Page 43 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 43
T ____ .i~~l~::I~~l::(."Ia'tllil:r~'lIJ~::(.....H1I~~;mtll~(j]. _ McDaniel alumnae survives terrifying fall CULLEN MURRAY-KEMP wbo conrinued by describing Kellfs personality as a SlaffReporter "truly special one rhar you very rarely encounter in life... a person rhar can change and lift up the mood anywhere she gees," Compliments about Kelli were endless. It was Kelli Hawthorne, a 2008 graduate from McDaniel . evident rhar she has a unique ability to connecr and College and an active member in me SASS (Stu- reiatcrostudentsrhroughtheSASSProgrnm,and dem Academic Suppon Services) Program, has a that peers and faculty alike love her personality. Her sparkling smile that brings life anywhere she is pres- recovery has been an inspiration romany,andal- !'Ilt and is a miraculous survivor of almost certain though she is not yer allowed back to school due to death, brain injuries, Ms. Waddell is confident she will re- Last September, Kelii wasenjoying herself at me turn soon, sayingtbat "Kclliwill never give up; she lively wedding of her brother Justin and soon to be will find a padr ro succeed." sister in lawJenna,in Pon:land,Oregon when the Kelli'sroad to recovery has been amazingly sue- evening rurned ro a nighonare. cessful,butshe is still bauling some looming brain KclIi and her new-found friend Evan Alexan- ini_uricsthar slow her mental healing der had been running joyfully from [he reception Prlor ro anici tOlVard the beach with Kelli in me lead, when sud- denly rhere-was no sound. In Evan's words, "It was as if the Darkness swal- lowed her." HcrsurgericshavebeenhugelysucccssfUl.and Kelli had fallen off the 2S foor cliffs that over- aside from a few dcncal surgeries rhar remain, Kelliis ~ookcd~ebeautifulPordandbeach.Shehadlanded onwell on her way to a full physical recovery. Ahhough she still sufkrs from rntigue and &~~nfig~~~~t~~:~~:~~:.ed rocks and was memoryloss,shedeclared,"'Thebrnininjuryparr It took paramedics, police, and firemen twO and just takes time... bur Iknow that I am so much bet- a halfhours to free the unstable Kelli from the boul- cer than Iwas a year ago!~ de". She was then Hewn to the Trauma, Center at As Kellt presses on to complete recovery, her legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland where she re- medical bills have skyrocketed to over $150,000 1nained in ICU for two weeks. Her injuries were Among rhe rnany lives Kelli has touched at withmo~surgeriesandtherapyneededinthefU- A primary source offinandal help and the cur- ~lensjve: over two thousand stitches, broken ribs, McDaniel is Carole Waddell. Ms. Waddell is a Me- rure. In arternpt to raise money, friends and fum- rent place [0 donare to Kelll is her website, http:// Daniel employee in the academic advisernecr de- ily have organized events such as a 5Krun this past in which donadons can be :~:~~e~~~~::~::tn~~::~i~7e: wrists, panmenr, and helps run the SASS Program here on spring at McDaniel organized by graduate student made mrough Paypal. I. Doaors and surgeons used acopyofher driver's campus. - and &iend, Gram Disharoon. In addition to mis, Kelli isever appredarivc of any and all help say- 1censeas a manual 10 guide their procedures in at- "I've known Kelli for fiveyears, and it'slike she's Kdli most recently had a "BirthdayfFundraiser ing, ~Ihave been so lucky (0 have $0 many people tempt to ~[e Kelli Hawthorne. one of my own; my work daughter,~ said Waddell, J',ny," help me raise money.~ Greek community may expand to include members of the Divine Nine BRITTANY ROBINSON Delta Sigma Thera Sorority, Inc. "I think "The divine nine would aCt as a home Unfortunately, ar rhis dme Delta Sigma SlaFfRepotter that bringing a historically black fraternity or aWay from home for a lot of people, and it Theta Sorority, Inc. is not looking to expand sorority to McDaniel College could impact would help creare a sense of brotherhood but Alpha Phi Alpha Fratcrniry, Inc. seems to our recruitment and retention of swdems of and sisterhood between its members. They all be interesred in expanding to McDaniel Col- ~\:~a~ppa Alpha Sorority, inc. Alpha Phi color. Certainly sorority or fraterniry life is, are national organizations, some have been lege. McDaniel will not be given its own chap- rori a Iraternity, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta So- for some smdenrs, one variable as they decide around for over a century, so it's been prov- ter immediately because the graduate chapters Phi% nco Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. lora where to auend. Bringing a member organi- en that mey work to help R_copie feel more want [0 !Oeehow well the frarernizy deveIop5 F t eta Fraterni~y. l"e. Kappa Alph" P.i zation of .he DiVine Nine ro =mpw; could comfon:"bl<" as well as help n'oJd ..tro"ser and on ~his e"mpus. aternity, Inc. