Page 37 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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NEWS OCTOBER 12, 2006 -Page 3 Homecoming highlights on the Hill 2006 ("Homecoming," from Page 1) ceeds of the bake sale went to Tony Cimino said about the train dogs for the blind. the International Dinner the experience. The Alumni Tent was filled club .will host in the spring, lst place winner John Floyd with foods from their varied with happy faces, yOlmg and ate a total of 10 hotdogs in homelands of Germany, old, but particularly young. only a few minutes, receiving Argentina, and France. Many The tent featured face paint- a trophy and a $50 gift card to families have a long tradition ing and its own magician, Barnes and Noble, He seemed of parking, tailgating, and who did card tricks and made more thrilled about the title sharing family recipes around balloon animals for eager chil- inscribed on the trophy than the football field. dren. The merchandise with anything else, boasting he was Carolyn Gannon tells, "My McDaniel or Western indeed the Eating Champion family always drives down for Maryland logos for sale in the at Homecoming 2006. 2nd tent-sweatshirts, socks, place winner Stephen Gomez this game, even if they miss all gloves, hats, and blankets--. the rest." and 3rd place winner Mark While walking around the could be purchased to honor Wheeler were also glad to be a field, hearty stews, sloppy both the past and present part of such a good cause, bratwurst, and fried name of the college. even if they felt close to puk- joes, were some of the Marcia Robusto, a new campus fraternities and soror- Hans-tailgating and the chicken ing. more unusual dishes being alumnae, explained, "I feel ittes, and Military Alumni. parade-homecoming shines Jason Norton said, "Some served to McDaniel fans, very welcome, Imissed all my The Homecoming court, who through as a time of remem- people were training in Glar though hamburgers and hot friends so much! It's great to marched in the parade, were bering the past good times all week. We're just glad they 'dogs remain a favorite. feel so wanted, even though announced at halftime by and looking forward to those came out." No matter their "We've got to have them we left campus." President Joan Develin Coley still to come. All the cars ere- eating strategy, the eleven every year," said Tom The college goes to great and included king and queen ating traffic jams on campus, men who entered the contest Shortridge about the sloppy lengths to make sure alumni Jamie Nash and Jason Fratto packed to the brim with deli- showed great dedication; [oes in his tent. 'still feel at home on the hill. Class of 2007,Beth Moran and cious food were a display of either to Canines for With over 40 tents around The Alumni tent even hosted a Nick Tully Class of 2008, dedication and pride students Companions or at the very the field and 12 organizations "Best Tailgater on the Hill" Kayon Williams and David feel. The full coolers, hot least, to hotdogs, The contest with letters painted on the contest for fun. Yearbooks Olorunfemi Class of 2009,and grills, chairs and blankets was one of many festivities grass, Homecoming spirit was dating back to the 1930s and Crossman and Warren placed in -the grass, and the that added extra spiritedness in the air. Though the weath- early 1940s were also on dis- Callie tents, filled with supporters Herman Class of 2010. to Homecoming this year. er was dreary and overcast, play in there, though Alumae Rachel and family of all ages, all Hotdogs weren't the only love for McDaniel was felt and McDaniel has yearbooks well Bryant equates the whole helped create the complete thing people were eating on seen, especially during the back into the 1800s. The year- experience of coming back to picture of Homecoming. Saturday. The array of foods parade. The cheerleaders, all books were set out for anyone McDaniel and seeing every~ Sure, it's important that the found at this weekend tempt- decked out in full fairytale to look through and many one at Homecoming: "I feel team won 17 to 14, but some- ed and satisfied alumni and costumes, sprinkling fairy people took time to do so. like I'm at a wedding, every 5 times it's not the most impor- student appetites. Ian Hockett dust and waving wands at the Saturday was not just minutes or so, I see someone I stated, "Homecoming is good little children watching the a day of food and fun, it was knew or had a class with, and tant thing about the day. The because sometimes we win, people we reunite with, the but there's always good food parade on main street, took also a day of reunion for cur- I wish 1 could talk to everyone victories we cheer for, and the , no matter what." first place, while Gamma rent and past students, includ- all at once." school community we are a This year was no exception. Sigma Sigma'S Queen of the ing reunions of the Catholic The feelings ot part of, 'matter most. Ministry, The International Oub held a Hill theme took second, and Campus Baseball Green-liomecOIning cannot truly be Homecoming 2006 sowed team, Terror transcribed- Phi Mu's I Love Lucy theme it's something bake sale filled with home- took third. Christian Fellowship, Honors one has to see and feel for one- people will shout just as loud made cupcakes, brownies, "The parade was a hit!" Program, Women's Basketball self. Through all the events, for hotdogs as they will for touchdowns. That's some- cake, cookies, and even frost- Gamma Sigma Sigma member team, open houses for the contests, reunions, and tradi- thing to be proud of. ed cinnamon buns. The pro- Tempers flare, new dean feels the heat ("Deall,"from Page 1) In response "I feel we've made a point,. and·1 !