Page 59 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 59
•• SEX Cum, See, Conquer. RAPHAEL NAOMI Stoff Reporter When asked if they've knor, "it horhers me because relationships are So what's the answer to all this? Is there an ON,.HE ever faked an orgasm al- supposed to be about open communication. I answer? I'm not sure 1know, I think we need to mosr every gir! I've spo- be comforrable. However.m cue culrure of'one- the ,!ogisric-a understand girl's nor going to ~. ken to has said ye.~. 111is cum every nme nlghr-smnds and weekend hook-ups (hat point remains unsurprisingly It seems co me that if you're faking it, it may be unarrainnblc. common among women. means one of several things This is not to say rhar sexual acts can't he Most of them don't seem ever, I don'r rhtnk lying co each other will work h's been going on for 'too long and rc (hink char It's rude or 2. I. You're not enjoying (he experience. fun wirhcur org:lsms, quire the contrary. How- insensitive; nseems to be simply something [hat you're bored. forever. is necessary from rime to rime. However, men 3. You're not comfortable enough with don'r always have a similar view. the person ro be rhat open. The general consensus I've found is thai if 4. The odli::r person's not doing their job it's a ooe rime thing, or a causal hook-up, guys well. generally can't even tell if the girl's faking lr, Girls are not the only ones who fake it. and if they do, it doesn't matter as it's a casual True it is much more difficult for guys 10 fake Editor's No/(; This columll, wriuell by Naomi thing. Guys in relationships become more of- finishing, but they can still fake enjoying some- Raphatl is dedicated 10 ~xpforing some of the 'taboo' fended and understandably so thing. "I've faked enjoying it," says Ticknor, topics about gender {[lid sexuillity. To contact her "I can definlrely rell if a girl I'm in a rela- "sometimes I'm tired, or I just want to watch I?garding Sex 011tbe Hill, rmflil jrupms@mcdflll- rionship with is faking it," says senior Evan Tic- Rararouille." id/!d'l MlK celebration reson~tes with Message from SGA presidential hopeful thoughts of pride, accomplishment NICK BENDER project in Decker, and many more behind-the- scenes contributions are a credir to the SGA and Contributor its leadership. A paradigm shift has begun in the culture and operations of SGA. If elected, Over the paSt year, the leaders in tho: Student 1 intend to nor only continue the progress of Shared Dream The peace some have rried to S-avor. Government Association (SGA) have made our SGA, but to pass on the organization great- Like that man so long ago rhe girl down on rhe By Emma Karralia. Elernenrary Student at playground knows great strides in the berrermenr of Mcfjaniel er than was given 10 me. Elections are Febru- ary 22nd-26th via e-rnaii. VOTE! Questions or College. The creation and maintenance of rhe William Winchester Elementary, Winner of how ir is IObe looked down upon Marrin Luther King, Jr. Writing Conrcst Disrress anger. student incraner, rhe addition ef rhe new learn- comments can be e-rnaued to me at nab007@ Ing spaces in the library, the digital signage rucdaniel.edn So many y~rs ago America knew a man. !smod'up for that girl. A man who gave his life fur freedom, 1stood lip for harmony. for friendship. I STOodlip for others, A man who had a dream. Just as the man with a dream did so long Adreamtharl now share. ,go Peace, harmony. Pride, rriumph. I try m do small things, To rhis day I remember that moment. Small things that wiU help peace pr~"ail. It gavc::mestrenglh. I hear-crying'onrhepbyground, Itgayem~courage. irsexdusion,disruprion. I will always remember rhe shared dream It is disruption ofrhe peace, JETONNE' ELLIS thar day lit The Lincoln Memorial, thar King Staff Reporter share with the crowd 'rhe dream' that he'd had. ~I stood up for harmony,n is the phrase thar Andon this day, February In, 1960, Four conrioues ro resonate in my mind days after black students from Nonh Carolina Agrkul- McDaniel's dinner celebration in honor of ~he turalllnd Technical College performed their Reverend King. Almost 57 years ago Dr. King non-vio!"nt ~sit-in" at 'The F.W. Woolworth envision<,d an America that would ooe day re- Company's all-white lunch counter. alize its selfevidcnr uuth-thllt all men reg:ud- There is no other place thar I would rath- less of race, creed,orcolorareequlli. Today his erbeat this momenr in dmc then ce!ebraring legacy lives on. the livesofrhose who FOlIghI to elimin.ate so- As I sit in a roO/11full of women and men. black, white, and shades in becween. I cannor cial injustice. To ach~vt the social harmony help bm ro think of how far WE, asa nation that Emma so doquently speaks of: The Little and as a world, have come since that dayin lale Rock Nine, Mahalia Jackson, Thurgood Mar- ~lImmer of 1963. shall, Mary McLeod Bethune, Unda Brown, My mind goes back to Mllhalia Jad~son's Medgnr Evers, Jackie Robin,on, John F. Ken- song "We Shall Overcome" which became the nedy, and so many others that go unrecogni~ed. soundtrack of The Civil Rights MovemenL She Their contribution, no matter how big or how sings "... Weare not afraid, everything'sgonna' small, is living proof of a shared dream that in be alright ... " For it was per Jackson's request, 2010 has come to fruition. DEAF SAWY Deaf Awareness month approaching MARISSA GRAff of not being able to hear; it's f]lled with 'De~f Stoff Reporter humor, music, an, poetry, literature, linguistic styles, a rich historY.1nd a common heritage. The Deaf Studies program al McDaniel. prides This is theflrst editionof'DeafSavvy',a place itself on its bi-lingual appro.1ch,srressingthe where Deaf Culture can bedisctlssed,quesrions imponance of knowing and m~stering hoth asked and answers provided. Deaf Awar~ness English and American Sign Language (ASL). monrh on McDaniel Campus starts March W~ have a community of Deaf and Hard of 22nd and cOlllinues through April 16th. To Hearing undergraduates and gr:1du.1tes as well cel~brate Deaf Culture I would like (0 share as Professors. There are cI:lsses taught (om- SOme insights, interesting quotesfFactsfrrivia, pletelyinASL that impress upon thcvaluesof and answer any questions this campus might DeafCulrure3nd history. It is because of one Confidential HIV Testing have abom Deaf Culture and ASL. There may ofrhose classes that I am writing this article. be occasions where I WOn't know the answer For [he next few weeks 1 welcome and encour- By, The Carroll Coum:y Health Department and will enlist rhe knowledge of some Deaf age you to email me with questions, comments, When: friends or experts. myths, or anything that you want to be dis- Thursday, February 18,2010 "Deaf communities had theatrical soci- cussed and I will try to comment or get some- Where: The Well ness Cencer-Winslow Cenrer 2nd Roar eries, literary cirdes, masquerade balls, orga- oneelscrocommenronrhesubjecl. I hope we Time: 1,00 p.m. - 4,00 p.m. nized debates, spOrts teams, and rravclgroups. can all learn and hllve a respectful discussion Thedeafcuhurehad that had taken root in the about Deaf Culture. schoolsfoT deaf children cropped upal! across Please Contact The Well ness Center for an appointment: the Country in deaf dLLhs for adultS. People (410) 857-2243 came rogether rosign, to help each otha, and, quire Simply, to have a good dme," said Lasand- fI/lllf1g008@mcdalliti.I'dli. Test results will be available within 30 minutes. Editor's Not/l: Alilrisril Grilff may bl' retlchl'd -- Deaf Eyes. cr Through Deaf Culture is more rhan a common bond
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