Page 41 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
P. 41
OCTOBER 12, 2006 - Page 6 FEATURES FEATURES OCTOBER 12, 2006 - Page 7 Non drinking games lure many McDaniel students teams and must correctly answer differ- For each good match, a player with," she said. "You pick who they few members of the wrestling team JEN HARRINGTON ent puzzles. Various categories of com- receivesa category card and must collect have a crush on, the weird kid in the joined them in their wrestling gear in STAFF WRITER petition include word scrambles, hum- a given amount of category cards in back of the class and a few hot guys on order to lose weight. It was a typical Friday night on cam- ming, sculpting out of clay, and cha- order to win. campus". "My roommate is amazing at it," said pus, and like any other weekend, rades. Some students take creative licensing Typical board games aren't the only senior VickiLevanduski, "I'm definitely Campus Safety was called into Rouzer Players are allowed to move a certain with already popular games. source of amusement on campus. still learning ... people come up to our Hall because of a noise complaint. number of spaces on the board for suc- Junior Christine Hechmer played Sophomore Jason Norton helped his floor all of the time to play." The spectacle awaiting Campus cessfully completing each challenge in a "Marry, Date, or Dump" last year with floor turn their common room into a ·A certain group on campus plays Safety last year wasn't the archetypal given amount of time, racing to reach several of her friends. This game has a mini soccer field for a few days. "Man-up" in the quad, a game that may drinking scene with beer pong and the end of the board first. die with multiple sides that read differ- "We flipped two seats over, took out involve throwing a ball or Frisbee at an drunken underclassmen, but rather an Apples to Apples is another popular ent actions (Marry, Date, Dump), careers the cushions, and used them [the seats] opposing player. Players are supposed unusually exciting game of Cranium. choice. The cards are divided between (lawyer, surgeon, pool boy), or relation- as goals. We put tape on the middle of to allow the ball to hit them, and points "We got so loud," shrugged junior the players, listing random words and ships (father, uncle, brother). the floor and on two sides for penalty are given if the.opposing player flinches. Serah Shank, "They thought we were phrases such as "Tom Cruise" or "the One player chooses three names and markers and played two on two," he One mysterious player would only drinking because we were having so. Grand Canyon." the rest of the players guess which said. "We do stupider things when comment, "The first rule about Man-up much fun." Each player takes a turn picking a cat- action, career and relationship the play- we're sober". is that you don't talk about Man-up. The For students who prefer non-drinking egory card and reads the category to the er would associate with each name. Some non-drinking games are used as second rule? You don't-talk about it." games, it seems that on the McDaniel rest of the group. The remaining players Points are given for each correct match. practice for drinking games. Members College campus, the possibilities are place down a card from .rheir hand that Hechmer and her friends altered the of the Phi Kappa Delta fraternity play endless. they feel best fits the category, and the choices by inserting McDaniel students' water pong in order to hone their skills. Cranium is a well-Liked game among player who picked the category deter- names into the game. The fourth floor of Blanche Ward these students. Players are divided into mines which card is the best fit. "First you look at who you're playing plays Dance Dance Revolution, and a Some students opt to flip cups and play beer pong face about 5 feet long and arrange 2 missed one shot during the course of the said" I tried to measure the shots of beer the table and attempt to BRIAN ENGLER whole game. by eye and 'by the end, Ihad half of a cup cup so that it lands upside a~'''''.',,-_..J.=~=.J''':'-1o=J::;i,:.I._..I.;=-~~=J.!=~ STAFF WRITER groups of 6 cups with a predetermined amount of drink, usually alcohol of some Power Hour to drink." Like 1 said, use shot glasses and stays that way. Research has Beer Pong, Brain Damage, Kings, Flip sort, in a triangle at either end of the table. This game is fairly simple, but can be please. shown that if you wet the table, the cup Cup, Beer Darts, Quarters. Many coUege Next, split into either two teams of two or very effective. You get a bunch of alcohol, Flip Cup sticks much easier. Once the cup students are familiar with drinking games, two people in individual competition. The usually beer or mixed drinks. You can try perhaps the most competitive of is flipped successfully, you go even if they don't drink themselves. teams stand at one end of the table and try with shots, but without modification of the drinking games listed here. To play, down the line until one line is Approximately'63% of incoming college to throw a ping-pong ball into any of the the game, you will die. Please don't, I split up any number of people into two done. The first side to finish freshman have participated in drinking cups on the opposite end of the table. If wouldn't want that to happen. To play, teams. The teams then get on either side of wins. Usually there are many games, according .to they get it in, the other team has to drink. pour a shot of your drink of choice. Every a table. Each person gets a cup, into which rounds to a game of flip cup and there is a There's never enough time to And though study after study warn stu- If they bounce it in, they drink two cups. If