~rm~~e i~~':~ Jy."Gerl said she has not been in regards to alcohol policy ~~e~h~:'de~~: think working with them may actual- pus," said on the Pacebook Web site, nor proved to be unsubstantiated. concerns, Gerl 1 i· b tt . II com Jason Fratto, has she seen the groups creat- During dinner in Englar sent out a cam- Iy resu t n eertng our co ege .. president of ed in reference to her. Dining Hall on Sept. 27, junior pus-wide e- munity," Olsh wrote, also acknowl- the Inter-Greek "Students can do whatever Lindsay DIsh distributed a mail on Sept. edging that her major allegations cmoeumnbcei~aonfdtha they wanton Pacebook: it's an flyer entitled "We're Not 29, writing that d . e open, public way for people to Going to Take 11"to students, "[tjhere have "'wererumorsl and are now foun to Alpha Sigma communicate," she said. "I'm listing allegations about a sup- been no not be true." Phi fraternity. in a position where people are posed "damp-down on stu- changes to the With Gerl's going to scapegoat or take dent activttes" and inviting college policies from previous that she, Webster, Associate efforts, DIsh recently respond- potshots at me, and I'm fine them to a protest. dmi years." ~oewanle0afndStuAdseSlnsttaAntffaDi'l:ectLoi~ed on her Facebook group - with that." "Recently hired a rrurus- Among the numerous l' ~ • also entitled We're Not Going Though she did not receive trators have, without provoca- items, Gerl said Spring Fling of College Activities Amanda to Take It - "Because tJ{e the warmest of welcomes, non, taken it upon themselves would not be cancelled, Rose will host an informal administration is trying to Gerl sees the early part of her to significantly curtail, even McDanii:!1College would not chat with students every work with us, and with the tenure as a time to learn about end, traditional events and be going dry or 'doing away Wednesday afternoon in feedback I've received from life on The Hill. activities participated ;; ~~ with Greek life, and she EngThla ,Dfi:nstinogfHthaellse·cha.ts was students, the protest is no "I am just using this time to students for years at Me arne denied the existence of a point. e longer taking place. learn about McDaniel's cam- College," the flyer began. system. held Oct. 4, where eight stu- "I feel we've made a point, pus and examine the services Multiple attempts to contact As for concerns over the dents asked questions of the and I think working with that [the student affairs office] Olsh bye-mail and phone wall, which Gerl said "has not panel, Webster said. them may actually result in provides," Gerl said. "I want were unsuccessful. Efforts to been taken away," Director of "I want to know the best bettering our college commu- to see if we are giving students ~~~!~~at7'o~~ber~e~: o~:~ ~a~:P~I::~!~tyu~k~~:b~:~ ;:~~~ ~~t~.,n:~~a~~: Gt~~ :!~~wl~I;~g ;;~~~ m:~~~ ~~d:~~v~C:~ti~ne~a;:e~~t~: unsuccessful. never been allowed. kinds of things students are allegations "were' rumors, and need to look at how we com- Among the allegations When large numbers of ~tu- concerned about so they can are now found to not be true." municate and find ways to against "the new administra- dents are gathered and dnnk- hSlabvlee.,~hebest experience pos- Along with DIsh's group, build a stronger, more trusting tors" in the flyer were that ing at the waU, Webster said multipLe Facebook groups still community." they wanted to "break up the the goal of campus safety is to Gerl also held a meeting exist in reference to Cerl, but ,..-- -, years' -long traditional waH have the people pour their with all the chapter presidents not all of them have the inten- parties" between Blanche alcohol out and then move on, of the recognized Greek tion to provoke action. Got News? Ward and McDaniel halls, can- stopping a vio.lation of c~m- organizations on Sept. 27 to "The group I made meant cel the annual Spring FLing pus policies Wlthout needing address their specific con- absolutely nothing," said jun- Call at event, and that a point system to document scores of stu- cems. ior Erich Wolf, the creator of had been set up to award cam- dents. "Contrary to popular belief, The New Dean Must Go. "I pus safety officers and resi- To help deal with student [Dean Ger! is excited about made it as a complete joke and ext. 3001 dent assistants for document- concerns, Gerl's e-mail said Greek life and is ready to try I don't take Facebook serious-, ing students for alcohol use.
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