Page 47 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 47
NBA .Preview Eagles v. Falcons: An GREG NOLEN Staff Reporter Co-Sp ..... _, MATT90DNAR. Every Sunday, thousands of fans pack up their football gear, grills, and whatever else rbey need and spend the whole day tail- gating and watching their favorite professional football teams. On October 17,lwasamongthosefans, as iny aunr took me ro sec: [he Philadelphia Eagles play rhe Adanra Falcons. My aunt had gotten the tickets for me:after she heard me tell my cousin that [ had never been to an NFL game before. We left: myhouseinLaurei,Marylandar)O:OOa.m.,c:xpe(:cingtoarrivc:ar 12:00 p.m. However, we ran into a wall of traffic trying to get into the parking lot, and when [he ball was kicked off, we were still in a long line trying to get into Lincoln Financial Field, the home of the Philadelphia Eagles. When we finally gOt ro our seats, fi...e rows up from the field in the corner of me end zone, we barely had time to admire me ...iew before Eagles quarterback Kevin Kolb handed off to wide recel Desean Jackson. Jackson ran for 31 yards around the leli-end for rhe game's first touchdown to gi...e me Eagles a 7-0 lead. Later in the firsr quarter; Jackson struck again,catchinga34- chael Vlck, Kolb showed mat he was wonhy of me job after throw- yard pass the middle for his second touchdown of rhe quarter ing for 326 yards and rhree touchdowns against Vrcks former to pur rhc. Eagles up 14-0. team, which entered the game as one of me best in the NFC. The, mat would be Jackson's last highlight of [he day. Eagles defense held Michael Turner to a measly 45 yards, picked On third down and six early in me 2nd quarter, he and Falcons up rwo turnovers, and outgained the Falcons 474 co 293 in total cornerback Duma Robinson were invol...ed in a helmet-to helmer yards. collision that injured both players and ended Jackson's game afrer The Philly fans showed why they have earned the reputation one quarter. This was me first of many helmer-co helmet hies in of being the toughest fans in sports, creating a hostile en...iron- the NFL in Week 6. The Sreelers' James Harrison and me Patriots' ment for the opposing Falcons and booing one of their own play- Brandon Meriweather were among [he players fined by rhe NFL ers, Akers. The lcngrirne Eagles' kicker, who uncharacteris- for helmet-to helmet hits on receivers that Sunday. The NFL has tically missed three field goals during the game, was heckled when been working on a new policy to deal with these kinds of hits. Last he came OUtto attempt his fourrh field goal, which he made, fin- Sunday, me number of helmcNo-helmet hits was lower. ishingone for four on the day. However, Jackson's injury could ncr slow down the Eagles, as After the game, we hung around for a llrde while and I took Kolb threw rwc more touchdown passes to his other big play re- pictures of the Falcons players leaving rhe field. While 1 was doing ceiver, Jeremy Madin. The Eagles soared (0 a 31-17 ...icrory to im- that, l saw a farher and his young son, both in Falcons jerseys, prove their mark to four wins and rwc losses on the season, and standing there watching their favenre players leave the field to- tied the Giants for first place in the NFC East, generally regarded gether.lthoughtthatwaspretrycool. astheNFrstoughesr~i v ision. Overall, I had a really fun Fall Break and will never forget my In the starting QB banle between Kolb and me injured Mi- first NFL game. utP '1 ckN ick . SuU lQok:ngjor someone to knock me off, thIS weeks Corey Sroka ... challenger tsfreshman Match-Up &rort/i"gtoNick ... Vikiap VikioK'l Relders Kan!Uls City@Oakland Chiefs 'lh. E>~ko .. "" br.n p,,,rr.:, (11·01"nci".:uat:h "'nof Ildd Colts 1'hIl,d Eagles "".. Ins o!for. by<,.""J.. Co"!,I,,h,, h~,oty,.'i,h 'hq""" .. , ,h""h.. ho 8y di"","n 'or. 0« Q'Y'.' ~ "lIp"'""d,,,,, ...... ,k.upJon"l,n' Packers DoIIJ.<@C;rt.nDkgo@Ho,,''''n Across 2. Aims to promote acceptance & prevent suicide ofLGBT individuals 4. Performed among Hot Chelle Rae, The Ready Set, and David Archuletta 5. Hosted the Alzheimer's Memory walk 8. Changes to the _ process caused an upset to many clubs and organizations on campus that depended on the original procedure to cover purchases such as food & decorations. 10, A suggestion that McDaniel College & Campus Safety should promote _ rather than implementing the idea to not drink 12. Is the celebration of women's sexuality and fosters a more open dialogue about issues related to women and sexuality 14. It may be hard for _ to find a variety of options in Glar 17. A nearly sold out production featuring Victorian furniture ... Down I. New improv group on campus L'Sam recommends that you try this quick",easy and delicious dorm delicacy ... 6. Seven McDaniel students spend the night here, where a girl took her own life along with her unborn child's at this place on campus. 7. Students look forward to changes in _ following winter finals black, eleven month old named ... J 9. An eager to learn, adorable, to McDaniel students, has later hours and' II. Offers a 20% discount fulfills that late night hunger since August 10th, 2010 13. S.O.S. and _ were two community service organizations from • The clues to this cross- the 60s that some McDaniel students and advisors have successfully word can be found in isme: brought back three. Answers will be in the 15. You might have spotted this 2007 ford make in thc McDaniel next issue of the Free Press." Parking 101
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