Page 45 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 45
;a~~:I:W~~~~1."".J~'~CI~.'!.~~~:ii"II.IlII1Di",ali~~.__ ~._ Gorillaz exceed expectations in Fairfax R CHARLES MULLIN part of the band. Staff Reporter Gorillaz continued [he concert with crowd pleasers like "Tomorrow Comes Today" and ~19-2000," as well as Plastic Beach favorites "We're finally here! I'm sorry it took ten years "Broken" and "On Melancholy Hili." The an- though." Damon Albarn, lead singer of the irnatiort above the Stage did prov·ide some of Gorillaz, said after performing "Super Pasr jel- the highlighu, though, as music videos, as- lyfish." It was well worth the wait though. as sorted drawings. live action renditions, and Gorillaz pounded through most of [heir dis- short films would pop up perfectly in tune cography ranging from their first hit "Clint with the music. E.astwood" to the recent single "Srylo." Jamie Hewlett should be given credit for GorilJaz was first formed in 1998 by co- this part of the performance as many of the creators Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn, and animations not only looked great, but also started as a simple musical collaboration be- helped (he concert. flow from song to song. tween animation and music. Albarn decided Some of the standouts in the ani marion were to focus on making music with "substance" by the drawings done with the song "Rhinestone combining genres and varying musical artists. Eyes" and the zombie shorr fllm played with Corillaz started their concert in Fairfax, "Last Living Souls." Virginia with the bombastic track "Welcome One of the standouts to me was that the to (he World of the Plastic Beach," which fea- concert played to Gorillaz' strengths as art- varices i " i .Eastwood," "Dirty Harry,n l~red Snoop Oogg on the screen overhead, rap- isrs in that (hey aren't a singular entity, but Albarn drew attention to the Lebanese and rhe Bobby Womack-fueled "Cloud of Un- pIng along with the band below. This not only rather the embodiment of many musical an- National Orchestra for Oriental Arabic Music ~nowingM until ending with a beautiful and gOt (he audience pumped up for the rest of the tsrs. The guest artists were rapper Mos Def by saying, "Would the crowd give a hand for stirring performance of "Don't Get Lost in show, but also A1barn himself, who was dancing vocalist Little Dragon, vocalist Bobby Wom- the Arab-Americans rhai have joined us to- Heaven/Demon Days." across the stage throughout the song. ack, rapper De La Soul, and rapper Kano, just night:" This feeling cfinrernarional collabo- As the lights dimmed down and Albarn Albarn, along with the other gueSt artists to name a few. ration seemed to be rhe theme of the night. said his "chank yous," rhe concerr ended rc rhe and the band, kept this infecrious energy for After a short intermission with a clip from The crowd around me was electric as mountainous sound of applause. t~e rest of rhe show as the crowd danced along rhe animated band members Murdoc and 20, Go'rillazdime closer co the finale, until it fi- On [he drive back to McDaniel, I thought ;1:~them. Two members of the influential the Gorillaz began again with the bulk of the nally let loose as (he chords to the musical less about. the >greatconcert I wlrnessed and rttlsh punk band The Clash, MickJones and concert's songs like ~Glitter Freeze," "Dare," sensation "Feel Good, Inc." began. From [hen rnore abour rhe lack of bands wirh "substance" raul Simon, also brought a sound as and "Empire Ants." before the performance of on, Albarn and crew would play all of the fa- like Gorillaz in the music world today. r-.......~.;:......~~~""I Snooze Button Campus organizations feel slighted, by Danny Hughes seek fairness in SGA allocations Today they will look for me but I will not be [here. MASHA MAKHLYAGINA sound systems and such, although mcsr of 21. Many of us gave props to SGA for even these can be attained free through McDaniel attempting to revamp the allocations process Stoff Reporter I will melt into my bed Radio), and speakers/performers. and stressing tranSparency in their decision- becoming one with the pillow, However, SGA did not [feat all groups making. However, we were also very frusrrat- fairly. In face, several groups, like Inrerna- ed by the lack of funds our organizations re- one with the sheets. cess was long, tional Club, Women's Issues GtOUP, and ceived. Per example, Black Student Union and frustrating. Allies,!.did not hear back from SGA. by the :W-'lS denied thousands of dollars in funds. de~dljne bywhleh etap a working wu we calTl", up wi,h we W
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