Page 63 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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__,_ MAIRE HUNTER Director of Campus Safety Mike Webster helps PhysiC{]1Plant and onother officer tc hook up the DoCS Dodge Durango to a trador after it got stuck in the Garden parking lot. Cost of'Snowmageddon' still unknown KIMWllUAMS That is nor rc say ~he blizzard had no positive aspects. 5e- Features Editor !Jior Jessie Largenr said ueven rhough it W;l..'l horrible and incon_ venieru, lr was rhe first time I can remember playing OUt in the snow for over an hour in years which was prerry awesome." For many, snow evokes childhood memories of days off of school, Michael Webster, Director of Campus Safety, said, "The big- snow ball fights, and her cocoa. Bm this February storm, called gest challenge was obviously moving around the campus. Ien- "Snowrnageddcn" by President Obama, sent more snow our way joyed watching my kids play in the snow." than most would ever have hoped for. In spite of the difficulties caused by the incessant snowfall, Dr. Ethan Seidel, the college's Vice President, said "of course, campus life went on. Mitchell Alexander, Director of College being a college, the greatest impact from the storms was the can- Activities, said that "the biggest challenge concerning events is cellation of classes. We'll have to figure out how to compensate making sure that all of the parties involved know that the events for[helostweck.~ are still happening ... such as the Sruff-a-Buddy" While keeping While many students were pleased by the break from class- events running smoothly during the storm required a lot, activi- es, there were problems broughr abour by rhe inclement wea~_ ties such as the Stuff-A-Buddy event on Feb. II rh where scudenrs er rhar were not enjoyed. Sophomore Shelby Parenteau, whose gathered to make stuffed animals definitely brought in a crowd. ankle was fractured during the storm, said that it is ~very hard Furthermore, the exemplary work pur in by a multitude of to get around." Junior Zander Roell :1150dislocated his shoulder naif cannot go without mendon. For instance, Valerie West- during the storm. brook, Coordinator of Conference, Camp and Event Schedul- .. Junior Hannah Elovich described that in tht "house I rent ing, said "While we were safe in our warm homes [the grounds with three roommates who are also srudenrs here at McDaniel .. crew] were going to be our in the snow for endless hours to make since the ice and icicles were so heavy, it pulled down the gutter the ca.mpus s:lfe for all of us." on one side and part of rhe siding under the gutter." In appreciation for this hard work, Westbrook said, "I thought about baking something for them to munch on during Elovicb's house was not the only building to be hit hard We had everything from canned soups, baked goods to hand I ' Dr. Seidel said, "There was damage to the gutters at the Gar- their breaks. I then invited other co-worker/friends on campus den Apartments. My guess is {hat until more of the snow dears to join me. The outpouring of generosity was overwhelming. from rhe roof,' it will be difficult ro assess rhe full extent of the warmers," 1 dam~:~now was not only ~n expen.~eas fur as the rell on build- While the snow caused many dtfficulues, the effect of the storm can best be summed up by Westbrook, who said of the ings. Dr. Seidel remarked ~hat "we did contract with Thomas, donarions made ro the grounds crew "rhar I saw the college com- I 0.1..-- Bennett, and Hunter to aid in snow removal. .. They possess ASH LEIGH SMITH heavy equipment that was really helpful in clearing roads and munity come together for a common cause. It warmed my heart The weight of snow on the roob of the Garden parking lou. At this point, it's still roo early to know me cost It isn't until we truly come together char we will see howsrrong Aportments ripped some glitters off the buildings, . fotthiswork." {his campus really is." like 161 pictured ohove. Snow-cancelled 100 Days party rescheduled for March don, but will be postponed to a later date. Shank noted rhar because the date was HEATHERGORSUCH a seniors leadership banquer held during senior Staff Reporter Although the college WlIS closed the follow- changed to "The 72 Days Party" only 3 people week. About 10 years ago, it turned inro a wine ingd:ly, Feb. 12. due to inclement weather, Shank cancelled their RSVP while 12 new students were and cheese event for the entire senior class spon- still came to campus to meet with the Director added,totaling208 scudencs of attendance as ap- sored for free by rhc Alumni Office. It has onlv The overwhelming conditions of [he Blizzard of of College Activities, Mitchell Alexander, to re- posed (0 only 150 students that attended lasr been since 2005 thai rhe evem had been held nn 2010 c:lncelled classes for the week, but pOSt- schedule rhe evcnr immediately. Shespenr those years recepdon chI' 100 day mark. In addition to this evolving re- ne)(t few days calling and emailing her boss, the poned the Annual Alumni Reception for Gradu- Senior Sara Hanlon will still be in amn- ception, in 2009 a OJ WlIliadded :lnd JUStthis year aringSeniors, "The 100 Days l'arty.H c2teringservice, and coJlege act1vities. A new date d~nce no matter what day rhe event will bl,!held. beer will also be provided. The reception Wall to be held on Feb. li,but was:lgreed upon for March 11, the Thursday be- ~R~gardless of thedatc, it's still a celebration of "Though we are sad we had to cancel. we are the night before the scheduled event seniors re: fore spring break during midterm's week. counting down t~e days till we graduate," s:lid eXc1tedby the thingswewi!l be:lbleto 00 at the ceived an email from Assisrant Direcror of AJumm SeniorJoseph.D(ZoDscsaidhe\villstilla\cend Hanlon. "72" days party!" said Shank. S~niors should also R.elations and Alumni Giving, Sarah Shank. The the reception even: though it is now taking place The Annual Receprion for Graduating Se- look forward to :I Happy Hour on the 50th day email stated that che amicipared receprionwill no during midlfrm's week. ~IrwiJl bf a great break niors has been a tradition at McD:lniel College until graduarion sponsored by the Alurnni Office longer take place on {he 100th day undl gradua- fromstudying,".I:1id Drzonsc. since the '80s, but ar dlat time it was considered for a ticket price.
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