Page 40 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
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"'_I.lIr'~iI~~:I::II~~~:J.'I."tI~Ia.'~'j:__ .~~_1I!I Students save lives on~ pint of blood at a time AMBER SLATER workers and they are very nice." StofF Reporter "Plus, getting a shirr is nice, too!" she added wlrh a smile. Patrick O'Toole, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, commended McDaniel's donors. He ex- HOWC3n you rouch the life of a stranger and possibly even save ir plained, "It's important for us to get into the habit of giving by giving JUSt over an hour of your dme? Donate blood blood early on so that we will continue to give as our lives be- On Wednesday, Ocr. 27, approximately 160 McDaniel stu- come more hectic." dents rolled up their shirt sleeves and headed to the blood drive Freshman Elyssa Bidnell, a veteran donor who had given blood held by the American Red Cross. eight times previous, shared a similar sentiment. "Blood is needed For some, donating blood was a new experience. Senior everywhere," she stared. "People get in car accidents allover the Jamie De Atley, for example, explained that he mack me decision place. Sometime you might get in one and need bleed." to give blood for moe first rime because "It's a virrually painless Assuming rhar it took you 90 seconds to skim this Story, process that everyone can do to help OUt." 45 people in the United states have required a blood transfu- Freshman Stephanie Akoto agreed. "It's an experience [hat sion since your began reading. That's right: according to rhe everyone should go rhrcugh," she explained. Akoro has nor been American Red Cross, someone in the Unlced States needs blood .able to give blood in the past due (0 [ow iron, but she plans to every other second. When will one of those people be one of keep trying ~use donating will make her "fed accomplished." your loved ones? When will one of chose people be you? What Besides the intrinsic benefits, sophomore Kristina Kiss, noted chat giving blood is fun "because you ger to meet the ;~l~:r~:n~?o to help satisfy the constant, ever-present need for ~:~!~d~~~5t'~i!i~~abi:o~~~~~~~fF~~~~h fr~~~ed;.iYingblood. Kiss .. .. 38 dcncncra 100 p",,,1 a 38 perceelclthe 5 those cble blood 1000 ",,',01 percent of to :: blood obleto Imglecar needed ecch ~ h t ousan d needed ecch I doyin ovr blood popechon donate who actually give crosh vctim donate day • region might need blood blood Statistics provided by the American Red Cross UN Millennium goals receive BUDAPEST CAFE EXTENDED HOURS think so, I tend to agree," Casey KRISTIN BEHRLE mixed reactions years later SloffReporler added about extending the hours. Glenda Shipley, an employ- JACOB SIEGEL and adhere to UN policy. Need a late night energy boost to ee at rhe Budapest Cafe, said she Staff Reporter finish that paper? The Budapest thinks it's a good idea to have it According to the Khaleej Times website and the Los Caft has extended their hours Angeles Times website, the regions of Sudan, Yemen, So- until midnight Monday through open later, because it gives stu- malia, the Palestinian, Sourh Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa dents somewhere to go at night The world has one billion people Jiving in extreme pov- don't seem likely to meet the goals. Saturday. cafe used to dose at for coffee and srncothies, which is The erty, including in [he United States. Issues such as pover- While rhesc regions have struggled with rhe goals, data 8 p.m. on weekdays and did especially nice during exams. ty, illness, and premature death, are "prcblernjs] that re- from the U.S. Aid shows that worldwide the goals have not operate at all on weekends. Casey said that he hopes Stu- ally affect everyone globally," said senior Daniel Hughes. made progress. Since 1990 rhe world has seen 280 mil- Now, after a change initiared denrswillget"greatersatisfaction However, in 2000 the United. Nations d.ecid.ed. to rake by President Casey. -,he ""fe action to eliminate these problems and created the UN lion f,,""e~ people \iving in extreme povemQU~ ~.". •• nod 1:'"'''~ options" out of the longer opera- millennium goals. The millennium goals program is de- more children in school, four million more children sur- hours are from 8 a.rn. to mid- rion hours. through night Monday Friday, signed to eradicate poverty and help rid the world of vari- vive each year, and four million people now receive HIV/ and from II a.m. to midnight Many students are happy ous diseases. AIDS treatment in developing countries, according to the on Saturdays. with the new extended hours. Se- According to (he United Nations Development Pro- U.S. Aid website. President Roger Casey said gram website, there are eight numbered millennium devel- Despite these successes, the United Nations Goals still that the decision to change the nior julia Williams says, "Ir's ex- opment goals. 