefor the avid sporr.s fan? lookin for a job or internship? GREGORY NOLEN that have contributed a great deal such as Devon Chock out thr-s« upcomIng c ar cer tairs: Stoff Reporter Lesniak, Evan Pupelis and Cullen Murray-Kemp. Right now, we've been playing with a great deal of effort on the defensive end, have been play- It's winter time on the Hill again, and while ing as a team on (he offensive end and have a be- there's snow on the ground and freezing temper- lief that we can beat anyone." Head Coach Kevin Wednesday 27th Annua' eve Job Ir arures outside, there's excitement and a packed Curley said. house inside the Gill Center as fans watch the The new talent is starting to shine. Lesniak 2/9/11 Internship fair McDaniel men's basketball team in action as rhe leads che team in scoring. averaging 15.2 points season presses on. per game. Pu~lis leads the team in rebounds, Fr~ in Frederick, MO After last year's dismal 8-11 season, the team and Murray-Kemp is contributing in a reserve 2/lI/H was pick~d to finish eighm Out of th~ ten teams role. Lesniak says that me team has picked up on in the Centennial Conference preseason coaches' Coach Curley's defensive mtndaer. Ilpru~ poll. PrOVingthe "experts" wrong, the Green Tet- "Coach preaches defense, so as a team, we d~rcsntMr. tOr hav~ vastly exceed~d expectations thus far:md all JUStdo what we need to do to help each oth~r find themselves at 11-9, including 8-5 in con- and play ream d~fense." . ference play. They are currently ded for second The ream has done JUStthat so far this year. Friday MCC Career Fall' place wirh Gettysburg, and two games behind The Green Terror currently lead me Centennial conference: leader Franklin and Marshall. It's an Conference in scoring defense, giving up an aver- 2/18/11 lit Loyola University MD astonishing turnaround for a ream that tied for age of 58.6 points per game. The ream is second last place in the conference a year ago with only in the conference in defensive field goal percent- jusc need rc rake teone _..._ four wins in conference play. age, with opponents only making 40% of their One of rhe reasons for rhe spectacular rum- attempts, and defensive three point field goal around has been the combination of new incom- percentage, with opponems only making 30% ing rajenr wirh rerurningralenr from lastyc:ar's of their attempts. team. "I think rhar we have some players with WhilealJ this is very impressive, Coach Cur- another y~ar of experienc" and it's also hdp"d ley is reminding fans not to get caught up in all ,hat I..ou;sSarris_Grau has b"en back after losing th" success just yet. "It do~n't rn"an much right him halfway through the Y"'" taot ..,ason with now as w"stitl have 6 garn"s ro go and "san "'1'- W~.&i'jjI!EI '41~U05 __ an ACL injury. We've also added some new faces uemely competitive Centennial Conference. We garne at a time and be (.f"«f!mcdil~lott .td ... ready "very night cur." Curley said. Lesniak says that to maintain their suc- cess, the key is to "Keep playing harder than everyone else we Got Opinions? We want them! play and keep playing as a team offenslvely and defensively," If the team does Come to the Free Press staff meetings, Mondays that, the 2010-2011 season could be a very at 7:30 in the Writing Center. special one for rhe ream and me college. Fans ris.e to their feet as the home team scates another basket.
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