Page 46 - mcdanielfreepress2010-11
P. 46
-('.I"'1I['''iI~~:la~~~:I'''''-':«.J~'~':I~.'.!.'~l.''• (5 EX)! LED from your room dIU to roommllu how they fed about having sex in the Iwould JUStlock rhedoor,"saidsopho_ of conRicts such as deanliness, sleep- &:cile {n.}; the state of In;,,: exiled "If I knew my roommate was away room is the same as how their room- fornication. You know the signs ifit has hap- mate feels, but that is not always the more Kern Morrison. ing schedules and sleeping with people schedules. A room is a place that should case. Thinking that everyone follows Most people on campus agree that ON"HE pened [0 you. Having to wait outside the same rules doesn't always work, and being sexlied is somerhing srudene face be equally available and comfortable for for hours, finding another place co sleep everyone who livcs there, and sexual in- the resulting situations can end up em- formcnighr, purring up wirh that awful barrnssing or bothersome for everyone frequently, bur some don't consider ita tercourse adds some potentially awk- major concern. after-sex smell. .. Locked doors, grunts involved. ward conversations into the relation- and moans seeping through the cracks There are strategies fordealingwith "I would hate to be kicked OUt ship between roommates. So what, if in rhewalls,ancievenworse,walkingin these awkward situations. Junior Mel- of my room for the night. ... but for anything, do you do when sexiled on to the startled looks of your roommate anie Darling, suggesrs warning your a few hours~ Sure, okaj;" said one the hill~ on tOp ofsornegirl/guyaJl tangled up freshman boy who wished to remain In the end, if straregics are not ill between rbe sbeers. "My roommate scm a text to me anonymous. working and you and your roommate Jarnaal Morgan, a senior; had an and asked for me room," said Darling. Avoiding the discussion seems to be don't follow thesame "hidden rules," it is unusual siruanon, with his roommate. Prevcnung emrance ro the room Is a common for mmt people. probably better ro jusr talk it OUt.Find a "lr is like a hidden rule, ifsome_ "I got sexed in ... my roommate pur way to ensure that there will be no awk- one want. to do somerhing rbe other system that works best for you and your CLARA BURGESS up ashecr, and hCWllsgeningabJow ward interruptions. There are many ways jusc leaves," said an anonymous roommare and stick to it. Then when SlcffReporter job," he said. to prevent awkward encounters and keep sophomore. it's your turn to sexile someone else, you Sometimes people will assume that embarrassing siruations to a minimum. can have some good, safe fun without Sharing a room brings up a lot worrying about causing ccnfl!cr. Skip a latte, Save A life: End Malaria by 2015 MARA SEIBERT Li5lspring, I had the great privilege of lis- Stoff Reporler tening to CarolynI' Siganda, a World Vision de- have been averted through the use of rreared velopment worker who has been face tQ face bed nets (RBM). Malaria can be eliminated by with malaria's impacts. Never before had I real- 20lS!just five years away, V/ecan be labeled the generanee that ended malaria. In order ro ac- ized that malaria also leads to things like child Imagine waking up one morning to the news trafficking and early marriage. Bur the truth is complish this goal, however, there needs to be that 2,000 children had been killed in a series that some mothers have to make an impossible adequare funding. Currently, the US is below of planned bombings of schools all around rhe choice+ to either keep their children at home, its promised $S billion over 5 years through world. There would be mass panic+ TV stations knowing they would mOSTlikely die from ma- the Global AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and newspapers would rush to cover the Story, laria, or send them to the city for work or give Bill. Malaria can be eliminated by 201S- bur uying to figure out what was going on and why. them up to the army. In the ciry, many children we need to remind our senators and repreaen- People would be horrified and perhaps start up are easy targets forrraffickers who lure rhem in tativesoftheirpromis.e. campaigns through nonpmfirs to give help ro wirh promises of jobs. In places like the Demo- Some of you may have stopped by the the families, and everyone would do everything cratic Republic.ofCongo and Liberia, malaria Night of Nets event on malaria back in Sep- in their power to make sure it didn't happen can also result in child soldiers. In my opin- rernber- at the event, we had pose cards to send again. ion, becoming a child soldier isoneof the most to our senators pushing for increased malaria Then you wake up the next morning to the monstrous outcomes- being forced to kill and funding. However, it is more effective is to call same news. Another 2,000 children were killed. maim others. No mother should have to make Y,OUtsenators. Don'c worry- it's not as intimidar- The same tragedy strikes again the next day- and the choice to sce her child dte or go on to kill ingas it sounds! All you do is find OUtwho your everyday in Fact. This faux news story isn't far others. senators and represenr3rivesare, give their office from reality. There is a menace killing over 2,000 Girlsmarryear1y to have as many children a call and tell them you want Senator so-and-so children every single day. And the most horrific as possible in hopes that some will survive. They to SUppOTtincreased malaria and funding and to parr of this nightmare is that the killer could be