Page 58 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 58
'MiMMENTARY Is America calling for more change? NICK BRUNNER spoon-fed (Q the American people? Early indica- Brown's credibility and highly effective pick-up Co Sports Ediloer tions point to rough water ahead for President rruck advertisement. fu was the case in New jer- SCOttBrown seems to be listening ro the people, MATIHEW BODNAR Obama and his Democratic comrades if they do seyandVirginia, the voice of the people resonat- he observed, "One thing is very, very dear as I Stoff Reporter nor drastically correct their course. ed above that of the President and the democrats traveled across this SLate.People do nor want the To pull off such a shocking upset, Sam were defeated for the third time in rhe pasr three trillion dollar healrhcare plan [hat is being forced Brown had to orchestrate a strong, grass-roots months. Viral indicators are beginning to suggest on the American people, and this bill is not being "It's not the Kennedy seat, and it's not the campaign [0 relay his message of government that Presidenr Obama's ideaof change may not be debated openly and fu.irly.~Brown was very dear Democrals'·sthepeople'sseat" resrrainr. Most of the time mis election would in agreement with that of the people, even those throughout his campaign that he would be the One single line could very well help right the barely be newsworthy in the state of Massachu- who voted for him during me election. A recent fortieth vorl' against the current healrhcare bill. course of America and me presidency of Barack sens and back page news almost everywhere else Gallup Daily Presidential Poll Oanuary 30,2010) HebelievesthebillwilJ,"raisernxes,increasegov_ Obama. This single line sums up the campaign as another Democrat would assume the seat and suggest char 47% ofvotetsapprove and 47% dis- ernmenr spending and lower the quality of care, message that propelled SCOttBrown to victory in vote the party line in Washington. However, this approve of the job the President is doing, making especially for elders on Medicare." He goes on to {hebluestateofMassachuset!S.For[hefi~ttime year a win by a non-Democrat would cost the him the most polarized president in historyafrer say. "I suppottstrengthening the existing private in over a half a century a Republican haswon party their 60th vote in rheSenate, ever impor- only one year in office. Funhermore, a new Ras- market system wirh policies chat wi!! drive down a senate seat in me Bay State. In a state where rant as this would insure that they would no lon- mussen Reports national telephone survey finds costs and make it easier for people to purchase af- only one-third of the registered VOTt'tSare Repub- gerhold a super-majority and be able to fast-track that 61% of U.S. voters say Congress should drop fordableiflSurance." lican.itisdearthatthepeopleofMassachusens theiragenaa through the Hocr cfrhe senars. Basi- health care reform and focus on more immediate These are certainly trying times for the many have had enough of business as usual in Wash- cally,withou[rherighttofiJibusrer,bHlscouldbe ways to improvetheecon_?my and create jobs, Americans and the Ohama administration. Does ington D.C. President Obama won the White signed inro law without opposition or meaning- while just 30% of voters nationwide think Con- he forge ahead wirh his healthcare bill, or does House with the suppon of independent vorers firl debate and discussion. gress should press ahead with health care. he take a step back and reconsider his position? and the promise of bringing change ro a govern- This election had such national importance It appears that Presidem Obama is beginning The next few months may very well seal the fate ment in need. However, over a year has passed that President Obama was able to find time in to lose the support of voters, especially those who of President Barack Obarna. If he listens ro the since the inauguration and Americans still see no his busy schedule, between making Super Bowl carried him to victory a year ago, Independents. polls, and quite frankly me mid-term election re- sign of mis change being enacted. Was this VOte predictions and Sitting in with the commentators Despite what people want and what these polls suits, like Bill Clinton did before him, Obarna Simply about the people of Massachusetts or was at a Georgetown men's basketball game, to make clearly illusrrare, President Obama has shown no has a chance ro revive his presidency. If not, he ira referendum on the liberal agenda mat is being his way up to The