Page 36 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 36
OCTOBER 12, 2006 - Page 2 NEWS Pledging process scrutinized Campus sa£etybeati ("Sorority," from Page 1) "When circumstances are beginning of every semester detailing a new member edu- Sigma Sigma chapter. One presented, it is determined cation program and member Rape complaint pledge who asked to remain whether they need to be acted anonymous, though, said that on or if more information responsibilities. The list the stories are "ridiculous," needs to be presented to make includes a detailed hazing dismissed, extortion and that all the pledges felt it valid:' Rose said. She said policy and several examples of what hazing might include that there was no hazing that the incident is under and notes that anything that charge brought going on. investigation and that a deci- It is the college's standard sion would be made soon. might deprive pledges of procedure to halt all activities Hazing has been an issue sleep is considered hazing. A complaint al1egingta~afa Mcl)anielColl~e facility Though the result of the of any organization on cam- with Greek organizations at administration's investigation was dismissed,ln September aftetaxevibi"bY'·lotallaw pus if it is under investigation, McDaniel before. enforcement, authoritiE'$Said. for any reason, said Amanda Last spring, the Gamma of the Phi Sigs was not avail- .The sexual acts - which6ceutxedafHarlovd'>{jolJ.1I;iorto Rose, assistant director of col- Beta Chi fraternity had its able at press time, sorority this semester «were determine1br ill.enibet$'qtthe C~ lege activities. As such, the charter suspended for five members and students famil- (Child .Abuse/Sexuel.: AS$aul~) unit" 'and' th¢:£>tate'& sorority is not allowed to use years, while the Phi Alpha Mu iar with the Incident appear to Attorney's office to have been 1:;Qn$en~l®,'p911~e$aid. its clubroom or do any pledg- sorority lost its charter for be cautiously optimistic that Authorities said thaxg-esyvere:l)rought onenecount 'of ing activities until a final deci- three years. Both organiza- the outcome will be in their extortion related to: theC¢Se. sion has been made. tions were suspended for haz- favor. Rose also explained that ing incidents. What that first appeared to By the Numbers these privileges have not for- All. Greek organizations be a Greek tragedy is now a mally been taken away. receive a checklist at the minor concern. 22 ·ghter S1·de Editor's note: Goeke's commentary highliglit_s some of LI ~ the innane calls to whiC/! campus safety responds. ROB GOEKE the Campus Safety officer the "convenience" in "conve- ___ '_TA_F_FW_R_ITE_R___ who witnessed the launch was nience store." So- you would able to find the very room it think that with all the late 4 Cases withakoholvio]ations: When Campus Safety was fired from and lay the law night business they receive patrols our lovely campus, down on some candy asses. from McDaniel, they would be they usually have their eyes r just want Outkast to stop sympathetic to some students focused at waist level, check- making musicals so they can who, say, maybe tried to use a ing to see if that Solo cup real- focus on something really five-fingered discount? ly does have a non-alcoholic important: remixing "Bombs Nope. At 3:57 a.rn. on Sept. beverage in it. Sometimes, over Baghdad'" to "Bombs 29, the Westminster Police 3 Incidents Of vandaltsmto senderus' vehicles: Two vehi- however, a distraction can over Rouzer" to describe this Department documented a des located iI1theWhiteford Ballpatkmg lot had their cause them to look elsewhere. incident. ~ student for trying to slip a tire$~lashediand O!le_:$DV ...;·located on Hi$tori~ D!ive,~ At 8:41 on the night of Oct. Next, let's be frank: if it candy bar into his pocket, cre- had its soft top slashed and may have had item,~stolen 1, some officers were on patrol wasn't for intoxicated ating what must have been the and saw the sky light up. It McDaniel College students, biggest overreaction by the wasn't a bird or a plane, but a the local Jiffy Mart would authorities since the end scene 5 Reports andincidents related t;<)'analter~tion between bottle rocket- fired off from cease-to exist-The 24 hours it .of the Blues Brothers movie. a student and a ncn-snrdent in front of Mriteford Hall r80u~ef Ji..Jlh ,,- ,. __ L operates. ,se:ll~ng, .Subway, end .. Jt:s a shame that this fellow around 1amon ~t. 29~th~'slnglecase withtbemcst. " Freshman boys are idiotic. hot dogs that have been on the had to go through the humili- listmssinthe tin;tep~iod:~sawt(hands/feet), (ftufm and Freshman boys in groups, roller for four days is a god- ation of being caught shoplift- disorderly conduct, alcohol possession - under 21,and though, are hilarious. But 1 send to anyonE" looking to ing with only a Snickers in his alcohol-related charge(g) for person(s)over 21. Inaddi@n, think the most important comfort themselves with hand, but Ilike to think it was the non-students were-lfstad ashaving~tresp;j$Sed thing to take away from this unhealthy eats after getting just the subliminal messages incident is not the fact that rejected by every girl or boy he received from all the com- some fireworks always light they tried to talk to. mercials that made him do it. 1Incident of students: settili$"off fireworks from .a Rouzer up your life but the fact that Clearly, the Jiffy Mart puts He was h·ungry. So why wait Hell dorm room IO:Y V Drug-related , vtolcnce and vandalism AFire-related
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