Page 48 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 48
--=TERROR SPORTS SPOT GHT: ET the GREEN Matt Cahill is a 5th year senior on the Green Terror Football team and hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Matt first discovered McDaniel through his older sister, a former Green Terror field hockey player Mart was a lucky participant at the Manning Football Camp in Stephanie Louisiana in 2005. It was at rhis camp mar Matt first met McDaniel Ho])!': Battista were Head Football Coach, Tim Keating. Coach Keating was at the Man_ be the captains for the ning Camp speaking on behalf of Dlvislon HI football schools. Hockeyseasonof2010. A week later, Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast leaVing be- Hammond, a senior from Parkron, Maryland, came to McDaniel to major hind a path of destruction. Matt was fortunare to attend such a ter- in Exercise Science and to play field hockey. Hammond has achieved even marl': rific camp before such turmoil and heartache hit the region. 'As the than that during her campaign on the Hill, as she has been named captain twice. New Orleans Saints proved last year by winning the Super Bowl, Lou- Banisra, a junior, transferred from Georgetown to McDaniel during her sopho- is.iana lov~ its football ~nd uses its homemwn reams to gt't through more: year, also to play field hockey and major in Exercise Science. difficult times. Matt, like rhe people of the Gulf Coast, lives and ,- ---T_V" •.., Hammond and Barrista were enthused to be seen as leaders on the team and breathes football. had the time in the offSeason to embrace their new role on the team. Over the Cahill has starred at wide receiver since his freshman year. Man is' summer, the twO captains sem OUt emaiis making sure everyone worked hard the first to admit speed isn't his srrcngesr skill, but instead points OUt practicing and preparing for me upcoming season. The Green Terror women his good hands have enabled him to make a difference on the field were able 10 practice on the stadium turf field full-rime for the first time when Man's best season was last year when he led the team with 8 touch, they came in fat the preseason. Field Hockey also hosted McDaniel's first nighr downs on 52 receptions. game-under the new lightS, bearing Dickinson 1-0. This season has provided some ups and downs for Man. Cahill is Hammond and Barrista borh agree that me team's f~ord (7-8) does nor past few weeks .have ~een difficult as the team dropped a couple of!EE~~Es~~~~if~~~ proud of how the team stan.ed well, 4-1 OUtof the gates. The show the players true colors. A few of the roughest losses for me team were the games that went into overtime and could have gone either way. toug~ games. It IS durmg t~ese tough times that Cahill considers him_ In practice Hammond and Bartisra lead through example. self. almost like a Coach. Relying on his experience, Matt leads his "lf l slack off, I can't tell anyone else not 10 slack off,"·Banisra said. teammates through his determination and hard work. His teammates Practices are hard with frustrations here and there, but rbe captains keep up know they can always go to him with questions. the fun ami positive atmosphere. Matt's career at .Mc~ani;;1, unfortunately, has been marked by _ The girls have ultimarely come together well with great team chemistry. losing seasons. Cahill said, It was a different Culture because the Like many other teams, field hockey has numerous enjoyable traditions such c~r::;:::::;w~~.~O_;:I~;~e:,ew~:~ ~~:::tj~:~!~~:~i~~:~~ as secret buddies and locket decorating. One exciting part of freshmen iniria- don for field hockey is singing along to their iPod out loud on the bus to their aged, he helps them fight through the difficulties. M~tI knows what first away game. ~t~?~~i~l ~~~.pable of, and does nOTwant a losing culture to grow The field hockey team is very right knit; they work Ollt rogerher and go to Panera on Fridays after a late practice. In faCt, most of the upperclassmen live Mart has noticed a change in culture this year. Man srresses, "The together in me campus aparrmenrs. Afrer home games, players, coaches, and younger guys mUSTunderstand that they cannoc get dOWIlJUSTbecause friends tailgate and enjoy delectable home-made food brought by the parents. of a loss. We lost to great reams this year. We're a good team, and if Man is not only a contributor on the fie!d,.bllti~alsoagrt:arex_ F=====~~====~ As captains, Hammond and Barlista encoul';(ge fun on and off rhe field, but we keep on working hard w("re going to win games." thl':)'also take responsibility for any issue rhar mighr come up on rhe team. If a potential conflict arises, after a talk with Coach jon('s, they address the issue with ample for the younger players. Matt wanted to give credit to his fellow me team or me individual players to whom it pertains. Their goal is to save me 5th year senior players, which shows you rhe type of selfless teammate chemistry and hard work everyone has concrtbured all year. he Is. Safety Aaron Slaughter (#7) is a key member of the defense Pat Being leaders for an entire team is a rough deal, but Hammond and Battista zenica (#52) was a gr~at right-side linebacker on defense, who unfo _ Want more FreePress~ Floyd (#78) has been a wall at right off~nsjve tackle, and Tommy'Pra_ are up for the challenge. Both ladies embrace their role as captain. As Barrisra attestS, "I love being runarely Icsc his season to injury. r Cap:un because I'm so close with everyone, and we work hard and play hard Look for Matt Cahill (#1) and the rest of Thesenior.1 in [he last ~Iilllionlineal home game of the season on Novl':mber6th. ,
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