Page 38 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 38
OCTOBER12, 2006 ~Page 4 FEATURES 'Green' week on recycling ARRINGTON Square, and created a heap of Tuesday, the club sponsored a JE~T~FF WRITER items that could have been tie-dying table outside of Glar, recycled. A significant portion an activity that was featured "Plant a new tree, treat it of their display was the result in the Carroll County times. with care, give it clean water of an overabundance of On Wednesday, the recycling and feed it fresh air" read Academic Course catalogs. demonstratiori occurred in Senior Kate Chilson's shirt as The shock factor was unde- Red Square. The club's aware- she stood outside of Red niable; while walking through ness week ended Thursday Square's recycling display on Red Square Wednesday morn- with a demonstration of vert- Wednesday, September 27th. ing, McDaniel College stu- ous ways to recycle everyday Co-President of the dents were greeted by what trash, such as turning scrap Environmental Action Club, appeared to be a mound of metal into jewelry. . Chilson was one of many stu- trash. Surrounding the dis- Previously, the majority of dents who braved McDaniel's play were posters asking the club's energy had been trash piles and went dumpster observers to think critically focused on off campus proj- diving in order to raise aware- about recycling, or informing ects, such as the Chesapeake ness about recycling on cam- the public of waste statistics, Bay clean-up. Currently, two pus. such as the fact that the aver- students are working on Do you know your roomie as well as you think? Armed with trash bags and age American throws away improving the campus's recy- gloves, about 20 members of 4.5 pounds of waste each day. cling program through Inde- Want to find out more? the Environmental Action The display was the high- pendent studies. LAMBDA PI ETA IS BOSTING Club went dumpster diving light of the club's awareness Footage of the dumpster THE NEWLY-MATCHED GAME on campus Tuesday night week. On Monday, September dive and recycling display is th looking for recyclable trash, 25th the dub had an informa-. being repeated on McDaniel ON OCT. 19 AT 9.00PM IN TBE PUB such as papers and cans. They tive table outside of Clar TV,Channel 26. For more info: carried their findings to Red about their projects and goals. sewOO2 QI gcwOOI Oh say, did you see Meyers-Stokes sing? CHRISTOPHER FEERICK-MANLEY Meyer-Stokes, a junior out Quest for Expression and first time Meyer-Stokes has STAFF WRITER of Columbia, has an extensive Meaning: sung the Star Spangled background in the performing He received the job of Banner at McDaniel. He per- When Francis Scott Key arts. He has been singing singing at the game from his formed it with the gospel penned The Star Spangled since he was four years of age former boss at McDaniel choir at basketball games last Banner in 1814, he probably and has been participating in Alumni Relations, where he year. Other places he ~as did not envision it becoming a choral singing since his soph- worked the call center during sung include churches, retire- staple for the beginning of omore year of high school. At his freshman year. Going into ment homes, high schools, sflC?rting'events around the McDaniel, he currently sings the last few days before and Newfoundland. Meyer- u.s. It .is no different here and the Homecoming. Meyer-Stokes Stokes went to St. John's in McDaruel. At our madrigal singers, and previ- is not-that nervous. A little Newfoundland last summer Homecoming game, ously sang with the gospel nervous, admittedly, but he for the Festival 500, a choral Alexander Meyer-Stokes, will choir. This year he also serves has been on stage too much music festival, with the be performing the anthem as the Peer Mentor to MUL- for this to scare him. Carroll Chorus. before kickoff. 1151: Music and Words: A Homecoming won't be the More McDaniel students enjoy what could McDaniel students face off against each be one of the last warm days of the semes- other in a round of Dance Dance Revolution. ter. September 23 marked the first official DDR was .in Kriel Lounge on thursday as day of Autumn. part of Spnt Week activities.
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