'The first goal is [0 eradicate extreme pcv- face formidable challenges ahead. These challenges include Budapest Cafe hours came about tremely convenient for [ate night erry and hunger, the second is to achieve universal prima- one billion people in extreme poverty, 72 million children studying. It also means r can get rY education, the third is to promote gender equality and not in school, nine million children die each year, 360,000 from "a meeting with resident as- srnocrhies anytime I want, which sistants and peer mentors; they empower women. The fourth is to reduce child mortality, women die from treatable complications of pregnancy and is fantastic." the fifth is to improve maternal health, the sixth to com- birth, over 33 million people infected with HIVIAlDS- made the suggestion, and I took So if you need a caffeine pick bat HTV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, rhe seventh is two million die each year, and halfofthe developing world it to the relevant authorities, who me up, or an alternative late- to ensure environmental stability, and the eighth is to de- lacks sanitation made it happen." night study area, head on over to "Thoughtful students thought velop a global partnership for development. Parts of the world have decided to take action to- it important to do. When they Some find these goals [0 be impractical. "It's a little bit wards meeting the UN Millennium Goals. The European the Budapest Cafe. unrealistic." said freshman Dame Micct-Smirh. Union has agreed to donate one billion EuTOs to develop- However, other students believe they are good objec- ing countries according to the EuroAien website. President Author speaks to Allies tives (0 set. "That'S a large role to take on, it's a big prob- The United States is contributing too. lem. It's good that they're trying to do something to end Obama has announced plans to try to help rid developing poverty," said freshman Bridget McLaughlin. Professor of political science Dr. Charles Neal believes countries off of their dependency on foreign aid through MASHA MAKHLYAGINA some of the goals are more capable of being accomplished private investing markets according to National Public StaFf Reporter chan others. He said he believed the firSTgoal of eradicat- Radio's website. ing extreme poverty and hunger is tbe most. effective. He The United Nations is continuing to take steps to try On October 11th, Allies was also was suppordve of the eighth goal, establIshing a glob- to meet the UN millennium goals. The UN Secretary graced by an inspirational speak- al partnership for development. He ~aid he belie:ed that General Ban Ki-Moon says that while they're unlikely to cr. KriscinaHernandez,ajuniorat goal has already been accomplished WIth the establishment be able to meet the UN millennium goals by 2015 as Slippery Rock University, brave- of groups such as the World Bank. originally planned, they still can make more progress. Ki- ly spoke of her journey to trans- However, Nea[ is nor as hopeful for all of the goals. He Moon said he doesn't believe that the goals should be PUt form her personal diary into a believes the seventh goal, to ensure environmental stabil- aside and char nations should StOPsuppOrting it. Nea[ also published book. The subject of iry, to be unrealistic. HC""wasskeptical about whether or believes the goals won't be met in time; however, he said her book was her double life as a not people would be willing to compromise their beliefs he thinks they can be accomplished. woman who suddenly found her- self in love with another woman, one who could not tell rhissecrer to anyone. In high school, Kristina said she was boy crazy, athletic, popu- lar, and high!y invo[ved. She never nobody to turn to while she was expected rnar during her senior dealing with the forced secrerive- year of high school, she would faU ness of her relationship, perhaps in love with a girl. her book will assist someone who They secretly dated for Over IS currently experiencing a simi- two years, sneaking private mo- larsrruggle. mentsofromance between classes Twelve sruden[s attended and hiding th.eir relationship from Kristina's presentation, four of Freshmen Alice RrowneU, ~veryone-fTiends, family, school which were Krisrina's high schoo[ friends who were by her side while administration. The secretS result_ ~~ee.!,~rt~~~!:~l~e;obert cd in many emotional mOments some of the events of the book loke adYontage of 0 rhataffecredtheverypeoplewho transpired. warm October day to sit dId not know of the relationship "It doesn't matter who yoU oUbide o.nd do homework UnfOrtullarciy, their relation~ like or what you like, and I just near WhiteFord Hall. Want everyone to know tha(,~ said ship did not endure the test of GREG NOLEN distance and time, but what did Hernandez. Hernandez's book, Kristina endure was Kristina's strengrh Living a Double Life, can be found She turned her struggles into ~ at
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