Page 82 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 82
FEBRUARY8, 2007- Page 4 NEWS Beat rising cost of textbooks- go online (from "Textbooks," page 1) of buying textbooks online is line is not a new trend, it cer- being able to get textbooks tainly has become a popular ahead of time. one over the years. Jade Roth, But do not"be fooled-there These webstles might be useful in the VicePresident for the text- are downsides to shopping finding a book that you would book division of Barnes and online. need for a class. If you order early Noble, has noticed the grow- "I have had friends not ing trend. receive their textbooks when enough, you're bound to have "Students have always purchased online or they looked for choice," she said. receive them very late," said them in time, Since shipping can And with sites such as junior Eric Danforth. take as little as four days, but the, Half.corn, and Another downside? "It is average is about a week and-a- offering cheap- easy to buy the wrong edition half. er textbook prices, students if you are not paying dose are finding they have more of attention to the description of a choice than just buying text- the book," says Martin. books at the bookstore. But even with the down- And this can translate into sides, it is hard to ignore the students saving a good bit of opportunity to save some cash. money. "Even with tax and ship- With more sites offering ping, r am spending less at students the chance to buy online sites than I am at the textbooks at lower prices, school," said Smith. online shopping is a trend that Senior Lindsay Martin is here to stay. agrees, "I have saved so much "I think.students are realiz- money since I started buying ing they can get what they online," she said. need for much cheaper online, Cheaper prices are not the so that's what they do," only advantage to buying Martin said. textbooks online. Both Smith and Martin agree that one of the benefits Wash hands campaign missing link: soap (from "Soap," page 1) Freshman Ted Kunkel had request," Towle said. have similar feelings about the a similar reaction. Towlebelieves that the soap lack of soap in dorm bath- "It's disgusting enough was removed from the dorms rooms. without a lack of soap," said due to "basic damage and "1 bought like a gallon of Kunkel with regards to living Soft Soap from Wal-Mart for in Rouzer. vandalism" like removing the $5," said senior Kim Spears, Kunkel usually purchases a soap dispensers from the walls and covering the bath- "so I think $32,000a year can bottle of soap from the school room in soap: cover soap in the bathrooms store but if they are out of it, "1 hope in some way it's dif- for at least a semester." he resorts to using the bath- ferent this time," said Towle. "People always say that if rooms outside the dining hall [f the proposal is approved, we have soap in the bath- just because he knows that it will be implemented at the rooms people will use the they have soap. start of the next academic soap to vandalize, but I think Despite many students' year. Towle views this as a that any bad [actions}random complaints about not having "pilot program" to see drunk people do can be over- soap in the bathrooms, accord- whether students will be able shadowed by preventing the ing to the Health Department, to abstain from vandalizing daily spread of disease," dorms aren't considered to be the bathrooms. added Spears, a resident of public so they are not required "My only hope is that our McDaniel Hall. to be equipped with soap and request to start is approved," When asked what it was paper towels or hand dryers. Towle said. like not having soap in the However, Liz Towle, For now, Towle advises, dorm bathrooms, junior Dave Associate Dean of Student "Students need to bring soap Wentz said, "It sucks." Affairs, sympathizes with stu- with them into the bathroom." "I think that quite possibly dents and has submitted a She encourages floors to get the school's lack of attention proposal that will install soaR together and take turns figur- to this need could very well dispensers and hand dryers in ing out who will provide the encourage an unsanitary envi- some of the dorms. soap, noting that this is what ronment for students to live "Clearly [ know that this is some sororities do. in," Wentz said, a resident of something that students want ANW. and that's why r put in the Foreign films to show at Carroll Arts Center Finally. The Scent of Green GREG PFEIFFER e~ting and divers~ film~ from ~ I differing fa~ilies. The movie Papaya will be shown on coun~n~s will be ~as an R ratmg and a running different STAFF WRITER screened. AdmiSSIOnfor the ~ time of 114minutes. Friday, February 23, at 7 PM U you're tired of the movies events is $5 for adults and $4 ... The next film is called All and Saturday, February 24, at playing at the local theater for members, seniors and stu- ....,.. About My Mother, a film hail- 2 PM. It tells the interesting and wish for something more dents. The event is sponsored .. tng from the country of Spain. tale of a young girl's experi- interesting and affordable, the by McDaniel College and !:u~;s~s a runrung time of 94 It will be shown on Friday, ences as a servant in colonial Carroll Arts Center may have Carroll Magazine. Monsoon Wedding, arriv- February 16, at 7 PM and Vietnam, eventually finding just the ticket. The Carroll The first movie, titled Saturday, February 17, at 2 love arid happiness with one County Arts Council is pre- Tsotsi, will be shown on ~~~~;~:n ~1~:~,;':~~ua~; PM. After watching her son's of her masters. The film is not senting its 4th Annual Foreign Friday; February 2, at 7 PM 9, at 7 PM and Saturday, tragic death unfold in front of rated (suggested R), and has a Film Festival, giving the com- and Saturday, February 3, at 2 February 10,at 2 PM. The film her own eyes, a single-mother running time of 104 minutes. munity a taste of cinema from PM. Coming from South named Manuela vows to find The Carroll County Arts all around the world, Africa, the movie involves a tells the story of a wild four- his neglectful. father and give Council is located at 91 West 8egihning on February 2, and Johannesburg gang leader and day wedding party, showcas- him the tragic news. Also Main Street, a convenient running every weekend until his ascent out of a life of crime ing cultural differences and rated R, this film has a run- walk from campus. Take a February 24, four very inter- and violence. The film is rated hilarious arguments between ning time of 101 minutes. friend and enjoy the show!
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