Page 81 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 81
NEWS FEBRUARY 8, 2007 -Page 3 But SQ1$the clean to. interpretation}) ,',d like tQthank my mom, Lisa and m~ GXfor torcjng rne to tiliajoumalisn\ minor. MusiC on you y."J pl.ylisC playUst: Any Rap A bunch of everything, song with a siren, but my favorites are. pap and rap. Van Helen (along Why the Free Press other assorted Classics), and! y the Free Press rocks: ~ks: The Free Press rocks betau~ Press rocks because it ~ugh it the staff is able to inform t11 us to experience the big campus community of events that n~t~ ter- to them and listen to ideas. theY Because unlike companies like: of journalism and. il i:t3ve. There is nothing better the~. ike, -wedon't ll$ยข child labo,.~ . . me to cover and wnte ","'iving feedback (both negative an~ although the wrrrlngcenter could about the thing I love mosu positive) on. previous' articles or be considered a sweatshop of pports. f~~'::~for what should appear in the .[h]orts. In short time, Flynn taught lifelong lessons gathering at the Garden against Gettysburg. It was a coaching career, now a symbol Apartments. They could be sweep for the Green Terror of his legacy. seen lining the parking lot, basketball program, as the A Pecebook group was along with a few friends in Women's team also recorded a spawned almost immediately tears, waiting for the arrival of win. Coach Flynn was hon- on the initiative of Chad their coaches. A meeting was ored with a standing moment Arrington, called "R.I.P. held in two of the players' of silence. Players. came out Coach Bob Flynn." As of pub- apartment, and shortly there- wearing new "Ptynn's lication time, 774 people were after, those in attendance Friends" 'It-shirts as warm- members of the group. departed-some crying, oth- ups. The back of the shirts "I started the group just so ers laughing. read "Keeping the Vision some people who were my Those students partying Alive." Cheerleaders and friends on Facebook would were confused and unsure players now wear red ribbons have a chance to know exactly how they should react to the on their uniforms in memort- what had happened to coach," sight of grown men crying. . said Arrington. "It gave peo- Most continued late into the Many other Centennial ple a chance to pay their A Red towel rests on the chair reserved for the head coach-new left vacant. night partying away. Conference schools sent car~s respects in their own little way things in life.'" March for that man-he made Members of both the Men's ~and letters t? both the Men s and be a part of a group that I Many people from the jogging class fun!" posted sec- and Women's basketball and Women steams express- hope continues to grow." Maryland basketball scene end-year student Mary Beth teams attended Coach Flynn's ing thei~ sympathy and hon- The first wall posting was outside of McDaniel provided Bounds. "He was a motivating funeral on Thursday, January oring his contribution to the done by Camara Kadete, a for- their memories of Flynn, person ... ---God bless him." 18. Many fans and shldents McD,aniel College basketball mer player and current stu- many who knew him from his Sonte illjonnatiol1 for t}zis arti- attended the viewings held on program. dent at McDaniel. myriad appearances at the cle "Was gleaned from The Tuesday, January 16, and The first seat on the ben~ "Coach Flynn is the great- Wootten Camp. But he is also Baltimore Sun on Janllary 14. Wednesday, January 17. formerly reserved for Flynn IS est basketball coach I ever remembered for his work as Additional reporting contributed The first game back after now left empty, except for a had ... he would always say an EPE teacher at McDaniel. by Kim Staub. Flynn's death ended in a red towel-a const~nt o.n 'spend time with your family' "I was willing to wake up McDaniel victory at home Flynn's shoulder during his and 'value all of the essential and go running at 10 a.m. in
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