Page 51 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 51
FEATURFS NOVEMBER 2, 2096 -Page 5 You haven't got mail. .. but your roommate has about them. they're usually fun MELANIE CHUPEIN Rachel Stecyk received "a and random. She STAFF WRITER box of fun stuff' that included adds, "Everyone Between classes, you trek to coloring books, construction loves Aqua -Net, your mailbox and insert your paper, markers, crayons, col- right?" key. To your surprise you see ored pencils, glue, and glitter. Meade also a red card, indicating that She says, "1 was really happy received an impres- you've got mail. You walk to [to get it] because I love to sive package from the post office window and color. It was from my mom. her mother, which receive your package. She called it my stress-release contained a poncho. Opening it, you hope it's box." Stecyk keeps this box She admits, "1 was something worthwhile. under her bed and busts it out amazed at my The good intentions of fam- when she's feeling bad or has "mom's [package] ily, friends, and other loved a school project to do. because the poncho ones come in all shapes and Elizabeth Meade gets pack- took her two years sizes. From pepperoni float- ages regularly from her to make." ing in a baggte of ice to office grandmother who means well Thoughtful trinkets supplies to homemade cook- but sends some pretty hap- and practical supplies ies to festive holiday decora- hazard items. She explains, "1 are not the only things tions, there's little that isn't get random magazine articles that care packages consist of. pmgs shipped to McDaniel College. that she thinks apply to my Parents can sometimes be a lit- plates and hid the sweaters. of dog fur in a small jar from Parents often send packages life, gum, empty Chinese con- tle off in their judgment and On another occasion,' her my family's long-haired to let their kids know that they tainers, trash bags, and any- send objects that raise a few mother mailed her a light-up Chihuahuas." She confesses, care and that they are thinking thing else you can think of." eyebrows. palm tree that Hiltz described "I often call my mom to ask Sometimes Meade receives Laura Descher shares, "I as "really weird, but fun and what something is. I thought notes, but most of the time she received my brother'S math exciting." This palm tree the dog fur was some sort of is left to decipher them. She homework and I called home became a contribution to the voodoo thing, but my mom feels that her grandma's pack- to ask why they sent me math common room. said that the dog's wanted to ages can't be too practical but worksheets." However, not At times, packages may be contribute something." ali of her packages have been questionable and other times Adams would categorize her useless. She also got duck they may be jokes, but there packages as "bizarre and slippers that quacked while are also those that can be clas- somewhat scary." she wore them for two weeks sified as creepy. Denise No matter what they con- straight Adams knows firsthand just tain, care packages are appre- Siri Hiltz was sent a pack- how strange some care pack- dated. They are sent out of age that contained some ages can be. She receives love and kindness. rather unexpected things. She interesting things in the mail a Everybody likes to get some- says, "T got broken plates and couple, times a semester. thing in the mai.l besides those InUSS- and ."lou-... that had Ada:rn$ says-that-hermom campu~ wide flyers. Even if been left at horne for a rea- has sent her dog btscutrs the package is filled with son." She felt that the plates "because she thought that weird things, at least it makes and sweaters were just they were cookies" and anoth- for a good story. strange, so she threw away the er time she received "the dip- President Dr.Joan Develin Coley hosted anoth- An Autumn day on the hill. According to reports er McDaniel Student dinner on Tuesday, in the Washington Post, the Washington area has October 24. Everyone is guaranteed an invita- been experiencing chilly fall temperatures about tion during their time at McDaniel,where you 10 degrees below normal. are encouraged to voice any suggestions to improve your collegeexperience.
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