Commonwealth and downplay signs of altering his stance. Unlike the President, should he ready to move back rc Chicago after just four years in the Oval Office. Afghanistan is to Obama as Bush is to Iraq ROSS SMITH JUStGeorge W. Bush with a different swagger. plan on the merits that al-Qaeda attacked us Contributor Directlyarrerrheterrori5tattacksof9/11,Pres_ from Afghanistan with suppOrt from the Tali- Americans have a lack of options- both the Democratic and Republican parties support [his idenr Bush called OUTnation to arms in order ban government, Conversely, the 9/11 cornmis- war in Afghanisran. However, Americans have ro defeat chose who attacked us. \1Vhilehis ini- ston report concluded rhar there is "no evidence another alternative. The Libertarian party is ehe President Obama recent- rial plan of sending milirary forces over to fight that any foreign government - or foreign govern- only parry that opposes America's current fo~- ly gave a speech on fot- al-Qaeda was justified, things quickly changed ment official- supplied any funding" to al-Qae- eign policy and truly believes in savi~g Amen- eignpolicy,announcing as our nation was deceived into invading Iraq, his intemions to increase a scheme that should go down as one of the da. Since we are supposedly fighting terrorists, can lives and restoring our civil liberties. troop levels in Afghani- most despicable acts any US Presiden't has ever why don't we invade Sri Lanka, as they commit dress~'?p~::1.e~~~:e~~:~ ~.~l~,~n~a~!c:~~~ .... n by ~O.OOO In .:>«i", ""ken. more acts of terrorism rhan any other country? to win che war on ter- Today, President Ohama is using the same The re:tSon is because Obama plans to re-build ::~e:i~o~~;;~~o:~re~O:~~i~: fat~~rs adv~ce ror. A speech intended platform, justifYing his acdons as a way to fight the Mghan government, JUStiike Bush planned to provoke unity and pa- terrorism and make our country safer. Howev_ to rebuild the traqigovernmenr. and pursuinganon-intervenuon forelg~ policy triotism merely echoed President Bush's deceit_ er, this course of action has nothing to do with According to our Consrirution, only Con- ::~~11i;.c~0:~i~~ ;eO;~g~~~~r:;Jo~n::~~d~:: ful rhemric for invading Iraq. A mirror image defeating the culprits of9/11. Current reports gress ha.sthe authority toaedare war, yet count- of ideas, Obama's plan will simply further our suggest that al-Qaeda'.~ numbers and resources less military engagements since 1945 have oc- quire our military-empire in ovet I~O ooun;n f COuntries involvement in another unjusdfied in Afghanistan are deteuoracing, posing a neg_ curred without CongresSional consent. Fur- war. This reckless attempr at making America ligible threat [0 our national security. General thermore, when politicians don't dedare war, ~:~~dhu~d:e~~~~' :~J~:~~:~a~~l~a~~~~d St~e safer will achieve no such goal. It wil! only pro_ james jones, Ohama's top national security ad- the wars don't end. The United States defeat- credibiliry this grear nation once had asa role- mote de.:per debt, more military casualties and visor said ""The al-Qaeda presence (in Afghan_ ed the Axis Powers in under four years because .. wicked trend of policing the world. istan) is very diminished, The maximum esti- we declared war, set clear objectives and fully mod~) :~~ r~r: r~~:;tf :~;hg~:~ pardI'S and seek Running on a platform of ~ehange~ and mate is less than 100 operating in the COUntry, commitU!d ourselves to the task at hand. Today, a real party that promotes peace, freedom. and criticizing john McGin for being more of the no bases, no ability to launch attacks on either this supposed "War on Terror~ is going on nine prosperiry and want to learn. more aboU( Llber- same, PresidemObama, ironically enough, is years,yer no end is in sight. rarianism, contact Ross Smith at rasOlO@mc- us or our allies." Still, many defencl'Obama's Unfortunately, in our two-parry sysrem, SPORTS COMMENTARY .Tiger on the Prowl: How the golfer's world came crashing down MATTHEW BODNAR possible dispute between the golfer and his wife. Stoff Reporter These s~eculations ultimately proved to be true, as Tiger's tresses liuered a~ross the United States and Europe for that mat- ,":orld of pnvacy ended the moment the crash became pub- ter. And so what is the e.ffect of Tiger's downfall here on the Hill? ],c.. Rumors w~re flung ar~und the Web, as multiple sources Can his image possibly survive such a black eye? Junior Sam COl( Arguably the athlete in tbe world today is Tiger claimed that Ttger was havlflg extra-marital affairs, while his believes, "The whole situarion is ridiculous. Tiger is a golfer, what Woods. Woods has won 14 professional major golf champion- wife cared for their twO children ar home. The first woman does his personal life have to do with golf?" Meanwhile, junior ships, the second highest of any male player, and 71 PCA Tour brought into the public eye was Rachel Uchirei, a perenni- Matt Pace poin.