know that many with die early from malaria. adhere to the promises made through the Mil- eliminated, taken down with known strategies. Siganda also explained how malaria can lennium Developmental Goals. Remind them So why aren't we doing anything? Why don't conrributc to other health problems indirectly. to follow through on our promises to end ma+ people know abcur this ongoing tragedy? For example, in Sudan, people often use cow lana by 20lS and that US funding needs to be This menace goe. by the name of malaria dung ru; a natural mosquito rcpel1ant and smear at least$l billion a year for this to happen. net, one of the most effective ways of preventing As a constituent, rh~ir your official. and and is one. of the fTlost...d""dly p..'dator ....1 .... ,hc: i,on the: "hild.g.ol'iz<>- has an incredibly huge impact, not JUSt limit- ing. Who knew that malaria could have such a enough of us are willing to speak up, we can nons like Nothing But Nets and World Vision ed to the deathsoflhousands each day, a trag- far-reaching impact? make malaria a priority, Just 10 phone calls ro who distribute bed nets and also check up on an elected official can Rag it as a high prior- edy in itself. Malaria also costs counrries eco+ According to the UN's 2010 Millennium rhe families to make sure the nets are being used nomically. Once workers contract malaria, they Developmental Goals (MDG) Report, half of ity matter. So give them a cal! roday:right now, and used properly. often become too weak and fatigued to be able the world's population is at risk from malaria. while you are thinking about it. Now imagine you woke up to the news that to work and in turn can bring in no money to And we know the solutions- Bed netS, Indoor Another way you can push our government South East Asia and Africa were narting to elim- [heir family, or contribute overall to the coun- Residual Spraying, anti-malarial drugs ... thcse is send a postcard to your elected official-there inatepoverty in theircounrries, due to thefae[ is a stack of them sirting in the Budapest Cafe- try's economy. Because they have no money they are all known and lestI'd methods of prevent_ JUStgo and pick one up, fill ItOUt and then drop that they now had an energetic, bustling work- can often not afford malariatreatmenrseven if ingand rreating malaria. And rheyareeffective! force. Imagine mothers and children around the they are available. In Africa alone, $12 billion When bed netS cover a large portion of a coun_ it in the basket. All cards will be mailed with- world not having to sleep in fear each night rhat is being lost due to malarial causes (endmalaria ny's population, malaria cases and deaths have out charge to you. In fact-I have a challenge. a tiny mosquito bite would kill them. Imagine org). Imagine how the!ie poverty-stricken na+ fallen by 50% (MDF 2010 Report). Let'S see if McDaniel can send 100 postcards on families staying whole, children having the en- ending malaria. tions could start 10 help themselves if malaria And we are making progress. Malaria deaths ergy to go to school and get an education. was eliminated and they had their work force and caRS have been greatly reduud. Since Feeling more ambitious? Save lives. It's a JUSt 100 postcards. Wecan·bethegenera- back! 2001, an estimated 908,000 malaria deaths surprisingly easy thing for us to do- we can all :i~;thatendsma!aria_so lersstep up and speak a rreated bed afford to ive $6. Jusr $6 can bu Becoming Un-Vegetarian ON EATI~?'3ANIMAlS ber bemg In the grocery store when Iwas young, asking my mom if there was meat in m02.7.arClIa DANI ALLEN sticks. \XIhen she said no, I was relieved that [ Stoff Reporter didn't have to give up my favorite food. (did not Stop eari_!1gmeat that day. My par+ enrs were afraid if! stopped eating meat jt would hurt my already limited diet. BU[ me day I did finally stop eating meat, r didn't JUSt quit cold turkey. Ifirst stopped. earing me little red meat I did eat, bUTstill ate poultry. After that it became easier and easier COStOpearing me thinJ¥ Iloved, and soon I was a ful! vegetarian. So for seven years I have been a vegetari- an; why all of a sudden starr eating meat again? NICK TURlssl Cheesesceak. I had completely forgotten about Stoff Reporter the existence of this Philadelphia delicacy until this past summer. And atter five crud months Cheesesteak. The smell coursed through my nos- trils, and beckoned (0 me to tak", a taste. After of craving, and drooling every time Isaw a plate seven years of smelling meat and heingrepulsed, of someming mat I could not have, I caved. It why am ! now aroused by the smell of meat? wasn't as much as caving, really, as it was decid- 'When meeting a new person, something ing it was rime for a change. And after being that always came up about myself was being a a vegetarian for seven years, I was basically vegetarian. It is someming that becomes a piece ready for mat. And of course, I realJy wanted of you. And the first question every single person a cheesesteak. asked me when they found OUtwas, ~'Why?" The process of eating meat again has been There are several reasons people become a just as difficult as becoming a vegetarian in me vegetarian- health benefits, animal cruelry, etc. first place. r have been gernngsickeveryonce in A1!:hough Iam an anima! lover, my reason was a awhile, and have onlybeen earingcertain things. lot simpler !:han !:hac. I was jusr picky. I remem+ But let me reil you all, meat is good.
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