Page 53 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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FEATURES NOVEMBER 2, 2006 -Pege 7 Ghost stories connect campus community served as a hospital for sol- James Lightner, is that none of a long standing tradition," Regardless of whether the GEOFF PECKHAM diers during the Civil War, these things actually hap- Kachur said. He suggested stories happened, for many STAFF WRITER and many of their spirits still pened. He was a student at that the stories may be true in people they are fun. They A good story makes for a roam the campus. There have the college in the 1950's, and is a non-literal way, but was not bring people together to par- thing in one that ticipate good conversation, but a good been stories of a ghost bounc- the college archivist and histo- familiar with the stories and everyone has in common: the could not comment on what ghost story makes for a great ing a ball in Whiteford, or old- rian. "When you check the facts each story might represent. ability to get scared. Whether one. Everyone loves to get fashioned ghosts roaming about the alleged 'death' He did have a theory.howev- you're a true believer or a scared every now and then, around the theatre. The top events, they simply did not er, on what ghost stories in skeptic, ghost stories really do especially around Halloween floor of Elderdice is an espe- occur ... in the buildings sup- general symbolize for us as a inspire connectedness,' at time. There's the allure of the cially popular place for spirits posedly haunted," Lightner culture. Halloween time or all year unknown, the idea that there to hang out. said. "They might represent anx- round. is something after death that The details often include a It should also be noted that iety about the past. There's we can only speculate ppon. former student who was the college did not formally that sense of connectedness or McDaniel College students killed or killed him or herself, exist until 1867, two years disconnectedness to the cam- revel in these stories, especial- perhaps over a lost love. after the Civil War ended. pus that students fee!." He ly since the campus has so Students are very Dr. Robert Kachur of the said that for many new stu- many of them. eager to talk about the time a English department teaches dents, McDaniel is something Some of the buildings sup- window opened and shut on entirely new, and since the posedly inhabited by ghosts its own, or the radio kept courses in horror fiction. He ghost stories ere something thinks the concept of ghost are Alumni Hall, Elderdice changing, or about that spot in stories is a very interesting nearly everyone can be inter- Hali, and McDaniel Hall. a room that just felt very cold ested in, it's almost an initia- According to the website for and very angry for no appar- dynamic. tion into the McDaniel com- the Maryland Ghost and Spirit ent reason. "People are often open to munity. Association, the college The truth, according to Dr. believing things like that. It's ROTC: What lies beneath the uniform self on active duty serving as a most people are recruited as the anxiety of making class to be ever expanding, the JENNA SHWARTZ Staff Officer or in other leader- early as their last year of high presentations. ROTC still 'prides itself on STAFF WRITER ship positions helping to oper- school. "Most people don't see being an integral part of cam- While many students are ate a battalion, as a Major sta- ROTC applicants who join beyond the uniform, but we're pus life: Rather than sticking busy making decisions about tioned anywhere in the world. the program receive four-year just like anyone else under- out and causing a commotion, the quiet dedication and pride paper topics and Friday night With so many options, his scholarships, yearly stipends neath," said Gump. Gump ROTC officers and students plans, freshman Kris Gaasch choice to serve is one that will ranging from $300 to $500 a himself displays the humani- feel is a nice compliment to made a choice about his future likely give him many new month, and are also rewarded tarian side to the Army, as he to the college. Participating in recently traveled that will change his life. experiences but will take him $900 annually for books. Mississippi and Louisiana to Homecoming and holding an Gaasch is one of several far from home. In total, the value of the Reunion students who recently joined Though Gaasch describes scholarships exceeds over help the victims of Hurricane Alumni ROTC is are tradi- on intent tions McDaniel's ROTC program. his decision as an "easy one," $35,000 a year. Katrina. "It's not all guns and upholding. It's important to "I have always been inter- it is a choice that will no doubt According to "ROTC bullets, a lot of it is about ested in the military but 1was- have a major impact on the Enrollment and Scholarship peace-keeping and humani- recognize as a campus that we are a part of ROle it i.s a and n't sure I was going to sign up direction his life will take. Management Officer Paul tarian relief when you can," he part of us. "We like to blend until the Sept. 11 attacks. 'All I Kris is not the only one who Gump, the program's aim is said. know was that it was some- has found a calling, as the pro- "to commission Second Gump acknowledges the in," Feser said. thing r had to do," Caasch gram is steadily increasing in Lieutenants and to make bet- disadvantages of the program As students, we all make said. prestige and popularity. A ter citizens. Ultimately, we are like the set-backs of any decisions that will affect our lives, some much bigger than The training Gaasch will total of 16 freshmen have full want the program to perpetu- job, time away from home and undergo to prepare him for ride scholarships this school ate the good outside the long hours, but "the reward is others. To Gaasch, joining the next eight years of his duty year and the interview process army." But ROTC isn't just intangible and hard to express ROTC means a chance to lead. consists of physical training has already begun for its 15 about enrolling people into because it is such a big one," "This is the preparation I including scheduled runs, sit- scholarship applicants for the Army; it also functions as a he said. need to lead soldiers success- ups, and push-ups twice a next fall. Furthermore, the place where all students can With a program that seems fully," he said. .. week at 6:30 a.m and a one- ROTC office expects to com- challenge themselves and hour .lab once a month. mission 20 students in 2010, become leaders. The program Junior and senior ROTC the largest number of students consists of classes for the first classes are held at night so who have ever fully complet- two years which anyone on that students can focus on ed the program at one time. campus can take as elective The elective courses Commissioning courses. simply their different major classes means completing the entire can be carried on after two •• S.ARIIY during the daytime. four years of the program years or can be dropped. Gaasch's time in the pro- gram is ultimately preparing from start to finish. reports that Commitment to ROTC is not The.u.S. Army is currently forced, just encouraged. Gump him for the rank of 2nd McDaniel College's ROTC Either way, the benefits of Lieutenant in the Active program is the number one the program are in its design-- offar1ng several $iz$ble Army, Army National Guard "Small School" ROTC pro- to push people away from,tOentbonuses of up to or Army Reserve. gram in the nation, and that their comfort zones-showing In ] 0 years, like other ROTC the program outproduces them not only their physical $40,000, You may also qualify students, Krls could find hirn- school that are much larger in abilities, but giving them the for up to $71,000 tr~ the size. opportunity to be more com- Of the 75 cadets enrolled at forteble in the role of leaders. Mont!:J~ery 1;;1Bill and Army McDaniel, Mount St. Mary's, To Brian Feser, head of the and Hood College, 48 cadets - ROTC program and also a college ~. Or you could are from this campus. The col- Professor of Military Science lege's ROTC program rivals on campus, the best part of pay back up to $65,000 of that of other much larger having students sign up for schools \ike Johns Hopkins the class and even staying on qualifying student loans University and the University for the program's duration is through. the Army'S Loan of Maryland. "seeing the growth of the indi- Most anyone is eligible for vidual. Their self-esteem and ~payment Pr¢grall\. To find the ROTC program: the confidence shoots up. I've minimal requirements seen people accomplish things out more, inc l u d e they never would have being a dreamed." •• 0-••• -7121 U.S citi- The wide range of goals stu- zen of dents have accomplished 17 to 31 include the more uncommon, years of like overcoming severe asth- age and rna, losing weight and beating
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