Page 31 - mcdanielfreepress2006-07
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INTERNATIONAL PAGE SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 - Page 13 Demonstrations a concern for citizens, not students screwed up. Not a little, a lot. has announced his decision really in those squares where Supporters of the current ESTAFANJA LARASCI-fl No European country has that he will not step down. '·1 protesters are during the government, on the other MF5SENGER ED!TOR done something as bonehead- am staying and I am doing my evenings and nights, one does hand, are of the opinion that Budapest - Demonstrations. ed as we have" (AP, Sept. job. I'm extremely committed not feel the impact of this situ- at least Gyurcsany was honest Throngs. Teargas. Violence. 18th). It is still not known who to fulfilling my program, fiscal ation. The college itself is not about it. This quote is from an The last few days here in leaked this tape to the media, adjustments and reforms," he much affected. However, just article for the International Budapest have been unset- but no investigation has chatting with locals reveals Herald Tribune by Judy tling following the leak of a been initiated to find out. the tension citizens feel- it is Dempsey, Sept. 20th: "Yes, he tape in which Hungary's ClU- Protests turned violent early part of every conversation. tied, but many other politi- rent prime minister, Ferenc Tuesday (Sept. 19), and Most people are simply cians have lied, too," said Oyurcsany, said that the gov- police fired teargas at peo- appalled that they have been Ferenc Pailik, 26, a waiter. "At ernment has been lying to the ple who tried to storm the played for fools and lied to. least Cyurcsany admitted it. people "day and night" about MTV (Hungarian National Zoltan Ludanyi, an IT stu- Now he wants to start tackling the economy in order to win TV station) building in an dent from Budapest, said, the reforms. They will not be elections. An Associated Press attempt to have their peti- "Normally I am not at all easy. Many people I know article from September 19th tion broadcast to the nation. interested in politics because have problems paying the gas read: Hungarians have been About 150 people were GOQ(;L.ElMAGI'S [think politicians here are all and electricity bills. But now protesting heavily, gathering injured, and at least two cars Rioters set fire to car on the streets of the same. But right now, Ifeel that he has admitted he has for marches and demonstra- were set on fire. Budapest. The demonstrations there have that if we let this pass with- lied, let's give him a chance. I tions. They demand the prime It turns out that the vio- become increasingly violent. out raising our voices, they voted for him. I continue to minister's resignation. lence was mostly caused by "a said. "I know it's very difficult will think they can continue support him." On the tape, a speech radical fringe of extreme right- for the people, but it's the only lying to the people. We can't Right now, people are wait- recorded last May during a ists and soccer hooligans" (AP, decision for Hungary" (IHT, let that happen. I have been ing to see what will happen, dosed session of the ruling Sept. 20), however most of the Judy Dempsey, Sept. 19). going to the protests, and I and it looks like protests will MSZP (Hungarian Socialist demonstrations and protests As a McDaniel College stu- will continue to go in the hope continue at least for the next Party), Gyurcsany used color- were peaceful. dent at the Budapest campus, that something might come of couple of days. ful language saying, "We Prime Minister Cyurcsany . Ican tell you that unless one is it." The untold tragedy of christians in northern Iraq 'around the spectacle. The offi- priest Fr. Loius Kassab inter- fears. Iraqi police forces in the area BENCEARY cers. fearing the angry mob, with the police forces "Saddam Hussein, for all with a task force of 800 local STAFF WRITER vened began shooting into the crowd on the young man's behalf. his faults, did not allow reli- Assyrians. While the Violence intensifies in wounding several civilians. However, Fr. Kassab negotia- gtous influence in the govern- Governing council in northern Iraq as Kurdish Things began to quickly grow tions were unsuccessful and ment," said Rev. Ken Joseph in Baghdad passed the proposal, forces and Iraqi police attack out of control as civil unrest the Assyrian group stormed an interview with former KDP Lieutenant Governor, Assyrian Christians in the increased. The officers called the police station, freed young Prime Minister, Ibrahim al- Khtsro Coren. continues to Nineveh plain. The Assyrian for back lip and Iraqi police Basim from the holding cell, Jaafari. prevent the legislation from Christians, Iraq's third-largest