[S OUt. ".This the worH thing rhat could have eventS, which is third all time. He has more career major wins al force on .the N~w York club scene according to most re- h.appened to Tiger obVIOusly In his personal life but also finan- and more PGA Tour wins than any other active golfer. He is the POrtS, Uchltel qUICkly denied any involvement with Woods Cially.Tiger's value as an advertising giant was centered around his youngest player to achieve the career Grand Slam, and the young- but within days, new women were coming forward to acknowl~ app~reIlt .s~odess publi.c image, now that is gone." Regardless of est and fastesr co win 50 tournaments on tour. You have seen Ti- edge rheir own affairs with EI Tigre. ones POSltlon concernmgTiger Woods, it has to be known that ger's face promote numerous products on T.Y" inelu.ding Nike, Today, the number of alleged women who hav~ claimed af- Woods made.a terrible mistake. A man has a responsibility to his General Motors, American Express, Accenwre, and Gillette. The fairs with Tiger Woods has reached double-digits. The profesSions wife and family. and let's be hon.est, Tiger failed miserably. man has his own video game and was once considered the most of these women have included models, adult entertainers, reality Woods now has to deal WIth the Consequences of his ac- marketable athlere in the world. These illustrious achievements T.V. show contestants, 20 year old waitresses and a 40 year old :ions, Over time, Americans have been found to be very forgiv- and multimillion dollar comracrs have all led ro the moment in mother. Tiger has released statements via his website. On De- ~~. h A~h~~t~ such as Mark .McGwire, Andy PettitI', and even 2009 when Tiger Woods became the first billion dollar athlete. cemb~r 2, 2009, Woods acknowledged transgressions and request_ Tiger's immensely private world :!Ild i~maculate record cilme ed pTlvacy for himself and his family. On December 11, after Wi:~n: dO~~t ~:v~o~een forgiven to some degree. Tiger Woods course. This is a trav~lven the n:oment h~ steps OUt Onto a golf more women came forward daiming to have graced Tiger's bed, a ~::~~~gg t~O;o~i;;or~~r~si,mFII:~~d~~~g~~:~n~a~~fhr~~~O:de~~~~ statement was released informing the public tharTiger would be of Tiger Woods will ~ty, as the Immoral, 'trepre~ensible actions e lfl this country Adolescents need to know what r forg,otten. a single car accid~IlI in a posh Florida closed-gare commuIllty. taking an indefinite leave from golf. Tiger finally admitted to or- Woods hit a hydrant and a uee around 2:25 a.m., the Friday after dering from the menu, insread of only looking when in the state- mista~es. Ti~er Wood~g~rn~~o~ea~:~~~;t at~7sI;:~~t~r~; ~~~~: • Thanksgiving. Police found Tiger Woods unresponsive, lying on ment he professed, "t am deeply aware of the disappointment and ~~g~~S~h~~I:~:~~~a;:rn~~s detailin,.s mistakes .and illustrat: the road covered in a blanket and resting his head on a pillow. hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all and raise aW'afeness of t;lveness. He needs to adVise the young Tiger's 2009 CadHlac Escalade was found hu~ing a tree. in .his my wife and children.~ neighbor's yard, JUStout of reach of his own dnveway. H~s wtfe, And so the world wonders when Tiger Woods will return to days of Gillette and Nik e problems. he en~ountered. Forget the Elin, told police she used a golf club ~o.smash ~he back w!Ildow~ the game of golf. As of January 2010, numerous reports indicate mercial where he becom~sco~merclals; Tiger needs.a new com- of the SVV to !;ldp him out. The SUSplCIOUSacctdent and Woods Tiger is at a sex rehab facility. These repons are unconfirmed, but eXpresses extreme g uilt ada !lan who ~wns up to hiS faults and refusal to answer questions about it fueled speculation about a one most consider this highly probable considering Tiger had mis- he needs to flx his marr~ :ea~~rse. Tiger cannOt run and h.ide; the dangers of fame, mon~y, and ~::~h the younger generations Lighter Side of the Campus Safety Blotter Editor's Note: The li ht S·d . I e Will return in th F b . 9 er e e ruary 25 ISSueof the Free Press.
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