Page 32 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 32
Vol. 6 No.2 SEPTEMBER 28, 2006, Page 14 It's tough to rally school spirit at McDaniel the football team or joining At other times, we don't." of a mascot does create a void sport. MELANIE CHUl'EIN fellow students in an organi- Stephanie Glass strongly of a rallying point. The vague- STAFF WRITER Glass shares a completely zation to promote similar believes that school spirit only ness of the Green Terror is opposite opinion about Sweatshirts stamped with interests and awareness. Just applies to sports and it can be more a joke than a statement." improvements to this "McDaniel College." Students simply being proud to be a seen in the money spent on Still, others disagree and McDaniel's school spirit. She cheering for their classmates member of the McDaniel sports and sporting facilities. feel like having an undefined says, "Stop spending all our at a sports game. Window College community consti- Still, others would argue that mascot is not really a disad- energy on sports and focus on clings that read "Terror tutes a form of spirit. this campus does have school vantage. the other parts of the school. Soccer." Participating in cam- The most easily recognized spirit and that it ~eps into Bianca Rieti reasons, "It How can we have school spir- pus-sponsored events like aspect of school spirit is wear- more areas than just sports. doesn't have an effect. If there it when this school is a joke?" Relay for Life. Is this school ing apparel that is decorated When discussing school was [a mascotl.Jt could excite McDaniel students have a spirit? with the college's logo or col- spirit, the topic of the mascot the crowd but the student lot to say about school spirit. BethAnn Tumer offers, ors, green and gold. Sara is bound to cross people's crowd excites themselves." There is an overall feeling that "School spirit is supporting Borin expresses; "This is more minds. McDaniel's mascot is Similarly, Chris Martin the student body is spirited your school in sports and displaying your spirit, but it the Green Terror and Dwoskm admits, "Mascots aren't all but at the same time there is a wearing their gear and colors. Isn't enough." insists, "Mascots are an icon that important. It doesn't con- lingering doubt surrounding It's about supporting every- Pritchard disagrees in that for people's school spirit." tribute much." it. Also, there seems to be a one in other activities like he feels, "Color is probably There's just one problem. Despite mixed feelings over trend toward defining school clubs too." the most effective visual rep- McDaniel doesn't exactly have the ambiguous Green Terror, spirit in more than just sports "Pride in yOUI school," sug- resentation of school spirit a mascot that goes to rally the most would agree that there is related terms. gests Adam Dwoskin. without being excessively crowd and even worse, no one definitely room for improve- Perhaps in addition to a Lance Pototschnik explains, vocal." really knows what the Green ment. Rieti suggests that a tangible mascot, more could "School spirit involves close With so many ways to Terror is. variety of events should be be done to publicize upcom- bonds between students and express school spirit, it seems Denise Adams confesses, publicized. Dwoskin feels like ing events and encourage peo- their school, strong enough to like there is a category for all "I'm so confused about 'Green an actual mascot at games ple to join.clubs-and organiza- cause those students to wear to communicate their spirit. Terror. It's saddening and wou ld be beneficial. tions so that .McDaniel's the colors and praise the However, this still brings up frustrating!" Pototshnik says he would school spirjt can be optimized, school publicly." an important question-does "I heard that when the foot- volunteer to fill the position. giving every student the "An abiding respect for the McDaniel have school spirit? ball team rushes it looks like a .On a different note, Martin chance to feel supported in institution of vour education," Turner shares, "We have 'Green Terror," Turner says in would like to see more sue- what he or she does. adds Adam P-ritchard. school spirit to a point. I think an attempt to define the mas- cessrul sports teams, especlal- School spirit encompasses it's more with sports or at cot. . ly the football team since it's so much more than rooting for Homecoming that we have it. Pritchard reveals, "The lack probably the highest profile Football fans should turn sights to fields six points. their noisemaking. Our fans even participate or get excit- ball games. McDaniel fin- CHRISTOPHER fERRICK-MANLEY The Green Terror opened' appeared to have been put to ed." ished out of the playoffs at 9- STAFFWR!TER their home schedule with con- sleep by the abundance of tail- Bair Stadium is unique in its 16, but the crowd was con- The referee held' up both secutive losses. More distress- gating cuisine. Hardly any- being the only drive-in toot- stantly into the game, and hands to call the touchdown. ing than the 0-2 home record one paid attention to the ball field in the nation. But it very noisy. Despite the losing Cheerleaders on the sideline is the complete lack of enthu- Green Terror cheer leading may be the source of the prob- record, the basketball team screamed. Fans in the bleach- siasm that McDaniel fans have squad. According to sopho- lem. The fans are more inter- was 6-3 at home. The football ers pumped their fists. It was shown during the two losses. more cheerleader Tara ested in their tailgating than tetm is 0-4 in its 'last four McDaniel's home football At both the Bridgewater and McKinney, "It is really hard to the action on the field. That is home games over the last two opener, and visiting Seton Hill games, opposing be cheerful and excited at a a shame; live football is one of years. Bridgewater had just scored fans were conspicuous by game when the crowd doesn't the most dramatic sports a Alex Meyer-Stokes is a reg- person can watch. A football ular attendee of both football fan would be hard pressed, and basketball games at too, to see a live game at such McDaniel. He points out that a great price; admission is free the existence of the student at all McDaniel sporting section at the basketball events. ~ead Coach Tim Keating games leads to higher crowd admits to not paying attention involvement from the student body, The football games to ~rowd during home games, have no such student section; he s busy with on-the-field Meyer-Stokes believes that duti~s. He was willing to organizing the students into admit, however, that "except for the fourth quarter last one place at Bair may make for a better home-field advan- Saturday, [the Green Terrorl tage for the football team. have done little to generate excitement." "We had tremendous sup- On the other hand, Green port during the [conference Terror Men's Basketball coach championship years 1997- Robert Flynn has become 2002]," Said Keating. "I think some~hat of a campus OUr play/performance war- celebIlty for -his visits into ranted the fan support. Most GLAR attempting to drum up everyone loves a winner as ~upport for his team and you know." increase attendance at basket-
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