minute, on the minute, take the shot. lime they pour their drink of choice. Again, lot of yelling. dents of the dangers, drinking games pre- every on the team makes their throw, they tends to pass much quicker than you beer, mixed drinks, or the like are recom- Now that you have the basics, go and vail. Infonnal surveys of students reveal go again. The goal is to get drunk, or to get would think. You usually go through mended. Usually you want to fill the cup enjoy. Have good parties, and happy draft the five-page paper or that the following games get the most play rid of the other team's cups. Either way. about 6 beers, if that's your drink, and it's to the first little ridge, but it can change drinking. I'm gonna go and rest my liver at McDanieL Sophomore Mike Smoak told a story about not recommended to switch beers at any according to how much you want to drink. study for exams"but mention a Beer Pong/Beirut how he was beaten at beer pong by a guy point. Trust me. It's no fun. Also, try to use The first pair of competitors chug their To playBus one, get a table or solid sur- who sat in a chair the whole ~ly shot glasses. Iunior Jacob Moriar!y-Stone dr~, th~lace the cup on the edge of ---------'g'ameof Flip eop' 'or Cranium and~:'",.,~ Forget homework- fantasy football rules suddenly we have all the time in \,.. ~ .p -.. - • .,...... - - • • • - don't have time now. It's a way for us to according to the fantasy Web site. for 10 receiving yards, one point for the world ... TYLER CARR stay involved in sports," O'Toole said. When the group returned to Oakland, every reception, six points for rushing or STAFF WRITER "Also, the competitive nature of the they founded the first fantasy football receiving a touchdown, four points for a Each year, the week after Labor Day game keeps students involved. It's fun league, the Greater Oakland Professional passing touchdown, negative two points marks the official start of the NFL season. competing against people you know. Pigskin Prognosticators League (GOPP- for every interception thrown, negative But recently, it has marked the start of Not to mention there's also a chance to PL). After the 1960's, the game evolved two points for every fumble, one point something else, the start of the fantasy win a lot of money." into a recreational activity at sports bars. for an extra paint kicked and three points football season. Other creative team names of the So what is the cause of the latest fan- for a field goal. Some leagues do scoring Fantasy football is a game where play- league include "the Stump Grinders," tasy football phenomenon? purely based on yardage in a game. ers "draft" NFL players for their fantasy "RayLewis4MVP" and "Your Dum." Phe Internet. . . Fantasy football has evolved into team and earn points based on their In addition to team names and even With the expansion of the Internet m more than just a recreational sports. bar players' perfonnances in games. The team logos, the fantasy football fervor the late 1990's, fantasy football participa- game; it is now a yearly tradition like the fantasy football player with the most sometimes also includes trash talk as tion has skyrocketed into a lucrative NFL season itself .. What is your points at the end of the season wins. opponents try and psyche each other out business with many Web sites, mega- In recent years, fantasy football has before big gam~. zines, newspapers, and programs dedi- favorite childhood become the most popular fantasy sports The Alpha Sigma Phi league does a lot cated to the game. Many large Internet game in the United States and has of smack talking. It is uncensored and companies, such as AOL and Yahoo, game and why? evo,lved into a big business industry. can gets pretty brutal. On the league's have launched their own sites dedicated It is no real surprise that the fantasy Web site, one team hoped for the dis- to meeting the fantasy football demo- industry lures McDaniel students too. memberment of another team's player, graphic. Senior Pat O'Toole is just one fish that posting, "I hope Michael Strahan tears A simple Web search of the term "fan- has been hooked by the fantasy world. off Mark Brunell's left arm." tasy football" found over 73..000,000 Pat is a member of the. Alpha Sigma Phi Fantasy f~tball was originally invent- pages of results. Even the NFL itself has Football league, an elite league in which. ed in 1962 by several members of the launched its own fantasy football Web Pat has named his team "The Qakland Raiders' management and two site. Some Web sites even offer league Hooligans." sports writers from Oakland during a winners prizes such as NFL tickets and "A lot of us played football before, bu.t three week road trip to the east coast, cash winnings. Most Jeagues are known as "re-draft" leagues, where at the start of every sea- son, teams are totally re-drafted from scratch. Other leagues are known as "dynasty" FOURTH leagues, in which a team is drafted and the same team carries on for several sea- MEAL sons. Each team usually consists of a UNION GA quarterback, two running backs, two or STREET APfJ three wide receivers, one tight end, one placekicker, and one team defense. Players earn points for their team based on their performance during real "Tag ball-my family and I "My sisters and I used to pre- "Guess Who-! found it's "Memory-every Friday, my life NFL games. The common SCoring would play it, and it was tend we were orphans, the first game an adult parents would play it with me scheme is one point for 25 passing yards, fun." inspired by the Boxcar chil- can play with children. and my sister." one point for 10 rushing yards, one point dren." It's fun."
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