Page 42 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 42
~ ....... [... iI~~:::I::I~~~::I."Ia.. iI::r~.lIJ~~* _ "Fish for a Cure": Up Til Dawn hosts letter writing campaign to raise funds for St. Jude's EMMA SIMON Dawn has it large nurnbcrof sudene involvement. wirh Features Editor over32teamsrhisyear. The teams recendy had a Lener Writing Campaign. whereeacitparricipamwasrequiredloreque:<;rdonations Those who do nor read the Row of =Pll.'l announce- vla at.leasr Xrlcncrs. menr cmalls may have wondered why there was recencly "I forgorumil thedayofmeletrcrwritingdtatl had boys underwear sporred around campus that rcad "Kick to get addrtssa and ended up (C1I:lingmywholeoontact Cancerin the BU!t" on the back, lisr. and 73 people responded: saidjunior Megan Rei]- Htheunderwear gorsradene raiking then they did lywho ended up exceeding the 50 Ictrersevcn afier her exactly as they wen: supposed 10. Theunderwearsean:h slight setback, on campus was a week-long event to raise awareness "1hewritingparrwasstrenuous,buririsdgoex:! about Up TIl Dawn, a srudenHun philanthropic pro- cause and the event will be fun," said sophomore Devon gr.lmrornisl'rllndsforSt.judc'sResearchHospit~1. McAndrew. Senior Paris Fossa, the-Executive Dirccrorof rhe " Although rhc oem irself wil] nor t:akeplacc unnl event thi~ year, is vel)" passionate abom the cause. Mercb.rbe reason dia raisingawarenesssluibl.. Ho_• .,,_ Nal ..n, cor,.,., .. regret'ha. Submit a Letter to the Editor at oc- COMMENTARY Lomb..rl, Gregory ..rl,K..,..r;no casionally """,,,1<._ Poig .. Pric.., Br;.... "yRobin- ."'.n'_, __ oo",M",,,Stoib EDITORS In prin.. th.... pri ... a correction _ill Hanna Barker COPY EDITOR Sftuliz, l ..cob Siegel; Amb ..r in th.... 0,., Nick 5101...., Cor"YS.oko, Nathan Wuert.nb.rg po ... '_ bl. iH..... Thank Jenno little T".i .. i
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