Page 65 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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McDaniel alumni return to campus for wedding ---y---. MAIRE HUNTER friend Staff Reporter The wedding party included many of their McDaniel friends including music professor and close friend of Tyler's, Eric Byrd. Many Sevgi Yurrbasi '09 and Tyler Bulsch '10 come current students and RAs also arrended. from tWOdifferent counmes. Sevgl carne [0 the The couple was especially happy that Sev- United States from Turkey as a high school ex- gi's parenrs, Metin and Ulkan Yurcbasi, were change student. Tyler is from Mr. Airy, MD. able to travel from Turkey [0 be present al- Their worlds came together on Saturday, though [he snow almost prevented it. February 13, as the rwo alumni exchanged "Heating their vows, all they could see was vows, rings, and kisses in Little Baker Chapel each other and their future life together. Sevgi The ceremony was traditional but pep- had a huge smile on her face the whole time," pered with personal stories and inside jokes. It Higgs remembered. also included a sand-joining ritual, where they Sevgi and Tyler are JUSt21 and 22 respec- each poured a jar of colored sand into a com- tively, which may seem young to many people mon vase to symbolize their unity. on campus. Sevg! responded (0 those who may Red and white flowers lined the aisles, and in the windowsills, candlelight rwinkled off the not underHand rheir decision ro marry now: Stained glass. The bride wore bright red shoes. "Some people might think we're toO young "It's so Sevgi!" said friend Amy Higgs '09. to marry, but honestly I don't see [he point in When Sevgi and Tyler were at McDaniel waiting. This gives us a chance to dedicate our- ,heir typical days induded having lunch dates selves to each orhcr early on in life and 'grow in Clar, rushing to and from classes, and sing- uptrogerher." ing in gospel choir. They also spenr nights The couple spent their short honeymoon walking around campus doing rounds, since in Florida before returning ,0 [heir jobs and they were both RAs. married life. "Seeing her walk down the aisle, and see- TylersaiJ n's great so far. ing Tyler's face when he first saw her, was price- "l'm married (0 my best friend, does it get less," said Kara Constantine, fellow RA and any better? I get to be with her every day." The 'Bare Naked Truth' about nude modeling EMMA BARBATO you were born while srudenrs skcrch or sculpt"your vari- Contributor ous body parts. Youoften stare at the clock rharis inevi- r [ablywrong, alwayswrong. your head filled wkh Glar, or rather, the regret of the race salad an hour earlier. Walking across Red Square between classes I often found myself avoiding the slighcly uncomfonable side glances The real trouble starts when [he clothes go back of various men and woman who had seen me in various How do you look your boyfriend in rhe eyesand say, stares of undress. "Honey, I am guing (0 get naked in front of your Friends i'rnnotpositivemeyreallyr,;imeani for mcney roday" am wearing more than my bra, but lim awkward uncer- Honestly, it just sounds bad once your bra is secure- rainry lurked right between my shoulder blades JUSt the ly fastened. Like many other aspects of college life, it's same. Iwondered" what the appropriate respon..'iI:was in JUSt benet when you are in me buff. And there is also this kind of situation. the emotional rurrnod you feel sitting in your aparrrnear smije,or~" "ofth:;-=~i~::'~~:::':·r:tone:7;::::~7~:::~.~::::~~ wavey nod" mings. More ofien J pretended rhe whole couch. You can't bur mink, "Huh, he [usr seared at me naked ord"aJ n"""r happenl'd.; it seemed like one of the in a thong for an hour. Does rhar classify as a breach of classieroptions. fri endship? Should I go to ccnfesslonj!" Whil ... I might like to say that yes, I am so ourra- ThI'S<"are the rough questions faced by srudenr This drawing is of Evon geously seductive that I have had liaisons with scores of models everywhere. Ticknor, who turned McDaniel's srudcnr and reacher population, I reallyJUSt 1t's the clothed activities that: really suffer once the scu.lp~~;~!:i~1o~~~; don'; ~~veat~~~::~~e~ of the few sruru:n15on the pain~r:h~ :0:;;';::' the nUmefQllSrimes people Kulplure class. fair Hill mat wasn't afraid !O hare it all for the sake of an, hav...asked me how [ could consider doing what I do, J COURTESY OF EVAN HteraUy.Wdl, and money; money is good [00. think