Page 83 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 83
SPCifi. Freshmen athletes take on Terror spring sports As seniors prepare to leave, we look to new talent CAITLYN FLYNN rhe conference championships. His personal goal, Co Sports Editor however, is ro score some goals and to help the {earninanywaypoSl;ible. Headdsrhatheisexcir- KELLYTOMS ed rc play with a new team, new players, and SIan Stoff Reporter F~r most of us: spring holds warm weather, spring winning games. M.n', LaCl'OlM ------1- R~ng,and saymg goodbye to our graduating se- The McDaniel women's golf team only has nrcrs. But for our new freshman athletes, spring is onefreshrnan addition to rheir team mis year.Mor- only the beginning. Although we rake the time at gan Koopman, who went to McDonagh School Matt Mummert is a junior on the lacrosse in Owings Mills, wiU definitely prove herself as a team has high hopes for the 2010 season. t~e end of the sport's seasons to recognize the se- nlots for all of their achievements, there are plenty strong asset to the ream this season. Aside from His goals for this season ate to return 10 ~:~:~e:~~:~r ~~~:;: hoping to carry on the golf, Koopman also played basketball and soccer, the Centennial Conference playoffs, and bur qui! both sportS in order to focus all of her continue onto the NCAA playoffs. Mum- The women's softball {earn recognizes seven time and energy on golf. In high school, she was merr, a three year starter on the learn, plays n~ freshmen this season. Ashley Crawford who recogniu:d as the Balrimore Sun player of rhe year long pole midfield. He owes a big pan of pays middle infield and outfield fa'"rme Gree~ Ter- in 2008 for golf, won the girl's golf!AAM (Inrer- his success thus fur in his college career to Co went to Lingaaore High School in Fredrick scholasricAthiericAssociationofMD) champion- his strong sllppOrt system offumily and I du~ty where she played soccer and volleyball and ship in borh 2007 and 2008,and won every single teammates. Mummert's younger brother, e er ream to the state semi-finals for TWO sea- match during her golfseason her senior year. a freshman, Andrew Mummert is also on ~~s. When it comes to contributing to her team If this doesn'tsayenough about her overallgolf the lacrosse team this season. Mat! and An- :o'~ upcom~~g season, Crawford says, "I just want ralent, she adds that ebc strengsh she will be able 10 drew are keeping their love for the game o anyt.mg1 can to help the team, even lfir conrribute the most is her consistency, and the fact lacrosse, and hardworking lifestyles in {he that she is always putting forth the besr effcn be- family. ;:~~;~;o%~~~ i;e~h~:~~r~::~; or just be caw;esheisaverycompetidveplayer.Herpersonal ____ .Wo .... '.So!IbaII ward ~:~:on, Cra~ord is mOSTlooking for- goal for this season is to shoot lower rounds, and the difference ~ new fne~ds and ultimately she hopes her team can win conferences. Bethann Fusco is a junior on the Terror levelsoftbaH. erween hIgh school and collegiate "I think what [ am most exclred for this sea- softball learn rhis seascn. Though Fusco is son is our spring break trip to Myrtle Beach," adds anallaroundgreatath!eteollthefield,she Koopman. "Ir will be fun to JUSt travel around, ex- manr:::il~::;~a11also has some ralenred fresh- perience new and different courses and meeting specializes in TWO posidons, second base PatCh" totheteam'ssucccssmisspring and short stop. Fusco's proudest mornenr Terror,':~:~~dwShoplays i"i~~ltfieldfor me Gree~ new people." as a college athlete was. "when we played NewJeJOey hi t. John Vlanney in Holmdel, McDaniel's Track and Field team is proud Messiah last year, who eventually went on school bas:~r IS ~mernoryfrom playing high to have freshman Kelsey Dtckrnan as one of their ro win the 03 NCAA national ehampion- newest additions. From Bel Air. Maryland, Dick- ship.Weendeduplosing2-0,butasaream his senior year ::e:;:~~ ~:~::~t~::.e:~~ man just recenclyearned abron2C medal by finish- we played well and proved to ourselves {hat ingdlird in the shot put. Her tOSSof 11.62 merer we could compete with anybody,H sneex- helped leadTerror track and field in the 20 I0 Cen- plains. Bec.auscthisyeat's team is older and rennia! Conference women's indoor track and field more experienced. Fusco has sct high stan- championship hosted. this past Samrday at Haver- datds alldhopes forthe2010 season. Fusco ford. Cenainlymiswill be only the beginning of is also looking forward to being able to play Dickman's achievements here on me hill beside her younger sister, a sophomore, So while McDaniel may have a hard rime say- Lauren Eusco this ear. Lauren, who didn't ~goodhjol_~w),.q.,Q,..~ ::Fa'";;:~,~!;,~fu'Y"'~~';:' 7nd7. past fo,,~ years <0 our dthlC'(lcprog"""'. vidcthe team with milch need- sive test againsr #1 Salisbury on March 3. This g~m~ cnuld squad WIth three goals each. Paigc Messersmirh and L,sa ed warmth and actual games. lhese games should form the bea launching point for a great season. Seniors Kyle Had- Jurd had two goals apiece. This [earn hasplenry<:,fsenior foundation of a succes.sfulseason far the womelL lhey hope den, K.R. SchulrL, Brad O'Brien, Chris Gore, Gibbs Pres- Icadershipw lean upon throughout the caurse al [he sea- {fl bring the Olom.clllumgained in plorida up nonh into C~n- ton. and Amhony Falgares lead the men into this season son. look for Brittany BaCT,Erinn Hopkins, Stephanie feren!:e play. $eOlors !..:lurenl'"oomcy and Samanrha ReIgel wi!ll lofty goals and expect3tions. will provide the leadership on a ream rhatwill rdy heavily on ~~r:cl;~~~:;:h~r~~!il~:; ~:;a;o~~~~ l:~~o~:a~:a~ ~~~~ the younger play~rs. season. OutPickNick qlllck overvl.ew of how the Utl$O'1will go. for n marl' ill depth pTl!lIitw be nlre to rhl!ck ollr DI!Spi.11'al! ofthl' lu!Jitr m4frj)at still ~vm McDmlil!1, spring is in fiJI! air and Major Leaglll! WIll ~oon bl!1l1ll/Jng"S. 7hat1'/leans If} liml' for !oml' boM pudicrio1JS. HUl'if just a rhl' McDamel Fret PusIonline. MATTHEW BODNAR NICK BRUNNER SloFfReporter Co Sports Editor According to Matt •.. to Nick... ALEut ~d Sox. This rotadon will be able to shut down opposing lineups in melt divi Yankees. The defending champs gor even better by adding Javi~r V:W:juezand slon, me question is will this team haveenoughoffensc? Carlos Granderson. There is no reason not to expecr a rep~ar. ALMVl' Evan Longoria. Already a Star {his triple crown candidate will lcad !.he Rays back to the playoffs. NLEast Philiies.. ~ ful.! season of newly acquired pitcher Roy Halladay and offensive P.hillies The Meu will compere as long as they stay healthy and develop some players m theIr pnme, the Phills simply tOOstrong. PItching behind Johan, but the Phills will p{flVC tOOtOugh NLMVP A1b~rtPujols. Puts up triple crown contending numbers to every year. After leadmg the Cards [0 the Series Prince Albert will be a lock.
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