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorori- also he interpreted as a visible sign of sup- smarre' men and women. It would also anr:acr A, first, McD3nieJ's porential chapter 6' Inc. P~i Beta Sigm.a Fraternity, Inc. and port for diversiry and diw:rse experiences,n more diverse students, which is what McDan- would have to be affiliated with orher near- mega PSI Phi Fraternity, Inc. said Ursin. iel plans to move closer [0 in Ihe next few by col!eges with a chapter such as Stevenson h Any of those sound familiar? For those One of the groups on campus that I years,~ added Crest. Universiry and UMBC. Thcn after a few years the DirectorofDru- Workman, Christine t ar do not know who the Divine Nine are, thoughr must be excited about this is the dent Engagements, said that gening some of when the grad chapters see how well member- ~e~ afe historically black and a parr of th.e Black Student Union (BSU). President, Trev- ship is maintained, McDaniel College will be atlonal Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. There IS orCreSr, said "Last year as the vice president the divine nine. on campus has been a long given itsowll chapter. a.good possibility that soon some of the Di- of the BSU, I along with many others tricd to process bur is one rhat is necessary beC:luse It is a long process, bur ir has 10stan somc- VIne Nine will be a part of Greek life on cam- get all rhe divine nine represenradvcs here to shc believes that if is very important rhat wc where. Workman is also looking into gerdng pus in the fUlure. hold information sessions. We got many, bUI diversifY the organizations on campus. the sororities and rraternities on campus from not a!! nine. I was very excited at the thought Workman said that this process started a the National thes~o:~a~~~i:n~~.1 rr~~~~~~~ ~:e aastt~e: that we could have [them] on campus. And I while ago when April Johnson of Career Ser- and the Nationa! Mulri-Culmral Greek Council Latino Greek Council. of Sigma Gamma Rho So- vices, a member how they felt having a divine nine sororiry or am now very excited that we have a president rority, Inc., held intercst meetings. 1l1C twO for those interested in gerting involved, fraternity could change life a~ McDaniel Col- and head of Greek life that support the divine please contact Christine Workman in the of- nine," said Crest, who believes that [he divine groups that sparked the most interest were ~~_euar~~t~i~~St;;~t;nng~i~~ ~r~k:S~~ ~~~~~ nine would improve life for minority students Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Delra fice of student engagements. Sl'Udent suppOrt Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is vital in moving this venture forward. Daniel College and a part of at McDaniel. Annedel: McDaniel's own rock band LAUREN MILLER Q- Whal bu been )'Our biggest cballenge so fa.- u a band! Staff Reporter M6f1hw: Working togelher: Its hard when you have F'Mple who share dif· ferent styb of music trying ro wrirc one style. Andy: Trying to find a bass.isr. We were looking for a long time and it. If,)'ou'~ ev~r looking for good local music, {h~n: is nO need {o look any wasn', umil rhe end of summer {bar 1 met Tom ... We jammcd wilh hIm Furher than McDaniel's own campus. Marrhew Collins '13 and And_r and we inviled him 10 join btclusc we all meshed together very wdl. ~Pf'13 are rwo of the mcm!,(,rs of Anncdd (you may have s«n ~helr .. r~ EPsin ~bebookslorc) .. Q_ How did yun come up wilb the banoiname1 Andy: Annedcl is a combinarion of the words Anne: Arundel (~he county Mart and Tom arc from). I'm from Reisterstown (B:tJrimore County). Q_ Whal b.u been)lOur &.VOrilC ._10 play .... d why~ M6Uhrw: My f.tvorirc .how was =ually an acomrie show we did ar Vic- Q-Ou!ofaUrbe,ollgll""U'''I',.....;ttenlret:ordcdwbicbisyuurfaYUrite tory Lounge. Andy couldn't make ir fO the show so Tommy and r went 10 andwby? alongandplaycd.Wehadrhewholebo.rsingingalnng.hw:uthemosr MIJII~w: The songs rhat we recorded I would have 10 pick ~Empty» funI'"ceverh2d~rforming. C-aUSC it'. a snng that m""ns" 101 to me. h had ro do with a h..d rclarion- ship I Weillthrough. Q- How do)lOu get: pumped up for a lilonri Andy: My favorite i. "For You," and "Empty." ! wrote "Fnr You," and it A"dy: Pmcrict' a lirrie, ~t a nice dinner, and ment:llly prepare ro go kick meant a lot when Ma[[ [C;IJly liked if, and we dccidcd we were actual. ly gonna record rhat in .mdio. ~Empty,·l didn'twri~c, bUI we had only playcdrhroughitonceinpr:tcrice,andwcrccomeditinunder3t:1kcs.So Q. \Vbal'. )lOur &'vorilC..,d leur favorite thing about pcrformingl irWllsreallyc:oolwirhhownicc·soundingircamcour. M6t1/"w; Myf.tvorite rhingabnm p"rformillg is rhat your in conlrol. YOUf Irylng rn send a message rhrough your song and people are rhere rn Q. What do you hope YUW"band is attompluhing in a yearl lisren. My lca.o;rf.tvorite Ihing is getting over nerves. l.Ikc2nyrhinginvolv_ M,,"hrw: I would hope to playa few shoW:5 in places like Rams Head ingacfIlwdrhcrc.snervcs,sngeffingmyhanrucosraysteadyoniliegui_ Live,930,and$onar. t:lrismylca.o;lfavorirclhing. Andy: Honesdy, I want US ro be playing a lot of shows, recording more Andy: My f:lVoritcrhingabour pcrforming i.:; when you can fcel a oonnce. sfuffandgettingabigblgrollowing. dOli 10 rhe audience, and when you can fccl rhcm reaJlydigging a !iOng, thai is really cool. My l,."st favorite i~when we gel a limc limit/Song Q- And 6na1ly, what'.)'OW" favorile flavor pop.idc1 Limit. Sometimes you JUSt gorea go with the /low and how you fed. Mllflhtw: Grcen Apple all the way. Andy; Gr:tpc, th~t shit is delicious. Q. Who i, somcone you'd like 10 playa .bow with! MlIfth,w: Though i{ may never bappen, i would love to play wi{h the Red Hot Chili Peppers or even Sublime (w/ Rome). Alldy: I would say either The Who (l1'd (,.,.." 0001 10 open for them) or Rush!!!
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