co mysdf, uHow could Inm? Nudity is me only ;=:~T:'C~K:N~O~R~~~~::::~===~::~~~~~lt'sn_m_h,_"'_m--,':--;'_;"_"'_"_"_""_d_;O_rnk_"'_"_"'_'",_,__ "'_ief_'_"_"h_=_"'_,,"_,, _ DIGGING DEEPEER CORRECTION: In the February 12 issue of the Free Press, we printed four creative writing pieces to admowl- edge [he winners of Contrast Literary magazine's fall poeuy and prose eonresr. Unfortunately, McDaniel archivist looks after ths: first place poetry winner's name was omitted. uDimes in the IMt hours of October" was the secrets of the college's past written by Nick Galinairis. Congratulations Nick! SPORTS EDITORS Lombert,J~nna Liltl~,D~von SAMANTHA LAMBERT standy using all the9ki!ls ... {my)opporruniries McAndrew, Lauren Miller; Nick Brunner Charle$Mullin, Gregory NOlen, stoff Reporter havepresen[ed me ... J am srudyingand read- Caitlin Flynn Bryan Nuckles, Naomi Rophoel, ingabou[ what J do all the rime because [here are so m~ny different RichordRoss, KailiaPearl,Ryan parts of rhe job from Pawell, Amber Sialer, Emmo Archivist: a p~rSOIJwho is rup(lmibl~ for orga- preservation to processingancl makingreeords CHIEF Simon, usoVa.apollo,Scott nizillg, plYuruing, and Sl!ruicing hi!fori,al do,u- and collections accessible. Wel~as,RulaZorv. PHOTOGRAPHERS mOlul ruorri.; Iwd/ur JPccilll ilrmJ ul tl specific - She goes funher w say, ·'[hejob is varied, Sam Segal ART DIRECTOR orgalliZillion. imeresring, and can be downrlght exciling like 2 College Hill Evan Ticknor Ashleigh Smith [n t.his case the organization is McDaniel Col- it's Christmas morning especially when the Ar- chives receives 3 donation with its history!" Westminster, MD 21157 lege. And the archivist Barbara O'Brien. She also wants Hudents [0 know: "first it STAFF LAYOUT STAFF O'Brien walks into her office, located on tells the story of their College and rhesrudents mcdanielfreepress.eom PHOTOGRAPHERS Hanna Borker, Juli Guiffre. the second floor of Hoover library, every day that went before them. It is a very interesting 410.751.1!600 OmarBrown, Colin Miller. and works to preserve our campus' history. HOry. The other thing I would like students to With a campus like ours, which is over 100 know about the College Archives is it is ace...s- EDITORS-IN·CHIEF WEB MANAGERS COPY EDITOR years old, ther a lor of work to be done. sible to them. H Kate Delenick Roxanne Fleischer Angela Baldwin O'Brien herself comes from an interesting Students would find yearbooks, scrap- JuliGuiFfre background. Originally from Trumbull Con- books, albums alld memorabilia from eh... Katelynn McGinley COPYDESK necticut she attended Gre ...n Mountain College /chool's past. However, they would be mor ... Hanna Barker, Megan Pilor, and graduated with an AA in English in '69. In surprised [0 find: personal diaries of the first NEWS EDITORS BLOG EDITOR Emma Borbalo. the 80's she and her family moved to Westmin- college president, Ihe card that admirredjames Roxanne Fleischer Nathan Wuertenberg srer, which spark ...d a fascination with rhesmall Thomas Ward to the funeral service of Abra- Megan Robinson AD MANAGER town's unique history. She then went back to ham Lincoln, the letter to College President . STAFF REPORTERS Jessica Largent school at UMBC wh.ere she received her B.A. Andrew Ward from Genc;ral Douglas MacAr- FEATURESEDITOR Phoeb&Bafu, Honna Bamr, and M.A. in history. thur, and Egyptian artifacts thar go back 3,500 to McDaniel She came to ful- in 2000 Kim Williams Eleonor Bi.~II, Matthew Bodnor, WEB AD MANAGER fill the archivist joh and has come over great years, or American Indian textilesfromth~late 19th and early 20th Century. ~;~~~~:'J~~~~:~U:~9h, Aaron Leibensfeld leaps and bounds to bener preserve such great The McDaniel archives hold many people's COMMENTARY Eddie Eze!ciel,SlItort Fischer, history. life works and precious artifacts that I intend When Mkcd why she loves her job, O'Brien EDITOR ~~~~,aK~;I:IfH:;;:n~:a~~i~ick AD REPS replies, "I enjoy my work in Ihe Archives be- to uncover. lam very honored ro have [he per- mission from Barbara for this fantastic oppor- Nathan Wuertenberg Hunter, Yichong li, Samantha Jenna Granger. -- W. adamantly prodice fr•• d"m of .paech. For any comm~nts Of ad pridng. pl.a ....... a11the Fre. Pr~«. much of my lifetime experiences. I am con- am about uncovering McDaniel's past. eauseitallows me to use all my education and tunity. J hope students are excired as much asl
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