Page 59 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 59
~~~~;;;;=""""""''''''''-~__''''''''J Brock Glotfelty holds career record: 116-21 SARA ERLICHMAN an their favorite wrestler, Clotfelry walked on Staff Reporter the mar wrestled his seven minutes, and came offwirha rrophy. Glorfclry looked upon this moment with "jusr win," was all that was on Senter Brock honor. Glorfdry's mind before his march against Since his freshman year, he has walked John Hopkins where he set the school record into the wrestling room where there is a wall for mosr marches won. wid! the names of McDaniel Conference After the match, previous record holder Champions listed. To have more wins chan Charlie Conaway's parents handed Glorfelry some of the names listed is an honor in the hiswdl-earnedtrophy. eyes of Clotfelry . Well before attending McDaniel College, . With 13 matches left in the season, three Glctfelry gOt his starr in wrestling from his fa- ro win at the Conference meet, four to win ther, Randy, who influenced him at a young at Nationals, Glotfelty plans on setting the age to wrestle. Glorfelry remembers watching bar high for the next McDaniel wrestler who many high school matches when he was in plans ro break: rhe winning record. second gradc; he also attended manywresding To Glorfelry, this match was nor about camps with his father. bearing records though: it was about tak- Having excellent youth coaches while ing another step to accomplish his sea- having fun on the mat, Glotfelty cominued son goal, {O win lsr place ar the Nationals to wrestle for Northern Garrett High School. Championships. With a record of 118 wins and 1710ses,asa In a McDaniel green singlet, Clorfelry sophomore and junior he placed 2nd in Scates placed 8th as a sophomore at the Collegiate and won the lst place tide his senior year. National Championships and fell short last McDaniel wrestling coaches saw Glorf- year, his junior year. Nor reaching his goal dry and knew they had to have him on the last year of winning Nationals has made Glor- roster. felry even more indomitable and driven to There were only nine srudenrs on the ros- win this year. ter Glorfclrys freshman year, now as a senior Curremly ranked qrh in the country, there are 32Sl"Udents. Glotfelty senses that the extra workouts and "They [the coaches] are doing an escellem practices are what will separate him and every job expanding the program, I couldn't ask for heavyweight competing at Nationals at the a berrcr experience," Glcrfelry scid. University of Wisconsin -La Crosse. When the big march against John Hop. As his final season of wrestling comes rc kins came, Clorfelry handled the pressure ef- an end, Glotfelty keeps his goals in priority fortlessly regarding the march JUStlike every accomplishing them wirh extra effort and his other march he wrestled. signature move, the cork-screw. Even with the undeniable excitement in Brock PUtit very bluntly, "l'm either going ... rhe air with his teammates, family, and friends to be remembered as the guy rhae placed once from home watching rhe match and cheering or as the guy that won the Championship." arock Glotfelty accepts his award and smiles for a picture after setting his career record. ltitness Party! KELSEYFRANKLIN Sl'lffReporter Yating teacher." The class is offered every Monday from 4:45-5- :45pm, and Wednesdays at 4:45-5:45pm and G-7pm. The COStof the class is $35 for 10 classes or if you just There is a new favorite party spot on the campus of Me- want to drop by fora class, $5 a session. lf you are inter- Daniel this semester: Old Gill Gymnasium and dance ested you can ccnracr Tracey Johnson- Office Manager studio. lt is me site of the new fitness craze Zumba. of Intercollegiate Athletics. Her office is in room :20 on The fitness class is rocketing in popularity allover me ground floor of Gill and her phone number IS 410- me country. For the many students who are unsure what 857-2580. Zumba is, instructor Emily Kirchner (,04 graduate of McDaniel) explains, "The program uses world rhythms clem~~i::~:~e~:ri;~~~!~;~stan~:~:~,?:~~ ~nd dance movements to create a fonn of exercise that cording to Kirchner and you're invited! IS fun, exciting, beneficial, and really doesn't feel like ex- erctse ar alh" . . Don't get scared away before you try ir. Kirchner msrsrs that the class is easy to catch onto and is for any- one at any fitness level. 111e class is great for those who are looking to spice up their ficness program. This is not treadmill and stationary bike type exercise. Kirchner said that the class "is for those who hope to gain the benefits of cardio and roning in the same workout." ------~ Marilyn Topper, a junior at McDaniel, has taken me Zumba classes and not only loves the class but has high praise for the instrucror also. Marilyn says that the class is "a high energy work-out, which feels more like Emily Kirchner, Cl'lss of 2004, instructs Zumbo d'lSS, keeping her body a dance class than an actual work-out." She also com- ~~~~~~:~~u~~h ~~~lhi~~~::~~;~~;~nls:~:ec~s~~~k~:t~O ~~~vk.fnnc~;~~~~~n~nm~lt~~I;~~~$ T:td~~~~ itn~~~~~$t:~p~I:Pd~n';eo ;~~~~u~. mends Kirchner for being. ~a ve.ry energetic and moti- Fitness & Health: Is there a best time to exercise? .llZMIR1ZIO St'lffReporter Pros Con C For the mojority of people, body temperarure 'lnd hormone levels peok 'll6 p.m. Eltercising 3 o Disln::tctions'lnd 'lther commitments may keep With rhe summer season'soon approaching, warm weather hours before or after the peok will provide the best you from wolking and exercising at the oppointed lovers arc planning to look their very best this s~mmer. In workout for both endurance ond building muscle times order to do so, many are asking when the best .clme of the The pros in this liS[most definitely weigh OUtthe single can: o Research shows lung function is best 'It.4 p.m. day to exercise is in order to burn the mOSt calones and thus 105 p.m. time. However, as long as rime for exercise is made and a sched- get MEGA results. ule is stuck to, mat killer bod for the summer will appear in no Research on lung function. body rhythms, te~lpera(ure, o Muscles ore warm 'lnd flexible. rime! Mosr importantly, remember that simply working out at a , and hormone levels agrec on one thing - to exerCIse lfound CPerceived eltertion (how ~ard you feel yourself time thac firs yourwcckly schedule will you help reach your sexy Gp.m. • . to be working ot exercise) is lowest. This means body goal Why is six rhe magic number? Take a look at thiS prol Y'lUm'lY be 'lble to work. oul h'lrder or f'lster by Ger that planner our, designate a daily exercise time, and get con chan [0 dear up any questions: doing so in the ofternoon. to the gym around 6pm ro Stan working on yOUtsummer bod! The afternoon (3 p.m. to 7 p.m.) is the best time 10 ex- ercise for both endurance and for building muscle. CAFterno'ln workouts con help regulate your Information summarized from Womens Health dinner 'lppetite ond provide sire» relief ofter 'l Magazine. d'lY 01 work. school, or home.
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