Page 88 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 88
FEBRUARY 8, 2007 - Page 10 FEATURES Jan term adventures abroad While most students were stuck inside, fighting the frost, several groups of McDaniel students were off exploring the world. Students were given the opportunity to snorkel and fish in Belize, build a house in Guatemala, and soak up art and culture in Italy ... all while receiving credit! Feel free to live vicariously through the following composite of Jan Term adventures (Compiled by Amanda Klein). Andrea Mandato- Michael Valentino- Italy Through the Lens Fishing and Diving: Belize Over this past Jan Term I went to Italy with Sue Bloom's photog- raphy class. We traveled all throughout Italy driving up and Belize was awesome. I really down the Tuscan countryside liked visiting the Myan ruins and seeing such amazing histor- and I loved fishing. The ical landmarks such as the weather was sunny and warm Pantheon, Coliseum, and the every single day we were Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. there. Sn~Jrkeling was pretty My favorite parts of the trip sick too. I have never been to were in our free time wandering a place like that before and it around soaking up the culture, was interesting to see a differ- taking pictures and enjoying the ent way of life. food. The marketplace in Florence had beautiful cashmere scarves of every color, hand blown Murano glass bead jewelry, the finest Italian leather and the best gelato in the world. OUT trip ended with a three-day tour of Venice where we got to take a gondola ride and feed the pigeons in San Marco Piazza. The trip was a once in a lifetime experience. Lindsey Vitek- Topics in European Economic History and Development Budapest was an amazing experience. We were able to explore the city, and see so many new things. We loved the castles and churches and visiting the hot baths. Not only were we able to see the city, but we were given free time to travel. We visited Munich, Carlton Klein- Vienna, and Prague. It was Volunteer in Guatemala exciting to have a class with so many international students The trip was good. Good -solid work during the day and time and meet so many different to relax in clubs at night. We put a lot of work in our house and kinds of people it was rewarding. The people were incredibly friendly and we could see an active volcano from my work site. This was my third trip to Latin America and it is worth every penny. Aces has plenty of smokin' action, no plot "Aces" Israel (Jeremy Piven). devise a plan to get in on the JEROME DEFRANCES The FBI has been monitoring action, and steam up the situa- STAFF WRlTER the head of the family and tion with their sex appeal. [f you're looking for a hears about the hit. In an All the contract killers, with movie with plenty of action, attempt to keep Israel and his their different approaches, violence, and gore, then head testimony against the mob converge on the hotel and to your computer to find show alive, he has been hidden casino in fearless pursuit of times for Smokin' Aces. The away in a luxurious Lake Buddy. The death toll is high number of big time names in Tahoe casino penthouse. An and blood splatters all over. the film is only matched by the while his manager (Curtis Eventually, the reason behind the number of hit men all Armstrong) attempts to work the contract hit is revealed. looking to make their biggest out a deal with FBI director An action packed movie, with kill. Stanley Locke (Andy Garcia). a twist at the end. Mob boss Primo Sparazza Not to take a backseat to the What more could you want (losepb Ruskin) has issued a action and violence, hit- from this type of film? $1 million contract out on a women Georgia (Alicia Keys) Las Vegas magician Buddy and Sharice (Taraji Henson), If you feel down "Instead of worrying about what we - - - standing up on the inside and pressing might do wrong, we should keep forward, attempting to dosometbing pick this up right. We can be so afraid of making a Life is about taking risks and if mistake that we end up never doing anything." we avoid taking constructive chances, ~e are denying Our- By Torreka jordan Joyce Meyer selves ofllie. We all have to learn how t~ walk by faith and be con- fident III Our decisions.
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