Page 79 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 79
Vol.7 No.1 Student recounts Swim team travels 60 Seconds: her experiences in __~ jlm~,_~ to Puerto Rico Valentines Day BUdapest Page 15 Memories Page 5 .... Page 6 --- ~ Coach Flynn remembered, missed I Gibbons back to prominence stayed in Glar on those special MIKE HABEGGER in the Baltimore city league. days to say 'COME TO THE CO-EDITOR He came to McDaniel in 2005, GAME TONIGHT, 7PM Bob Flynn, head coach of his second season cut short. SHARP!' ... " said Clement. the McDaniel College Men's Flynn will be remembered "He is truly a McDaniel Green Basketball team died on as a keen basketball mind, a Terror." Friday, January 12 of a heart down to earth teacher, and a The campus community attack. He was 49 and is sur- lively-oftentimes hilarious- was shocked by the news. On vived by his wife and three personality. that Friday, word traveled children. "It's just sad because Coach quickly. Text messages and Students find alter- Flynn began his basketball Flynn was more than a coach, phone calls were made to native to Valentine's mission playing at Cardinal he was a family man and he those most closely connected under Day traditions Gibbons wmningest Ray Mullis, in really took care of his players with Flynn. On Saturday, the coach the like we were one of his own," Dean Towle next morning, Page 7 Baltimore basketball history. said sophomore forward helped to distribute flyers that was tense and somber, awk- The ubiquitous red towel on Chad Arrington. "It's been a hung on doors notifying those wardly juxtaposed to multiple Flynn's shoulder was a tribute slow healing process, but I on campus during Jan Term of parties filled with students to Mullis. think everyone [on the team] the event. It contained per- enjoying the unseasonably After coaching at Mount St. is doing okay now." sonal words from College warm temperatures. The Mary's College as an assistant Second-year student President, Joan Develin Coley. members of the men's team for ten years, Flynn moved to Marcellus Clement remem- "Since joining the McDaniel were notified piecemeal, with a head coaching job at St. bers Coach Flynn's antics in family, Bob has excelled as a one player informing another. Mary's College from 1994 to the school cafeteria. coach, as a mentor to students Their reactions were under- 1999. In 1999, he went back to '1 know everyone is going and as a valued colleague." standably one of disbelief, his beginning, coaching to miss this tall guy who The night of Flynn's death (see "Ill Short" on page 3) Beat cost of books be complete without them. STACEY EYLER More and more students are STAFF WR1TER finding that textbook prices at Ever heard the expression the bookstore are becoming "Make the most out of your increasingly high. money?" "I know the professors try For many, this expression and get us the cheapest rings true. People are always books," said senior Christina out there looking for the better Smith. "But if I can get them deal, looking for a way to save cheaper some place else, I a few bucks. And for college will." students, saving a few bucks And in today's technology- probably sounds like a good savvy world, Smith is just one idea of many students who have College is an expensive found an alternative for buy- place, with the usual culprits ing textbooks: online shop- being high tuition costs plus ping. Martin Luther room and board. But there is While buying textbooks another reason why college online is not a new trend, it King, Jr. takes a toll on the students' certainly has become a popu- Celebration wallets. And what is that rea- lar one over the years. Jade ______ P_a_::g:_e_2_ _.J sonT:X~~O:~~~~? class would (see "Beat Cost" on page 4 Want students to wash hands? Let them have soap be in stopping the spread of Howe feels so passionately prove our worthiness of bath- MELANIE CHUPEIN disease," an email to students about having soap in the room products." NEWSEDlTOR from Health Services states. dorms that she created a Howe contacted Dean Gerl Health Services has made a Olustrated reminders have Facebook group, "We in October and was told, "The concerted effort to raise also been posted about proper Demand Soap & Paper Towels residence life office is looking awareness about the impor- hand washing procedure. in Community Dorm into the matter." Dean Gerl tance of washing hands in Yet, dorm bathrooms are Bathrooms!" assured in an email to Howe The group's slogan reads, order to prevent the spread of not equipped with soap or "Who else thinks it's ridicu- that "due to increased cost germs. However, the success paper towels. . . lous that community dorm and maintenance, a proposal of the effort is missing one key "I think it's ridiculous is being drafted to provide link, many students say: the because we pay $32,000 a year bathrooms on campus aren't detailed information." soap. to go to school here and live equipped with paper towels "I know a lot of students "Even though we all on campus and they're not and soap? Apparently it's ble that just don't wash their learned this in kindergarten, providing u~ with .th~ basi; these things were used inap- hands and that's really gross," amenities to live hygienically Howe said. propriately, but come on ...give in Our busy lives we some- the new generation of Other students on campus times forget just how impor- said sophomore Lauren McDanieUtes a chance to tant this one little measure can Howe. (see "Soap" 011 page 4)
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