Page 80 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 80
FEBRUARY 8, 2007 ~Page 2 NEWS King celebration brings vision, motivation munity at large to show lead- days. TORI BUTLER ership everyday just by open~ He reminded the audience CONTRIBUTOR Ing a door or pulling out a that while fighting for free- On Monday, January 29, at chair. Their words and deeds dom in Birmingham, approximately 6:30 p.m., the were, as Dean Henry Reiff Alabama--the most segregat- Office of Multicultural said, "our hope of seeing ed city in the south at the Services (OMS) hosted its (Or.King's) vision become a time-King was arrested and annual Dr. Martin Luther reality." put into solitary confinement. King, Jr. Celebration. The And on that night the eudi- While in jail King wrote a let~ theme of the evening was ence heard the voice and the ter to his fellow white clergy- "Honoring Dr. King by vision of Dr. Martin Luther men (who did not welcome Continuing the Legacy of King, Jr. through critically his non-violent resistance in Leadership: New Voices, New acclaimed orator, Mr. Jim Birmingham) to inform them Visions." Lucas. Lucas' striking resem- that the blacks of the south As a part of the celebration, blance to King and his were tired of waiting for their McDaniel recognized elemen- resounding presence trans- freedom. tary, middle, and high school ported the audience to anoth- Lucas also communicated students that keep Dr. King's er time and place. King's concern for the sanita- dream alive through their Lucas used his time not tion workers who wanted to Jon Lucas gives a speech at the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration. M1CHELLEUliBERMAN leadership. The students dis- only to preach but to teach. He just be able to wash their people=regardless of their vision of King, the audience cussed using their words to told the audience about the hands before eating lunch and solve problems as well as Montgomery Boycott how it have the privilege to drive the color, religious, or socioeco- was chaUenged to go out and standing up for their beliefs in started as a protest that was trucks. Lucas reminded the nomic status -would be able be drum majors of peace and the face of adversity. only supposed to last a week- audience of King's dream that to hold hands and sit at the justice for aU people. table of brotherhood. Others challenged the corn- end but continued for 381 America be a place where all By listening to the voice and The lighter side of the campus blotter (Editors note: Rob Goeke's com- this wonderful building a sure thought that broken glass and and throw it out of their win- mentary highlights some of tlte fixer-upper that you and your skin was a good combination away. Rouzer is a great place to live. Everyone loves it. Sure inane calls to which campus safe- significant other will enjoy fix- early on the morning of dow. Naturally they got you may have to pick up the caught. ty responds.) ing and upping. January 28. That's no big deal, "But the bottle of Malibu is thousands of dollars of dam- "Oh, hello, are you here for "Off to the left we have a stuff like that happens a lot still half full. We'll throw that ages the residents have caused the Open House? Welcome, wonderful elevator that every~ around here. in for free if you choose to buy. this year, but look at the bene- my name is Sandy ICrap and one describes as 'shoddy: "Let's check out an average "Let's make OUI way up to fits: it's Rouzer, baby. I'm a sales associate for Krep That stench in the haIlway is a room. As you can see, we have the second floor. Oh, it seems "Don't leave just yet. We Hole Realty. Now the unit you combination of urine, alcohol, dressers, bunk beds and a big some ceiling tiles were broken have other enticing properties are looking at is quite large vomit, feces, and even some garbage bag filled with beer on February 1. Campus Safety very close to here, including a and its regular occupants are spit. Apparently, on January cans and a Malibu bottle. saw even more that were bro- unit called Big Baker about 200 18-20 year old boys. 26 a student walked out of a Hmm, that's not supposed to ken on January 23. Memorial Chapel. You'll love The owner is quite..anxious to bathroom here and just be there. "Well that's not too big of a it, as long as you can put up get rid of this property. It hawked a loogte down on the "Must have been left over deal. Wow, it seems someone with some occasional flood- seems their tenants are, in a floor like he was in the from January 5 when some went crazy and discharged a ing. I mean, it happened word, out of control. dugout. But this is nothing a Campus Safety Officers heard fire extinguisher on January January 27 and it's already all "Though this unit, which few hundred bottles of disin- a loud noise coming from this 29. Ha, well ... we'll give you a cleaned up. everyone calls Rouzer, has fectant couldn't fix. room. They knocked on the semi-truck full of cleaning "Please don't go." undergone a recent renova- "Oh, you see that broken door and all the kids inside, in supplies if you buy. Lord tion, recent.. window over there? Kinde an attempt to hide their alco- knows your going to need it. (Cough) ... events have made funny story, some drunk. guy hol, tried to put it in that bag "Wait, wait, don't walk z> Drug-reteted 0 Menct>.l'('late
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