Page 41 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 41
Details remain murky about late night confrontation between students and coach KIM WILLIAMS and proceeded to remove what one student "It's not at all uncommon for rwo people eral students that occurred early this morning Edltor-in-chlef described as a silver handgun from the glove to see the same exact thing and for a variety of along Pennsylvania Avenue." - CULtEN MURRAY.KEMP compartment. The driver made several threat- reasons to havc dtfferenr srcries" said Webster. When asked if Campus Safety is still deal- Staff Reporter coing statements co the students, returned the He added, "from an investigator's standpoint, ing with this matter, Webster replied that "the handgun to the glove compartment, and drove it actually adds a credibility factor unless {he criminal invesrigaricn would be 11 police mat- At 1:20 a.m. on Oct. 15, an incident occurred away." stories are wildly different." rer" and stated that "whenever there's a firearm involving one male and three female, McDan- One of [he students involved i,n ~e inci- A second email, Sent OCt. 15 with the sub- involved it's always that way;" Webster said, "Iu. iel students and the occupant ofa vehicle along dent who asked not to be named said, I never ject "Security Alert - UPDATE," informed far as the college goes, we're done with lr." West Main St. and Pennsylvania Ave. Many .. said! sawagun. I saw a pouch," and added, "all [hat "college officials have banned this individ- JeffreySchusrcr, Detective Corporal of the details about the encounter went out through I did was look at his hand when he gOt our of ual - who has been recenrly involved with the twO campus alerts sent via email, bur the facts the car. He had something in his hands." The school's athletic department - from campus." Westminster Police and lead investigator of the about whether the driver possessed a handgun student continued, "f don't know what rhe.orh- While Webster would not commenr on Oct". 15 incident, was unable to be reached by or nor remain murky. ers said they saw." what way the individual was involvcd with the staff reportcrs after multiple contact attempts In rhe security alert sene OUt Oct. IS, the While the email did not state that, the re- athletic department, other sources have iden- "I am so graceful [hat no onc gOt hun or cmail states that "The conversation between ports about whether or not there was a gun tified defensive back coach Jimmy Williams as killed that nigQt," the anonymous srudenr said. the driver and students ln' the group became varied, with the wording of "one student de- the individual involved with the incident. "Experiencing something like that makes me heated and the vehicle abruptly drove off. The scribed," Michael Wcbstcr, Director of Cam- The second email stared, "As of lare Friday appreciate everyday that I get up." driver made a u-rurn, and approached two Stu- pus Safety and Adjunct Lecturer of the Soci- morning, the Westminster Police were inter- dents from rhe earlier group. The driver exit- ology Department, says that there is a "clear viewing an individual who voluntarily indicat- cd the vehicle, walked to the passenger side implication there." ed involvement in the confrontation with sev- For mOT"( infomJlltioll, ,u pag~ 12. Greek organizations handle small changes to Recruitment, RA job is difficult, while sororities anticipate larger changes next semester but rewarding HANNA BARKER matching process and a formal bid day. maybe to do everything we could. That's nOt BEN GRANT Co-Commentary Editor/Art "PHA [Panhellenic Association] will be enough time." Staff Raportar Diredor conducting their research over the next few AccordingtoWorkman,thissemester'sRe- weeks and then chapters will vote on the style crultment was held ar the same time as in pre- Some Greek organiaarions experienced slight that they recommend for the community," said vicus semesters. Everyresidencehall floor and group of apartmems has a Resident changes this semester during Fall Recruitment, Workman. "The dates for Recruitment will be "These dates were set last Spring by [Pan- Assistantsupervisingthem. Each one had to go through the same but larger changes are in the works for this announced and sign-ups will begin before we hellenic Association and Interfraternity Coun- processto apply for their positions. Spring. leave for the semester break." cil] and rhcir advisor at the time," explained To apply, on must rum inan application, havea2.S CPA, "Recruirmenr went well," said junior Currently, the Recruitment process for so- Workman. They alsomust provideboth an on-campusand off-campusrefer- Courtney Zimmerman of Phi Mu. "With a n~w roritiesworks like this: Some feel mat the rransition to online ence,indudingone from a prcviousor currenr employer. Greek adviso·r, there were some changes made, "All potential girls meet with Panhdlenic sign-ups resulted in a lack of awareness. Thetearc some great perks of this job. RA'sget paid 1300 and more to come in the fumre, but overall it Delegates from each chapter," explained Zim- "In the past, we have had tables outside dollars and a rrecsingle occupangrroom. Thecollegc also pays was a success. merman. "We introduce ourselves to them, of Glar advertising each organization and girls for RA'sJanuary term meal plan becauselhey must stay on cam- Christine Workman, Director of the Office and they are broken up into groups. Each were allowed to fill out a piece of paper with pus forJanuary term. of Student Engagement, is the new Greek advi- group is taken to a different sorority to meet general information to go through Round5,~ RA's arrive ~ar!ierthan Othersludems in order to attend a sor. She explained diat most anticipated ehang- the sisters of that chapter. Each round focuses said Turkett. "This Fall, we did not have an ef- 1"I'quitt~drigoroustraining coursewhich givesthem time to settle es are only relevant tomembcr~.ofsororities. on a different aspect of the chapter, including fective method of gening the word OUtabout into McDa.nielin a leisurclymanner "We need ro select a style of Recruitment gcnc;~ln~:~n;h~n~~u::e~l~~:h~~~:~~ Turkw Recruitment. I think this was the biggest Howev<:r,the job itself can be difficult.There a1"l'the obvious at McDaniel in order to better facilitate unaffil- r~pon.sibil\ti~sllchasmaki[\gsurcthef,"oorisc\eanandthecom. :~:!:~:~ep;Saji~,h~rlncld.."",. Th~ Na,ional f'anhcl!enic Confc...,n~c would JTlakeposirive 3ddj';on. '0 rheir org~- year, 15% of WOJTlenparricipare in sororities gll(;( also help. (0 genuinely Jj~cyour p"">"S bcc:IlI.., you (NrC), the governing body of the coun ..y·s 26 are re and eom- mun,tvmembers. ·(t'sve{yimportaminlime~like{heseforc"cryoneof\lsto .\tand>tronganduniledwithlbosewelovealldcW"e~bour'-said Alli~Th;~f&~~~f~li~i~~;k~ i~b::():!~~ i~r~~;'~ii~c7;1I~. lighting a candle for cach. lhc artelldc~s pa!)cu [hI! fbm~ (hem5dv~sto light their own cal\dle~,~nd a nloment enlUcciin memorium of ncr)' whn h,,~been I nl! ,II Brennan.
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