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P. 83
FEATURES FEBRUARY 8, 2007 - Page 5 Forget culture shock, Budapest fuels interest my bag. All there was to do nities to be followed, and as to convert the Hungarian cur- rest out yourself. GEOFF PECKHAM was lay in bed, really thirsty, much as you think how you reney in your head. What's really been great so BUDAPESTCORRESPONDENT and wonder, "what am I know everything is going to Sometimes it's the reaUy little far is meeting so many differ- doing here?" go down, you really don't. things, like the fact that you enr people with so many dif- TwO'days later I was You need to experience the almost never get ice in your ferent backgrounds. singing karaoke at a club with culture and societyfor itself to drinks, or that all the bottled Everyone has a story, and students from Hungary, understand and appreciate water has a flavor to it. they're willing to share it. It's Holland, Israel, and Mongolia. just how amazing and surreal Sometimes it's funny, like great to see so many different Since then I've also met peo- it can be. It can also be tncred- the huge amount of rDA that cultures blending together in pie fro~ Croatia, Nigeria, ibly frustrating, but you have go on in this city, especially what really is a hell of a city. Iran, SWitzerland, Turkey, and to take the bad with the good. when you consider how dis- Culture shock? Forget Portugal. I've seen the That 'bad' is often referred tant everyone is from every- about it. I miss my family, and remarkable Matthias Church, to as culture shock, when one else the rest of the time. I miss but friends, but I'm Iiv- the Hungarian Parliament, you're exposed to something They like gyros in this city. ing in a European capital for I won't lie: my very first and the Royal Place. I've par- so radically different than There are gyros sold practical- the next four months. night in Budapest wasn't all tied at clubs called New what you're used to, you're lyon every street comer, and Opportunities like this don't that exciting. I was tired. I Orleans and School Club, as left helpless and unable to do everyplace does them differ- come around often, so I'm not was cranky after traveling for well as throughout Oktogon. anything about it. ently. I came expecting going waste another minute about fifteen hours. I was in Welcome to Europe, Geoff. But from my perspective, goulash everyday, but this is getting worried about how I the hotel room all by myself. It's hard to quantify what it's the new culture that makes cool too. can't speak the language or ~y voltage converter didn't one expects when they travel traveling so worthwhile. You know what else is don't like the taste of the fit the plug of my laptop, and abroad. There are countless Most of the time it's the little everywhere? AlcohoL And water. my hand sanitizer leaked in prospects, ideas, and opportu- things, like figuring out how it's cheap. You can figure the Welcome to Europe, Geoff. Back from abroad - A life changing trip 2006, after months of answer- dent was able to give a differ- Spain. This completed my Munich, Germany,.. hiked BRITTANY PARRISH ing questions and explaining ent perspective from extreme- the Alps through out CONTRIBUTOR experience abroad and truly just where Budapest was, I Iy different and unique back- gave mea small glimpse of the Switzerland ... swam on the "Bucharest?.Bangladesh? ... hopped on a plane and began grounds. Beyond classes we amazing world that exists beaches of Barcelona, Spain BUDAPEST? Where are you an adventure that unknowing- were able to discuss current beyond the US. and climbed the Eillel Tower going?" This was the reaction Iy would change my life. world issues and compare Since returning to the states, in Paris, France. On top of this of most people when I would My first days in daily activities that I would the transition between the I experienced things that chel- tell them I was going to be Budapest were simply spent venture to say most hustle and bustle of European lenged my thinking and liter- studying in Budapest, wondering just how I got here Americans take for granted. I city life and a large intema- ally made friends from all Hungary for the fall semester and how I was going to sur- was able to get a different per- tional setting, to small town over the world. of my senior year. vive. I had to learn how to spective about the world, the people and politics, has been So for those of you To people beyond the flush a toilet, tum off a light, US and myself. The time I hard, to say the least. Even that are the people that asked McDaniel College Campus, say hello, thank you and good spent traveling was precious, more difficult is the ability to me "Bucharest? Bangladesh? Budapest certainly seems bye without making a fool of but the time with my friends put into words the expert- BUDAPEST?!?!" YES! obscure. To McDaniel College myself and stop smiling all the from many countries have for- ences of four months in the Budapest, Hungary ... and T students the~selves Budapest time, because that is not a cus- ever changed my life. five minute conversations that LOVED it! Actually, no .. is an opportunity to go abroad tom welcomed on the streets I was extremely fortu- normal people's attention Bude-peSl-lt because that is mentioned before they were of Budapest as it is in the nate to supplement my time in spans allow for when they ask how it is correctly pro+ even admitted as students. It states. While all these things Hungary with a large amount you "How was your trip?" nounced. If you did not know is all to commonly rarely seemed a big deal at first, it of traveling. My travels The follow up ques- before, you know now. If you thought of again. quickly became the norm and beyond Budapest included tion to the simple "How was are someone who is consider- Originally, a biology it was in my first political sci- explorations both in Hungary your trip?" always seems to be ing going to Budapest or and political science double ence class that I began to and beyond. The fact that "What did you miss?" I find it studying abroad in gener- major, I must admit I was one understand the magnitude of Hungary was located in much easier to answer this.. al ... GO! It will be the best of those people ...someone studying at an international Central Europe, though its nothing. When I first thought decision you have ever made. who never really thought of school. culture is more defined by of leaving to go to Budapest I And for all of you that have going abroad and had too In my political science Eastern Europe to the chagrin thought of missing soccer, been, Egeszsegedre! many activities and require- class that consisted of 8 stu- of Hungarians, allowed me sorority, choir, family, friends ments. With much thought dents, 7 countries were repre- the opportunity to travel fre- and of course the general during the spring of my junior sented- Seychelles, Nigeria, quently. One trip that includ- excitement of being a coUege Serbia, Switzerland, Hungary. ed the cities of Prague and senior. But in looking back at year I realized that if I Iran, and the US. As I sat in Vienna, was already a part of what I missed .. J missed noth- changed my major to political Science and International class being taught by a the tuition for the school and ing. Of course I missed my Studies I realized that not only Hungarian professor that these sites gave us a better family and friends and in a would I be doing something I served in the Hungarian view of central Europe. Due perfect world I would have was much more passionate Army during socialism, I was to the locations AND the loved to have enjoyed all about, but I would have the looked at as a representative cheap airfare, (I went to Paris those activities of the fall for under 60 bucksl} I was Semester. I walked the tiny of the United States and every time to go abroad. other student a representative able to get to four countries in streets of Prague, Czech I really did not know of their respective country. addition to the Czech Republic... played in the back- anything about Budapest When issues such as the 50th Republic and Austria. This yard of the Hapsburgs in before the fall of 2006, but to anniversary of the Hungarian included Germany, Vienna, Austria ... shopped at make a long story short ...1 went for it. So on August 28th, Revolution, arose, each stu- Switzerland, France and the Christmas Markets of
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