Page 60 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 60
Women's basketball sees playoffs in future CAITLIN FLYNN riencc and leadership; not to mention a ~go (Q per- Co Sporb Editor son" in Ali Mordand" as real strengths of her team. What seems to be the most prominent aspect of the team, however, is how determined they are ro After four consecutive losses to begin their5l'a_ keep fighting during pressure siruarions SQn, the women's basketball team has been rejuve- Senior captain and guard Ali Moreland believes nared and has already clinched a spcr in rbe Cc». the besr thing ebour the team is rhar rheir strengths rennial Conference playoffs with their fiftcenth- come from every individual player on the ream, srraighr win against conference rival, Swarthmore. making each of them dominant players. The team has pulled out three of those wins in ~It's hard for teams to stop us because they can't overtime, proving JUSt how fur hard work and dedi- JUSt key in defensively On one player," says More- cation can carry a ream land. "There are too many dimensions on our team. Aside from their hard-earned wins, the Green That makes us unstoppable." Terror women h~vc also been awarded academica!_ Junior forward Whitney Snoops believes that ly. The Womens Basketball Coaches Association , the team has really come together this season and (WBCA) ranked the team in I lrh place for rhe Ac- agrees with Moreland that the squad's individual adernlc Top 25 Team Honor Roll. With a grade- strengths make them a threat to conference foes. point average on 3.453 for me palt academic year, ~We3reconstanrlyimpf(>vingon the Green Terror women certainly have something other's strengths and weaknesses and this has result- else rc be proud of ed in some balanced scoring in a lot of our games," Head coach Becky Martin, who is in her 29th says Snoops. "This has definitely helped us because season here on the Hill, is accustomed to winning even if a ream tries to shut down a certain player we sneaks similar co this aile. During the 2006-2007 still have plenty of threats to help us win." coaching season, her team reeled-off 19 conference The seniors, including Ashley Lyles, Carhe- wins in a row and went on ro rake rhe regular season rine Mills, Ali Moreland, and Sally Gr.u;;c, have all Conference Championship. "'''ppoo up as le:ld.,n; this year. They have espedally This ""ason, Mardn poi"", au< ,hat she docsn·, been leaned on by the team in lhe cl~e games. wanr [Q dwell on streaks; that the goal for the pro- Snoops points out that jf the team continues to gram every year is to nor only qualifY for the Confer- improve over the next few weeks and in their upoom- ence Championships, but to try their hardest to win ing games, they will be able put themselves in a very the title and qualify for the NCAA Tournament. good spon for the Conference Championships. "Naturally, some years certain teams have a bet- "if we can stay health, continue to progress-and rer chance of achieving those goals," says Martin. "I have a little luck, r believe we have as good a chance as am nota fortune teller; but this [earn has many simi- anyone in the conference if we are fortunate enough SPORTS FILE PHOTO During the Feb 3 game again,t Dickimon, Ali Moreland scored 20 points, aiding the women's lar characteristics of past McDaniel squads that have ro be playing in the Conference Chemptonship won championships," game," says Martin. She concluded, "Regarding the g;~~e~~~~I~o~f~~:~~~I~~~~:J~F~r~t:~e~~oo:r~ i~:!;~k::f~o,l;r:~dln7'h~:~ ~~~~~ :h~~h a balaneed Coach identifies offense with an in- WBCA's top 25, we are proud and honored co be in- storted out with Four consecutive losses side and outside game, good speed upper class expe- eluded and recognized with the best in the country" OutPickNick If you f•• Idown.ll Evny week one bra,,~sports r~porur will get tJJf ci}(/1jctf 10 left their footbalL knOlul~dgeby going OIU·on-onewilh the ~dilor. Supr:rSunday has come ,md gone, and kti ue how the predic/iom flood lip /0 tbe "suits of the Super BIJwl. ."7he glass is neither half NICK BRUNNER Tim's Take.,. empty nor half full but rather Co Sports Editor I K>el that dle Indianapolis Colts wi!! win me 5uper bowl. TIM McLlSTER The main reason the Colts are so successful is bt.'C.1use of the twice as large as it needs to be. " Staff Reporter league MVP Peyton Manning. Manning is simply me most dangerous man with the football, making everyone around ~ Anonymous him betrer. Heeven has a mental advantage to mis game where The single biggest day on [he American sPO;ts calendar took his mind allows him to easily memorize pictures, or in this case place Sunday in Miami. You might r«alI [he TWO o'clock me Saints defense. Nor {O mention the Colts defense has been dp-ofF:1.{ BankUnited Center where Lady Hurricanes of playingexcepdonally well. With much resrthmughout me past Life is dictated by percep- Miami played host to SlUE. But if that ~me somehow rwo w~ks and the Saim~ new to the winning category, slipped you mind, hopefully you recall the heavy weight the IndIanapolis Colts WIll Will Super Bowl XLrv. tion, not circumstance. In- bout that went down inside Sun Life Stadium where {he tWO tOp dogs of the NFL wem to barrIe for the lombardi Nick's Take ... stead of being a pessimist Trophy. While it wasn't the batrle beTWeen quite possibly the Bom
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