Page 76 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 76
DECEMBER 11, 2006 -Page 14 Students earn insight at EU simulation participated in a simulation of year to be discussed amongst Dr. Christiana Leahy, the interacting with students from GEOFF PECKHAM the European Union with sev- the schools, with awards often advisor for the students other schools about relevant STAFF WRITER eral other colleges from handed out to both individu- involved, noted that everyone issues of the day, even if it is in There are many college stu- around the area. als and schools. approached the project with issues that are facing the dents today who believe it is The European Union is the The topic chosen this year is "great diligence, enthusiasm, European Union and not the important to have a well- world's largest union of con- human trafficking, which is and a great deal of hard nego- U.s.A.," Klaber said. rounded view of the world federate states, consisting of the commercial sale of human tiating." McDaniel, which has par- today. Fourteen of McDaniel's 25 nations in Europe, which beings, often for labor or sexu- Senior Political Science ticipated in these simulations best and brightest recently addresses many issues of pub- al exploitation. The issue is a major Lora Bingaman since 2000, has a growing rep- took steps to broaden their lic policy, such as economics, very important one for believed it would be a good utation for being one of the foreign affairs, defense, and Hungary, which is the nation experience, and was generally most prepared schools agriculture. For the model McDaniel represented this interested in the topic. involved. They have won EU, a topic is selected each year. "Human trafficking is a awards every year since join- The simulation took place global issue that has become ing, and this year Junior Jared in Georgetown in Washington, an increasing concern, espe- Luner won the award for best D.C., and the students went to cially for the member-states of Justice/Interior Minister, and the real Hungarian Embassy EU," Bingaman said. Like aU Senior Matt Lufkin was one to participate. The students the students, Bingaman was vote shy of winning best met the Hungarian given a role to play. She was Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador to the United Kingal Gal, a member of the [Participating in the EU States, before participating in Hungarian' parliament who simulation] makes them real- joint sessions and discussing serves on the Committee on ize that they are incredibly the resolution presented to Foreign Affairs. well educated on a broad them. The simulation was Senior Philosophy major range of issues," Dr. Leahy about as real life as it could Maaret Klaber was happy to said about the participants. have been, with amendments get the opportunity debate Her pride is shared by the rest being voted on and certain such an important issue, as of McDaniel, since it proves, party members attempting to well as just to be involved at as Dr. Leahy observed, that influence one another for key all. "McDaniel rocks." votes. "[It was a] great experience Reiff-a good samaritan to the disabled [University of New roster singer Lea Gilmore of to give unfair advantages to tially the staff in our office MATI COWELL the student, but, rather, [to] here." CONTRIBUTING WRITER Orleans], ... Paul Gerber, [was] Baltimore; and Walt Michael, what I would term to be some director of Common Ground allow us to see what the stu- Most of Reiff's job is devot- "Dr. Henry Reiff Is Dead." of the initial research with on the Hill at McDaniel. dent really does know, and, ed to seeing and working with One Monday morning this adults with learning disabili- Sangrnele, which comes from ultimately, I think that is what students, many of whom have fall, Jackie Alessi, a secretary ties ... we have written three the French, means "mixed we're interested [about] in academic difficulties. in the Office of Academic books together on that topic blood." education." He feels quite fortunate, Affairs, arrived at her desk, based on different research we Reiff explains that although Kevin Selby, director of because the majority of his only to discover this obituary have done .... OUr books are the band'e-membere have dif- Student Academic Support time is devoted to individual trumpeting the untimely pretty well recognized in this ferent origins, or blood, they Services, concurs. students. death of her boss, or so she particular part of the field," all share a common passion He came to McDaniel Says Reiff of his position at thought. Reiff says. for the music they play. eleven years ago, and started McDaniel, "My feeling is that The news surprised Alessi, Reiff's personal life is as Many hats. Mixed blood. working in what was then the this is really a support pro- until she noticed Reiff's age at colorful as is his work. When Reiff was a graduate Academic Skills Center as a gram; that by working togeth- his death-84. Born in California, he student in New Orleans, he graduate assistant. er, I can help [the students] It turned out that Dr. Henry moved to Connecticut at the became involved in services Of the greatest impact Reiff develop the tools they need to Reiff, dean of Student age of five, where he grew up. for students with learning dis- has had on SASS, Selby says, be successful.i..I like to think Academic Life at McDaniel He attended college in New abilities (LD). "I believe ... the wealth of that I'm teaching them how to College, found this twenty- Jersey In the early 1980s, he taught knowledge that he brings in take care of themselves." three-year-old article in the In 1975, at the age of 21, he children who had LD. the area of disabilities is online version of The New married, and then moved to When he arrived at immense ... along with [his] York limes. New Orleans, Louisiana, McDaniel, Reiff felt that not personality of being able to He put it on Alessi's desk where he lived for the next enough was being done by the relate to students, as well as as a joke, thereby revealing his fourteen years. College to help students with faculty and staff, and poten- humorous personality, a facet During his time there, Reiff LD. of his that few people know studied at the University of He felt the need for a more exist. New Orleans, where he systematic program. Indeed, Reiff wears many received his master's degree What has evolved during hats. Besides serving in his in Special Education, and, Reiff's time at McDaniel has current position, he is also a later, his doctoral degree. been the result of a great consultant to Student Reiff came to McDaniel learning environment due to Academic Support Services College in 1989 (at the time, it the school's small size, and a (SASS), the McDaniel office was named Western Maryland College tradition of working that deals with and helps the College) and entered his first individually with students. physically and mentally dis- job in the 504 Program. "I really feel that...the col- abled. Upon his arrival, Reiff also lege community ... [has Reiff entered this role after met his current wife, who, at acquired] a good understand- much experience in the field. the time, was a graduate stu- ing of how to work with stu- He first came to McDaniel in dent at the College. dents with learning disabili- 1989, and served as a learning He admits that his life out- ties, and that...these students problems coach of the 504 side McDaniel is focused are quite capable of being sue- Program (referring to Section around his family, and, espe- cessfuL." Reiff says. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act cially, his children. "[Njevertheless. there may be of 1973), which later became Reiff likes pop culture; he some individualized ways of SASS. reads books, watches televi- teaching and assessment, and, He took over as supervisor sion, and listens to and plays of course, support services in 1990, although he has never music. that are important in the served as the director of SASS. Especially music. Reiff process for these students to His work with the disabled plays the bass, and, besides really show what they can has been fortified due to participating in Chamber do .. research and studies conduct- Music on the Hill, he also is a "I think that also if many of ed on the subject. member of a band, Sangmele. the faculty would understand "The work that I've done, The band, which will cele- that the purpose of individu- primarily with my major pro- brate its tenth anniversary in alizing, of having supports fessor from the U.N.O. March 2007, also has on its and accommodations, not
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