Page 64 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 64
HUMANS VS. ZOMBIES: Club trains for zombie apocalypse HANNA BARKER was broughr ro McDaniel by the Resident Assis- Staff Reporter 'rants of Rouzer Hall. Sophomore Mae Alexander decided to starr the dub after witnessing the.sue- cess of previous HvZ events on campus. The Humans v. Zombies Club is taking on the "Forme, [the best part} was talking to rome of responsibility to train students for the zombk the freshman gur.; and having them say that HvZ apocalypse. actually gOt them OUtof their rooms to interact The dub president and vice president are with people. That's a big deal," said Alexander. . freshmen Tarin Grosso and Logan Otremba re- The club meers on Fridays at 8 p.m. in Ensor speceivelj; Currently, membership exceeds 25 StU- Lounge. If you're interested in meeting new peo- dents. Essentially, they playa massive game of tag ple, running around campus with Neff guns, and in which the "humans" attack the "zombies" with training for zombie infestations, then this club is Ncrf guns. probably for you. Grosso recalls his favorite Humans v, Zorn- "People should join HvZ because who doesn't bies (HvZ) memory as the "first night where love zombies and playing tag? It seems like a per- about 75% of the humans were wiped out in fif- fectcombination!"saiclOrrt·mba. reen minutes alter first contact with the first Zom- The dub will be hosting a dodge ball tour- bie,jONO:' . namenr In March to benefit the Hearts for Haiti The dub originated at Goucher College, bur Fund. RIGHT: logan Otremba demonstrates proper firing technique. fAR RIGHT: Tarin Grosso .howloff "; ... o ....b..... kiJJinggear. MEGAN HILDEBRAND Staff Reporter "[his isn't your typical cheesy dance! The THE FASTESTARTICLE YOU'lL EVER READ. Cheese Club had their firsc Cheese Ball on Thursday, Feb. 18. The Cheese Club is the firsr and only club on the McDaniel campus com- plerely dedicated to a food. It was started in order to explore other culrures through cheese. The semi-forma! dance was a Valentine's WHAT ANNOYS YOU THE MOST IN THE Day celebration [hat had approximately 50 guests. The Ball featured DJs from McDaniel's CLASSROOM? own WMCR, and of course an asscrrrnenr of cheesesanci other snacks. Junior Arlee Baker went to [he Cheese Ball "I don'llike when you are in a eloes discussion and people talk "fora fun eveningwirh [his} girifriend. H over you." Different members of the Cheese Club sat KEllY WITOWSKY, freshman outside of Glar and sold tickets in the weeks prior to the Ball as part of a Cheese Club Fundraiser. President of the Cheese Club, Ellen Shank, "I hate it when studenl$ pass notes. It's distracting!" said rhat a Cheese Ball would be a fun idea be- KElECHI AJOKU, funior cause "it combines cheese and dancing, the two greatest things ever." more information about Cheese Club or their The Cheese Club meers the first and third upcoming events please email Megan Robinson Thursday of every month at North ViIlage at marOl5@mcdanieLcom or join che Cheese building 195, apartment 202 at 6:30 p.m. For Club on Facebock. "It's frustrating when srudents tolk to each other while the teacher i.tolking." MARIA OVIEDO, Spanish house director Be the voice of "1 don't like when the leocher talks too fast." ELLA SPENCER, freshman your college. "1 don't like when professors cover 100 much materiol ot the lost minute, ond they expect us to know everything on the exam." WAN QIAN ZHANG, senior Come to the Free Press staff meetings, Mondays at 7:30 in the Writing Center. :'Wh~~ people don't toke core of themselves [i.e, nol shower- Ing)11 s really hard to concenlrate because of the overwhelming stench." PAIGE PRICE, freshman
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