Page 78 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 78
'lrr~r:-r Vol. 6 No.4 DECEMBER11,2006 -Pege 16 Green Terrormen on fast-break to success coach has begun and it seems On November 21st, Coach RYAN CHELL to be having an effect. to a challenge. Since the game their 5-3 record overall, and SPORTS EDITOR Flynn got to bring his team to against Goucher in the the 2-1 record in our confer- This year's team seems to one of his favorite type of Provident Pride of Maryland ence. Momentum still seems The 2006 McDaniel have firmly grasped Coach games; a home game. It had Tournament, the Green Terror to be on their side, and hope- men's basketball team is off Flynn's winning mentality, as the effect that Coach Flynn has played three conference fully they can ride that success and running and it seems as if the team has not fallen beyond desired: a McDaniel win in a rivals, and they came out with throughout the rest of the sea- the team might be running the .500mark this season. The rematch against Hood, 66-64. a winning record against son to make themselves ready away with the competition. Green Terror opened the sea- The Green Terror then them. for the eventual Centennial The boys team (5-3, 2- son at the Lebanon ValleyTip- played the second game of The wins included an Conference Playoffs. But 1Centennial Conference) is off Off in Annville, PAas the team their next opening tourna- overtime win against Ursinus again, the regular season is to one of the best starts in the went 1-1 in the double header ment against. Salisbury in away from McDaniel and a what they should be focusing past few years, as Coach against the teams of Lebanon Towson on Nov 25th, return- home-win in front bf the home on right now. Flynn's ~cond year. as head Valley and Hood. ing to 2-2 after a 57-53 loss. crowd against o'ickinson on But who are some of the key But the ques- the 28th. Maybe Coach Flynn players who are helping this tion many would has the right idea about hav- McDaniel team? We are now ask was: what ing lots of fans at home games. getting a second look at happens when Without them, it certainly Flynn's style of play this year. conference play does not make it seem like a Right now, the components of begins? We now home game. Fans can change Flynn's success has been the know that the entire games on their own; play of sophomore guard Green Terror can they can change the visiting Ryan Brandenburg and junior beat Hood any- team's rhythm and mess with guard/forward Brett Foelber. time they go up their composure. And when Foelber is averaging 14 points 'against each one team is rattled, mistakes a game to Brandenburg's 13. T other on the happen, and when mistakes am sure that with those two hardwood, but happen, the other team capi- performing well, making what about their talizes off those mistakes. shots, and with a collective. fierce rivals in the Coach Flynn's formu- team effort, the team will con- Centennial la was brought down to earth tinue to replicate its success in Conference? as Hopkins found the anti- the second half. Well, the dote, as the Blue Jays came Now the only question that men had some- into GiH last Wednesday to remains is: can the team finish thing to say to blow away the Terror, 91-6. the race that it has shot so that, and they Despite the loss to one of quickly out of? _...certainly McDaniel's fiercest rivals, the M,KIiHA8EGC£I< answered the call Terrors are great position with . Women's basketball eyes a good season yo Jar, the sophomore class has goals of the team. "They did vital. However, it is not the. es of other teams comment on LAURA HUlTON taken strides in becoming not win conference champs only important factor. The the commitment of the SPORTS EDITOR much better players. Also, the last year and are hungry this support from fans is also key McDaniel community to their As of. December 4, the freshman class is "instrumen- year. The five seniors have to their success and basketball team. She also says that the women's basketball team tal to success" on the court, strong leadership and deter- has always been known for support from the student stands at 4-1 overall and 1-0in added Martin. ruination. 'They have two drawing strong support from body is "a great compliment" conference. Their only loss A team that is able to grow rings and they want a third." the campus. and she "proud of what this was to Juniata on November like this should have no trou- The strength of the team is Martin explains that coach- (see "Women" on page 15) 17 at the York College TIp-Off ble as they continue to play Tournament. The team took through what is sure to be this initial loss and did not let another strong- season full of it affect their performance the demanding games. "We next day when they beat York. always look forward to play- Three wins followed York, ing games in the conference, including one against especially Hopkins, Dickinson. The team w~s Muhlenberg, and Dickinson, especially pleased with this all of which are challenging. victory. It was their first in We had a rough time last year, conference game of the season so playing each on,e of these and a huge deal since they lost teams means a battle that we to Dickinson twice last year. look forward to," said Hess. "We are especially happy As they have shown in pre- with the win over Dickinson, vious years, this team wants it was a huge game for us to be the conference champi- because us seniors wanted to ons. They enter each season prove that we are the better with this as their main goal. team, especially after last sea- "As always, our goal is to win son's disappointing loss," a conference championship, explains senior Theresa Hess. shares senior captain Katy The team this year is Powell, "we will improve as stronger and has "more the season progresses and speed" then last years team, hopefully be competing for states Coach Becky Martin. the championship at the end This is due to the develop- of the season." ment of each class. In particu- Martin comments on the
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