forces rushed to the scene. and took him to acquire med- Islamic extremist groups being implemented. Without ethnic group and second Several police units respond- ical attention. continue to take responsibility the implementation of a new largest minority, have lived ed but were unable to quell There is a growing concern for continued terror attacks Assyrian Police force Iraqi for decades under the perse- the violent ~wd. T~p-*- amon_g the Christia~ml-~ lhf-.a.ttack.s.... that pglice and KDP, paramilitary cution of Sacfd am" r+cssetn's occurred in the districts forces continue to carry out Baath party. With the fall of of Ba'asheeqa. In sepa- their acts of violence against Iraq's former leader three rate incidences Kurdish civilians unopposed. years ago, a new window of terrorists abducted two On July 1, 2006 KDP para- freedom opened for the Assyrian boys from military forces seized the cen- oppressed people. But that their homes then mur- tral fuel distribution center for freedom quickly vanished as a dered-the children. The the Hamdaniya District of new terror bent on driving out ..... bodies of both 15-year- Nineveh. Since then, gas sta- the Assyrian Christians took old Fadi Shamoon and tions across the Nineveh plain over where the Baathist left -Iilj 14-year-old Julian have fallen under control of off. The Kurdistan Afram Yacoub were the KDP forces. The KDP Democratic Party (KDP) para- discovered discarded forces then Siphon off large military security squads along along a roadside like portions of the gasoline to be side the local Iraqi police common garbage. sold on the black market. The swiftly moved into the Their bodies were bar- result to the local populace is Nineveh plain and began barically mutilated, high price gouging or the numerous unlaw- burned, and beheaded. restriction of much needed ful acts of violence against "Killing innocent gasoline for producing elec- unarmed Assyrian civilians. Christian children has tricity and fueling vehicles. One such attack took place become fashionable in Concern fills the minds of on June 30, 2006 in Iraq's Iraq, forcing many the Christian Assyrian com- Harndaruya District. The inci- Christians to flee their munity as they view the cur- dent began when Iraqi Police homes and villages; rent KDP and Iraqi police started waving their automat- money-less and help- push into the Nineveh plain as ic rifles, shouting racial and less," said Raise Malek- an attempt to annex their religious insults at unarmed Yonan in her testimonv region into a much larger KDP Assyrian civilians. The offi- to the u.S. Hous~ controlled area. This comes as cers continued their verbal Committee no surprise to most Assyrians attacks for some time until International Relations. as the KDP has been pushing Steven Basim, a young Attacks like these to transform northern Iraq Assyrian man, approached the have dramatically into the separate democratic officers pleading for them to increased during the government of Kurdistan ever stop their offensive banter. past months as Kurdish since the fall of Sad dam An officer responded with a forces step up their Hussein. Assyrians of the swift knock to Basim's head harassment of Assyrian Nineveh plain fear that the and the young man fell to the Christians. On August creation of an independent ground bleeding. The other Assyrian Christians protest the prejudicial treatment suffered under the Ku·rl~lE IMAGES I, 2004 the worst attack Kurdish state would mean officers then began severely on Assyrian Christians subjugation or permanent beating Basim as he laid on then grabbed Bastm and fled community that this kind of came when Islamic extremist expulsion from their ancestral the street severely injured. from the mob back to the local violence is religious in nature bombed six churches. This homelands. With no help in Several Assyrian men endeav- police station. and will only increase. was soon followed by five Sight from the central govern- ored to stop the police brutali- A group of young Assyrian Assyrians have blamed more church attacks on ment and the KDP in control ty but ended up falling victim Christians, fearing for Basim's Jihadists for inciting most of October 16, 2004. of the region, little hope to the same brutal beating. safety, planned to assault the the violent acts against the The increasing violence has remains for the still persecut- Crowds of Assyrian civil- police station and secure the Christians and the creation of prompted Assyrian authori- ed people. ians, infuriated with the offi- young man's release. This the new Islamic Republic of ties to call for a mandate that cers' actions, began to gather attempt was halted when local Iraq has only increase their would replace nonresident
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